Chill Ghoul

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The Chill Ghoul is an enemy in the Luno-Kun series that first appears in Luno-Kun's Adventure.




Luno-Kun's Adventure

The Chill Ghoul only appears in the second section in Harrowing Halls, where she begins to chase Luno throughout the rooms. Much like the Seeky-Specters, she will cover her face in embarrassment if Luno looks at her, but if he looks for too long, she will begin shaking and surprise him, freezing him for a few seconds. While he's frozen, she will continue to advance towards him regardless of whether he was facing her or not, and can be slowed again once he thaws. Making contact with her will result in an immediate Game Over.

When she and Luno reach the large furnace, the Chill Ghoul will become frightened by the light and heat and disappear. She does not appear anywhere else in the game.


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