Bronze Blonde

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The Bronze Blonde is a minor character in the Loonari-Verse


The Bronze Blonde is a light-skinned superhero. Their eyes are hidden behind a gray mask with black sunglasses, although their eyes sometimes become visible through said sunglasses as white dots. They wear a black outfit with dark yellow accents in the middle, and a red "no symbol" on their chest, referencing their role as an anti-hero. They have a gray belt with a red buckle, and a dark gray cape similar to a vampire's. They also wear dark gray gloves and shoes.

The Bronze Blonde is often accompanied by their sidekick; a chibi version of themselves. The sidekick looks nearly identical to the Bronze Blonde, but it is significantly smaller and more deformed, and is usually hovering off the ground.

As of now, it is currently unknown what the Bronze Blonde's alter ego, if they have one, looks like.


Very little is known about the Bronze Blonde's personality (or their chibi sidekick's) as of now. They seem to be mostly silent, secretive, and have a strong dislike of villains.

Powers & Abilities

  • Flight: The Bronze Blonde, along with their chibi sidekick, are capable of flying.
  • Weapons: The Bronze Blonde carries all sorts of weapons and gadgets with them, although it is currently unknown where said weapons and gadgets are kept when not in use.



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