Phone Guy

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Phone Guy is a supporting character in Five Whole Nights at Mia's. He helps inform the player on how to defend themselves from the various characters trying to kill them.


Phone Guy first appears on Night 1 to send a "pre-recorded message" to Benjamin Smith through the latter's unseen phone. He gives Ben some info on the place, explains the situation around Mia and her gang becoming evil at night, and teaches Ben how to defend himself from Hopson and Barbara. He then tells the player to fix the pipes after their shift is over.

Phone Guy continues to call Benjamin throughout his night shifts. Later in the week, specifically on the third night, he mentions that Mia was leaking a black substance from her eyes. The next night, he notes that Mia saw a gray version of herself with empty sockets, presumably Miachrome. On the fifth night, he tells the player that he has seen her again and is currently hiding from her. In a panic, he demands the player to get the truth out, before Miachrome barges in his location and attacks him, presumably killing him.


Phone Guy's appearance is not known.




Phone Calls

Uh, hello? Someone there? Well, if you're hearing this pre-recorded message, then congrats! You've been selected to be a night guard at Mia's Restaurant, a place of wonder for people of all ages! Well, at least that's what it is during the day. But, uhhh… you applied for the night shift. You see, at night, our lovely mascots, Mia and her friends, for some strange reason, seem to wander around the building at night. I don't know much about why this happens, and neither does the manager. But we did some tests on them the other day, and we also found out that the mascots turn evil at night, and will attempt to kill anyone they catch inside the building. Yeah, that's nice. So, you have your cameras, which you can use to watch the building and make sure everyone's in their proper place, and that the equipment isn't being stolen or anything. Wouldn't want that to happen. And, also, you can check the doors on your sides to see if there's anything in them. If you see someone in the doors, close the door in their face and wait for them to go away. Is there something else I'm forgetting? Oh, right! I almost forgot. The building has a limited amount of power at night, so our electrical bills don't go up. The doors use power when you close them, so only close them when you think someone is there. Got that? Alright, so, check the cameras, make sure Mia and her friends don't move, close the doors when you need to, and don't run out of power. And also, could you fix the pipes after your shift? Some of them have been leaking lately. Uh, good night, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

- Phone Guy, Night 1

Uh, hello? You made it past your first night? Well, congrats! It probably wasn't hard, I know. Uh, anyway, we noticed that Hopson, the green one, was acting weird lately. And by acting weird, I mean he would sometimes try to go backstage and turn off the generator there. Whenever he succeeded, the entire building's power supply got cut off immediately, and we had to turn the generator back on again. Stupid Hopson… So, we added a shock button to the backstage camera so you can stop him from turning off the building’s power. Now, we also started to notice some activity going on inside Captain Elder's curtains. You know, the darker-skinned one. He apparently becomes more active if his camera isn't on, so watching him should slow him down. And if he gets out, close the door he's running to as fast as you can. And then there’s Marvick, the purple one. They're a bit shy, so they might not be easy to find. Not only that, but when you close the door, they just keep knocking… so, instead, use the building's audio lure system to lure ‘em away from your office. And be aware that it only works if they're close to the room you pay audio in. Uh, I think that's all you need to know for tonight. See you tomorrow.

- Phone Guy, Night 2

Did you make it to night three? If so, that's great! Not that we'd be surprised or anything, it probably wasn't that hard. Anyway, we found some kind of black liquid leaking from Mia's eyes this morning. One of the employees tried to get a closer look and then she just… whacked on his head with her microphone. We had to put her backstage so we could look into it more. We have no idea what that substance is, but it probably isn't good. speaking of Mia, she works a bit different from the others. She's very persistent when it comes to pretty much anything, so… maybe you should keep closing the door on her until she gives up. Rob's also been acting up lately. He’s the youngest out of the whole group, and he loves getting into mischief when no one’s watching. Whatever you do, just don’t let him in, okay? Uhh, I think that’s all for tonight. Also, could you help deliver some packages? If so, then great! Anyway, good luck, and see you tomorrow.

- Phone Guy, Night 3

Hello? Are you still there? Eh, I'll assume you're doing fine. Also, it's almost the end of the week! The last guard wasn't on the job this long. So, earlier today, we had a bit of a kerfuffle with Mia. What I'm trying to say is, uhhhh, what happened again? Oh, she seemed a bit worried about something. She told us about some weird… gray version of her with black eyes and how she saw her the night before. She might've been hallucinating, so we just told her to ignore it and focus on her shows. Now her gang's worried about her too… Anyway, this morning we managed to upgrade the generator a bit, and now you have a backup supply of power in case you need some! Do be warned, though, it has a very limited amount, so use it wisely. And, again, if you see something out of the ordinary on the cameras, just keep an eye on it. (pauses for a second) Oh! I think someone's coming. I gotta hang up. See you tomorrow!

- Phone Guy, Night 4




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