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Hersaphylas is a minor character in the Loonari-Verse. He is a New World cosmic entity representing strength and masculinity.


Hersaphylas is a muscular Cosmic entity with long hair and visible abs. His outfit consists solely of a barely visible headband, a Speedo, and a pair of stylised sandals. He also has vines surrounding his wrists and ankles.


Hersaphylas generally has a relaxed and unbothered attitude with a hint of pride. He is content to lie down and relax when off duty and flex his muscles in front of beachgoers and female humanoids, especially Cosmic Entities. Despite knowing she's already married, he has a slight crush on Joviacelyn. He also enjoys lifting heavy objects to demonstrate his strength.



Hersaphylas is a combination of Heracles/Hercules, Sisyphus, and Atlas, all of which are figures in Greek mythologies. Heracles/Hercules is known for his Twelve Labors, Sisyphus eternally pushes a boulder up a mountain only for it to roll back down every time, and Atlas was condemned to hold up the world for eternity.


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