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Plookums is a plushie owned by Layla, and a minor character in the Loonari-Verse.


Plookums is a light-skinned plush toy with a knitted mouth and black buttons for eyes. She has blonde, fluffy hair with a blue bow, and she wears a long purple dress with short sleeves. Her dress has light blue bows, and she has purple shoes.


Since Plookums is a plushie, she initially had no personality. However, after Layla's return as a ghost, Plookums gained sentience. Plookums is mostly nice and supportive of everyone she encounters and cares deeply about those close to her but occasionally takes on a more menacing demeanor. This is most noticeable in the tupper that Loonarin-San uses for her in Discord, where most of her speech consists of trash talk. Despite this, she is still an honest, down-to-earth individual.


The Ghost/Layla

Relationship: Close Friends

Plookums, being Layla's favorite childhood toy, is a close friend of Layla.


Plookums may be a combination of plushie and Snookums.


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