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Pugno-Flungus, also known as the “Fearful Flyin' Fighter”, was an Old World cosmic entity that represented the flight-or-flight response. He was killed by Axrus-San during the Cosmic Massacre.


It is unknown what Pugno-Flungus looked like.


Very little is known about Pugno-Flungus' personality, but he was known for always being very animalistic, and suffered from hyper vigilance due to unknown circumstances. As a result, he was incredibly high-strung and often saw danger where there was none, mistaking anything that moved for a possible threat. He thought only of gathering food and escaping potential danger, with the only thing he found true solace in being the presence of Traquiln.



Pugno-Flungus is derived from pugna (Latin for fight) and fugo (Latin for flight). Flungus may also evoke fungus, even though Pugno usually bears no basis from fungi in his designs.


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