Lil' Plookie

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Playfluff Lil Plookie icon.png

Lil' Plookies are small enemies in Playfluff. They are a juvenile version of Plookars.


Lil' Plookies are a smaller version of Plookars.


Lil' Plookies are often found in groups of two to four and are rarely found asleep. They have a set territory around their spawn positions in which they patrol, occasionally looking around for Playfolk to eat. If a Lil' Plookie spots a Playfolk, it will alert nearby Plookars before chasing down the Playfolk in an attempt to eat it. Lil' Plookies can only eat one Playfolk at a time and take a while to finish chewing, so any Playfolk they catch can be saved easily.


  • Name: Lil' (shortening of little) Plookie (a combination of Plookar and the suffix -ie).


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