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Statigears are small, robotic turtle-like enemies in Playfluff.




Statigears are almost always found traveling in groups of two to six, as they need to generate electricity between each other to defend themselves against threats. Normally, Statigears will wander around with their group aimlessly, avoiding obstacles and ignoring Playfolk and leaders, however, if a Statigear feels threatened, it will take a few seconds to build up electricity (which they accomplish by "turning their inner gears"), which will signal the nearest other Statigear. After that, the two Statigears will align themselves so that their rear ends are facing each other, then stand on their front legs and shoot out their electrified larger gears at each other, spinning them to generate an electrical current between each other. This current will electrocute most Playfolk that come into contact with it, causing them to die if they aren't called back quickly enough. Statigears cannot be frozen or flipped over while producing their current, and visibly blush in embarrassment during this time.

Statigears cannot be damaged while standing upright. They can, however, be flipped over when a Playfolk is thrown and lands directly on one's back, or when hit by a shock wave from a Roughplayer. While flipped over, their larger gear becomes exposed and can be defeated relatively quickly. Upon defeat, their large gears shatter, causing them to slowly power off before dying.


Statigear is a combination of static and gear.


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