Transport Trio

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Runntop, Splashawn and Hoverie, also known as the Transport Trio, are a trio of residents in the Loonari-Verse.


Runntop is a brown top-like being. He has a brown, cylindrical head with beady black eyes and a light brown mouth. His main body is light brown on top and brown on the bottom, with a zigzag pattern separating the halves. He has light brown four bumps around his body that are able to sink into his body to reveal brown arms. He typically keeps the bumps on his front and back closed, and the bumps on his sides open. Lastly, he has a drill on his bottom that serves as his foot.

Splashawn is a cadet blue, dolphin-like creature that wears a white and red inner tube around his body. He has a light blue underside, two beady black eyes, and stubby fins.

Hoverie is a light blue, spherical being with white wings. She has baby blue eyes, blue blush, and white hands that float of her body. She also has two leaflike propellers on top of her head.


The Transport Trio's personalities are unknown.



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