The Walts

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The Walts are a group of semi-robotic entertainers in the Loonari-Verse.


All members of the Walts are robots with biological parts, harboring animatronic endoskeletons that look almost identical to a human skeleton (minus a cybernetic look) and some internal organs to boot. A common feature among the Walts are their empty eye sockets, but they have glowing white irises with black pupils that they can "turn on." Waltercise is unique in this manner in that his eyes are almost always "on," when he is active.

The Walts can perform various functions, with each member having a specific function unique to them relating to their method of entertainment; WaltoGamer64 is designed to be ambidextrous to enhance his video game skills, WaltoWing can glide with her cape, WaltoQuaver can inhale nearby sounds to amplify her own, and WalTall can extend his limbs and neck to serve as makeshift puppet strings.


Little is known about the Walts' past, though they are said to be successful results from experiments transferring human minds to robotic bodies.
