Hopeless Wraith

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The Hopeless Wraith is a boss in Playfluff. It is a mysterious, deadly being that is created from the negative emotions of Joyless Toys who have lost every last ounce of their Joy. As a spiritual entity formed by sorrow and misery, it cannot be harmed directly by Playfolk and can kill them instantly by smothering them in its aura, but is extremely susceptible to Joy.

The Hopeless Wraith appears only once, at the midpoint of the final dungeon, from a seemingly unconscious Joyless Toy that has sunken into deep depression. Upon being carried by the Playfolk, the Joyless Toys' overwhelming negative energy begins to form a dark aura around it. Any nearby Playfolk and leaders will hurriedly back away from the Joyless Toy as parts of the Hopeless Wraith emerge from it, before the Hopeless Wraith is born and absorbs the Joyless Toy. After it is defeated, it shrieks in pain as it dissipates, leaving behind the Joyless Toy to be rescued.






  • Name: Self-explanatory.


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