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McBlasto the Marion is an OC created by Loonarin-San.


McBlasto is a large, blue, bipedal Marion. He wears black, triangular shades, and sometimes has a teal pompadour. He carries a large, dark gray cannon around, and he usually wears a smug expression.


McBlasto is a cocky, narcissistic Marion who takes pride in his cannon. He takes great care of his appearance to impress female Marions easier.

Powers & Abilities

  • Cannon Shooting: McBlasto has a large cannon that he can use to shoot objects, such as cannonballs or fireworks.



  • According to the DeviantArt post in which he debuted, McBlasto is intended to be a potential boss for a future game.
  • McBlasto doesn't like heatpats.
  • McBlasto has been confirmed to appear in Loonari-Verse: Cosmic Campaign as a boss.


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