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Playfolk are a race of sapient toys that inhabit the Playfluff Kingdom. They are led by Prince Plushee and appear in Playfluff.



Notable Members

Types of Playfolk



Flufflings are considered the "main" type of Playfolk, as they constitute a significant portion of the kingdom's inhabitants, though also inhabit the kingdom as wandering Playfolk. They are curious, playful, and sociable, adoring exploration and forming bonds with other creatures. They are known for their resistance to cold and aversion to water.



Mechanites are diligent, hardworking, and can operate and repair machines. They are slower than other Playfolk, but they are resistant to electricity.



Plastibots are courageous and brave, and are said to be able to lead expeditions when Prince Plushee or his generals aren't present, though this has not yet been demonstrated. They can withstand extreme temperatures, such as heat, but are slightly more fragile in combat. Flufflings and Plastibots do not like each other.



Jigsakins are known for their clever and resourceful personalities. Surprisingly, they appear to be immune to poison and can clear toxic hazards, but will die instantly if crushed by heavy objects, unlike other Playfolk, who can withstand it at least once before dying. They can also assemble themselves into various shapes and even form into bridges and paths if need be, making them useful for certain puzzles.



Melodinauts have the ability to charm other creatures with their harmonious singing. They are immune to confusion and can create gusts of wind by blowing large sound waves together, but they are more easily distracted by other sounds.



Paintequins are artistic and creative, using their paint to bring color to their world. They are able to use their paint to construct temporary bridges and stun enemies for a few seconds. However, this paint can be washed away by water, and the Paintequins themselves also drown more quickly than other Playfolk (about the same speed as Flufflings).


Cuddlekins are caring and cuddly teddy bear-like Playfolk that can provide emotional support for other Playfolk. They can give warm and comforting hugs to Playfolk to heal them slightly, but they can only be obtained through Very Beary Stations.


Submakins, being miniature submarine toys, are expert swimmers and can traverse bodies of water effortlessly. They cannot drown in water, and can save drowning Playfolk and retrieve underwater items. They will still drown in sludge, however.


Skyraphines are angel-like Playfolk with a graceful and gentle disposition. They possess the ability to fly, and can thus retrieve items from tall heights, and assist in rescuing stranded Playfolks.


Gourbblekins are chubby, chef-like Playfolk with voracious appetites. They can eat through certain objects, but can only be obtained through Gourmet Stations.


Roughplayers are muscular and burly Plastibots that wear football uniforms. They are 10 times stronger than normal Playfolk, and can lift heavy objects and break barriers, but are slower and can only be obtained through Sporty Stations.



Blokkots are rectangular, Lego-esque Jigsakins. They are resistant to being crushed, but only on soft surfaces, and can only be obtained at TBA Stations.