Gobblestop Gutter

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Gobblestop Gutter is a cave in Playfluff. It is located within Knifepoint Kitchen, and features a unique Gobblestopper.


The main gimmick of Gobblestop Gutter is that when upon entering the cave, a smaller-than-usual Gobblestopper will appear and stay close to the leaders and their active squads, but not attack any of them. It will follow the player throughout each sublevel, coming down with the player when entering a sublevel, until they leave the cave.

This Gobblestopper is unique in that instead of eating Playfolk, it will eat any small enemies it comes across throughout the entire cave. It can also be ordered to eat Playfolk by throwing them directly in front of it. It changes color depending on its mood, starting from blue, to cyan, to green, to yellow, to orange, and finally red. If the Gobblestopper eats an enemy or Playfolk, it becomes happier ans shifts closer to the blue side, but if it comes into contact with a hazard, or eats an enemy currently producing a hazard, it becomes angrier and redder. To keep the Gobblestopper content, the player must direct it towards small enemies while avoiding hazards, all while performing tasks with the Playfolk. However, during a boss fight, it will not follow the player.

Layout / Places of Interest


Enemies & Obstacles





