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Pride-Beau is a resident of the Loonari-Verse. They were designed as a tribute to Pride Month.


Pride-Beau is a light-skinned person with bright yellow lights for eyes. They have a cloud on top of their head, and coming out of it is a six-colored rainbow-like ponytail with another cloud at the end. They wear a puffy cloud around their neck with a multicolored bowtie, as well as a sleeveless rainbow leotard. Both the leotard and ponytail resemble the Pride Month flag.

Pride-Beau's arms are long and blue, and have cloud-like hands. These arms can extend and retract at will. Pride-Beau wears two stockings colored, from top to bottom, black, brown, light blue, light pink, and white, thus making them resemble the non-rainbow part of the pride month flag. Lastly, Pride-Beau has a tail similar to their ponytail that connects to their body via a cloud for a base.


Pride-Beau is an excitable and proud individual who adores Pride Month.



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