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Chandelle is the owner of Candle Manor, and a character in The Tale of Peanut. Originally from Loonastia, she was recently warped forward in time into New Vella, and is now trying to get used to modern life.


Chandelle is a tall woman made of candle wax. She wears a short, wide, dome-like hat with two protrusions on its sides that hold candles, resembling a chandelier. The hat has a small hole on top of it where Chandelle's central wick can go through. The flame on the wick goes out when she's asleep, and flares up depending on her current emotion. She has orange eyes and long, waxy hair. She wears a pendant with a flame decoration on it, and a long metal dress that completely covers her legs and feet, but exposes her hands and cleavage. Large shoulder pads and long metal sleeves also cover most of her arms, except for her hands, and her forearms have a singular, yellow zigzag pattern on them. She wears a black cape that ends with orange and yellow zigzag patterns, and dark gray metal high heels. She is often accompanied by at least one Candling.

In her "Mega" form (known as her "Giant" form in Loonastia), Chandelle becomes significantly larger and stronger. Her chandelier hat is larger and has four candle holders instead of two, and has a zigzag-like rim on it. Her sleeves become bulkier, and her dress is now wider. Her eyes also become bright yellow. There is a crack on the back of her torso, which serves as a potential weakness. She also becomes strong enough to wield her signature weapon, the Magmetal Axe.


Chandelle is a normally calm and collected woman, and she is not easily provoked. However, she often takes insults very literally, and will not be afraid to use her firepower on her offenders. She also struggles to comprehend modern technology due to being from a time where it didn't yet exist, and is unfamiliar with slang terms. In her "Mega" form, she seemingly loses all sense of reason, and becomes a mindless monster, instinctively smashing everything in her way.



  • Chandelle was not originally intended to be the main boss guarding the last shard of the Power Piece, as Loonarin-San intended for a fiery gorgon-like being to guard it instead. However, he abandoned the idea.


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