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In Playfluff, Playfolk can be in one of three stages of happiness: content, giddy, or excited. The happier a Playfolk is, the faster it can move and carry items, and thus the more efficient it becomes at completing tasks. A Playfolk's happiness can be identified by what's on top of its tag, and there are several ways for Playfolk to gain and lose happiness.

Playfolk do not lose happiness when stored inside a Toybox, even as days progress. When Playfolk are called out of the Toybox, the order in which they arrive depends on each one's happiness level: first ecstatic Playfolk, then giddy ones, then finally content Playfolk.



The first stage, where Playfolk have a simple paper tag on their heads. Content Playfolk at the default speed, so they aren't very efficient for carrying objects. Playfolk always start off content when created by the Toybox.


The second stage of happiness. The paper tag is replaced by a small orb dependent on the type of Playfolk. Most Playfolk will have a red orb, but some, like Mechanites, will have a yellow-colored orb. Playfolk in this stage move slightly faster than usual.


The third and final stage of happiness, where the tag now has a flat and shiny shape on it, dependent of the Playfolk's type. Many Playfolk will have hearts on their tags in this stage, but some will have stars. The color of the shape is the same as that of their orbs when giddy. Playfolk in this stage move the fastest.