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Jumpshi are small, undead creatures found in Bone Zone.


Jumpshi are small, pale-skinned, undead creatures inspired by Jiangshi. They have purple, wispy hair and beady yellow eyes. They wear purple caps with a gold rim, and a blue, wisp-like decoration on top. The cap has a talisman on it. Jumpshi also wear a purple coat with long sleeves that cover their arms. They also wear dark blue shoe-like garments, and are typically depicted with a blank expression.


Jumpshi are sensitive to light, so they are nocturnal. They move around by hopping, and can even float, but can't walk very well due to their somewhat stiff bodies. Jumpshi are known for their great jumping capabilities, being able to leap a considerable distance in the air given they can build up enough energy. Jumpshi are also known to play with children, but will slowly and unknowingly drain the life force of anyone they hang around for too long.


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