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Con-Flickta, also known as the “Goddess of Clashes”, is a minor character in the Loonari-Verse, and the right-hand woman of Axrus-San. She is an elderly-looking New World cosmic entity who represents politics, religion, and as the name implies, conflict. She is known for utilizing a particular manipulation tactic involving two extra bodies; specifically, having these bodies argue incessantly while secretly working in tandem.


To reflect her crooked nature, Con-Flickta has the appearance of an archetypical witch like the Evil Queen’s disguise from Snow White. She has two sub-bodies that she can control simultaneously - one a general, the other a priestess - and she uses this ability to create the illusion that her extra bodies have a sibling rivalry with each other, but are really one and the same.


Very little is known about this old Cosmic Entity's personality, but she has shown much joy in abusing her powers for millennia. She also adores the idea of conflict and loves to stir it up between people, groups, and entire nations to destroy them. She has also shown a high degree of intelligence and manipulation; having her extra bodies constantly bicker and fight with each other over almost anything to trick her enemies into thinking they have a sibling rivalry too deep for them to cooperate when they are in fact one and the same alongside her true form, and secretly work in tandem.



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