Lunar Void

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The Lunar Void is the main home of Loonarin-San and his fellow Cosmic Entities, and the center of the Loonari-Verse.


Deity Hub (The Home of the Deities)

Loon’s House

A humbled abode where the almighty Loonarin-San resides, providing comfort and solace to those who seek him out.

Axrus’s Stronghold

A formidable fortress where Axrus once wielded his power and planned his machinations.

Hollidiva’s Palace

A comfy palace covered in snow where Hollidiva resides when she's on break.

Lady Luck’s Casino

A bustling and lively casino where Lady Luck presides over games of chance and fortune.

Chaos Curb

Ameign-Chan's domain, where order dies and chaos thrives.

Joviacelyn and Gear Shift Residence

A cottage shared by Joviacelyn and Gear Shift, perhaps symbolizing the union of femininity and masculinity.

Pride-Beau’s Haven

A haven of color and celebration, embodying the spirit of acceptance and tolerance.

Astaroy’s Belt

A camp of loyalty and militarism, representing Sargeant Astaroy's dedication to duty.

Distraction Dragon’s Cavern

A cavern filled with humor and mischief, where Distraction Dragon delights in creating distractions and laughter.

Final Destination (Walking Disaster’s Place)

This destructive place is overseen by the Walking Disaster, where the inevitability of accidents and natural disasters is acknowledged.

Dr. Plagus’s Lab

A place of research and experimentation where Dr. Plagus studies and creates diseases and their effects.

Con-Flickta’s Crypt

A crypt where Con-Flickta schemes and strategizes, wielding power over religion and conflict.

Wish Haven

A tranquil sanctuary where wishes are judged and granted by The Wishlock and his wish fairies.

Cosmellation Nursery

A nurturing environment where young Cosmic Entities, known as Cosmellations, are cared for and nurtured.

Hersaphylas’s Gym

A macho muscle-building establishment where Hersaphylas and the other Entities stay in shape.

Old World Graveyard

A solemn resting place for the Old World entities that fell during the Cosmic Massacre, a reminder of the universe's history and to never kill one another.

Other Major Cosmic Places


A bustling town where Cosvilians live in harmony with one another and revere the main Cosmic Entities as deities.