Bouncy Coil

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Bouncy Coil is a boss in the Luno-Kun series, debuting in Luno-Kun's Adventure.


Bouncy Coil is a light-skinned, toy-like character resembling a jack-in-the-box. Her main body is light-skinned, with beady blue eyes similar to Kirby's, short hair that is blonde on the front and purple in the back, and a cap with two differently colored prongs; the right side is pink with white polka-dots, and the left side is light green with green polka-dots. She wears a bright green leotard, pink tights, curved shoes, and gloved hands. Her gloves are differently colored, having an orange glove on her right hand and a red one on her left hand. Her shoes are also light blue on her right foot and blue on her left. Bouncy Coil also has blushing cheeks.

Bouncy Coil has a small metal ball on her backside that connects to a long metal coil. This coil can extend long distances and connects Bouncy Coil to a multicolored box. This box has blue ribbon-like patterns, resembling a present, and two light yellow feet on the bottom, allowing for mobility. Bouncy Coil can control this box and retract inside it to protect herself.

After her redesign in late 2022, Bouncy Coil's design is mostly unchanged. Her cap has six multicolored points, and her hair is light purple. Her box now has thin black arms and legs along with circular hands. However, in Luno-Kun's Adventure, she still uses her older design.


Bouncy Coil is jovial, carefree, and likes to have fun. Despite having a mostly happy disposition, she can get angry at times, as shown in BOSS BATTLE: Bouncy Coil and the third demo of Luno-Kun's Adventure when her HP is below 50%.[1]

Powers & Abilities

  • Jumping: Bouncy Coil is a very good jumper.
  • Summoning: Bouncy Coil can summon Jacksprings to assist her.
  • Protection: Bouncy Coil can retract her body into her box at will to protect herself.


  • Bouncy Coil may have a crush on Jack'n T. Motleybox, as the latter is shown handing a bouquet of flowers to the former in a DeviantArt post.
  • However, they are not from the same universe,