Teen Rebel Mania

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Teen Rebel Mania is an upcoming Mario-and-Luigi-like game. It involves three teenagers traveling to defeat Sarkends, a crazed wizard from another dimension.


The story begins in Bootstilin, with a short presentation from a scientist about other dimentions. We then get to two friends from Bootstilin High whose names are Charl and Bill just hanging in the classroom, after the whole class argues, along with a bratty pop girl in class insulting Bill and Charl, Charl falling in love with a cute girl named Alice, and then meeting a bully who was about to attack them. Just when they thought the day couldn’t get any longer, a crazy chaos person attacks, which acts as the tutorial boss. A floating robot named Sat-Sar arrives to assist them. Alice is impressed by the boys’ victory, but then students and faculty alike inexplicably disappear. The principal, in a panic from hearing this and what has happened to the rest of the school, initiates a school lockdown. Charl and Bill have fight through the students - thus, the school itself is the first dungeon - to get to the principals office. Once they’re there, the boys beg to be let outside to deal with the situation themselves. The principal agrees to let them out if they beat him in battle. Doing so proves to him that they have what it takes. Holding his deal, over the PSA, the principal commands the guards to let the boys and only the boys outside early. The Camera stays at the principal as he says "Oh boy the amount of danger they will face" and then the title of the game appears (because the entire school was a whole ass prologue) and now the heroes are locked out of school.

Bootstilin is now plague with every kind of magic and completely wrecked. Sat-Sar tells the boys that the way to have answers to the situation is in the lab he came from, but his memory circuits took a beating on the way here. Which means he forgot where it is. Fortunately, a few minutes ago, Sarkends was interrogating his new prisoners (the people from school) one by one, trying to gather as much as he can about anything that could slow down his plans for evil. Alice overhears some info, takes out a pen and pencil she had hidden in her dress and hair, and draws a map from the school to the lab. She folds it into a paper plane and launches it out of her cell, where it glides over miles and reaches the boys. Sat-Sar recognizes the locations on the map. They could make it to the lab in a day if they go through the shortcut through the Garotte Coliseum just outside of town.

Some time later, the trio witness magic from several guys causing trouble, although they don't know how they got their magic. The heroes fight the guys, then ask each other what's going on, but dismiss it and continue. They reach the coliseum entrance, where a man in a robe with magic abilities reveals himself as a member of an unknown group who had a lot of its members defeated by the three heroes. Said heroes are confused about this, and while they recognize the man as their math teacher, but he denies it and battles them. He is defeated, he asks what's going on, and doesn't remember anything after someone broke into his house last night and left. The heroes ask Sat-Sar what's going on, but he doesn't have an answer; all he knows is that everyone is disappearing and being integrated into the ranks of this mysterious group. (more to be added)