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Papry is the main character of the future game Papry's Tales.


Papry is a girl with orange braids with a green bow, red shirt and black shoes. She wears a white belt called the Form Belt.


Papry was assisting with her parents on a museum there were planning to open the next week but, while they weren't watching, Prince Roy came and took one of the artifacts, Papry sees him and chases him, accidentally crashing against two of the other artifacts, one containing a fairy who would become Papry's ally and the other the mighty Form Belt. The fairy introduces herself as Halline and tells her how does her Form Belt works and thus, the adventure begins.


Papry has a set of transformations called Forms, which gives her a wide range of moves and abilities.


  • Papry's name is derived from Papri, the name of the girl from the SG-1000 game Girl's Garden.