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Happy Hollidiva is a minor character in the Loonari-Verse. She is a New World cosmic entity who represents Christmas as well as shopping and the economy.




At her core, Happy Hollidiva embodies the spirit of the season, but with a twist of consumerism and capitalism. With a flair for the dramatic and a love for all things luxurious, she prances through the cosmos, spreading joy and merriment wherever she goes. Her infectious laughter echoes through the galaxies, bringing a sense of warmth and festivity to even the darkest corners of space.

Beneath her glamorous exterior lies a heart that melts for the innocence and wonder of children. Despite her materialistic tendencies, Happy Hollidiva finds solace and purpose in the joy she brings to young hearts during the holiday season. She delights in granting wishes and spreading magic, whether it be through extravagant gifts or simple acts of kindness.



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