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Marions are a species of small, dog-like mammals native to the Loonari-Verse. While they look similar to dogs and cats and exhibit similar behaviors and sounds, Marions are not directly related to either.


Marions are small, quadrupedal dog-like creatures. They have beady black eyes, long, prehensile horn-like ears that can be extended and contracted at will, small paws with no visible toes, and long tails, the tips of which are usually curled in a tight spiral. The color and patterns of a Marion's coat mostly depend on what breed it is and the environmental conditions; the default breed (also known as Everblue) typically has a light blue coat with a slight variation in shades.


Not much is known about the Marions' biology, but they exhibit dog-like behaviors and sounds, despite not being directly related to them. They are seemingly capable of human speech, but only to each other and Mari-Kun, who can communicate with them. Their "speech" is only perceived as noises similar to barking and meowing to most other creatures.

Marions are social and live in packs, but are usually docile and rarely attack unless provoked. Additionally, unlike dogs or cats, Marions are primarily herbivorous, feeding on a variety of plants, but primarily rely on legumes for food. They are intelligent enough to actively cultivate and harvest beans, and deduce and act upon the best times for foraging, growing, and collecting beans.


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