Scarfy Grizzles

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Scarfy Grizzles is a resident of the Loonari-Verse.


Scarfy Grizzles is a young girl who has not been colored yet. Her hair is covered by a large knit cap with ears, beady black eyes, a black nose and a mouth, resembling a bear's head. Scarfy's face is somewhat obscured by her hat and scarf, with her hair being covered completely by her hat, and her mouth is usually not visible unless it's open. She has white eyes with single eyelashes, and she wears a coat that somewhat resembles a dress. The coat's sleeves cover her arms completely, and she has pants with shoes. Scarfy's most notable feature is her scarf, which ends in two, furry, arm-like appendages with claws on them, resembling bear claws. She is able to control her scarf using psychic powers, allowing her to use the scarf as an extra pair of arms. The face on her cap can also change expression.


Scarfy Grizzles has a stereotypical playful, childish personality. She also known to get along well with bears.

Powers & Abilities

  • Psychic Powers: Scarfy has psychic powers. She mostly uses these to control her scarf.


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