We Won’t Be Happen Till We Get It

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"We Won't Be Happy Till We Get It" is a song in Paper Cast 2: Trouble in Toyland!, sung by Queen Hecate, Barnaby and Gonzorgo. They each sing about their respective motivations for their villainy in the game.


Hecate: I have hatred in my hearts, and eyes full of spite

For those holes they call my family shan’t let me in their sight.

Now, the thought of my revenge has a very strong appeal

So every wrong they’ve ever done, I’ll make them all repeal

And I won’t be happy ’till I get it!

To the village, poor Tom will have resigned.

They won’t have a hint, that behind establishment,

Their greatest treasures are mine, all mine! (villainess laugh)

Gonzorgo: We enjoy committing mayhem for a monetary gain

And we specialize in crimes that are completely inhumane

Now we’re on our way to steal a groom and drown a prince at sea

And then directly, we’ll collect a very handsome fee

And we won’t be happy ’till we get it!

In some lagoon, a body will soon splash

We’re eager to proceed with these few dirty deeds

Just as long as we are paid in cash!

Barnaby: With a heart as black as coal, and a mind that's cruel and sly,

I'll wed Mary for her wealth, her beauty, and her sigh.

Her fortune will be mine, and her body at my side,

And in my tower, my true power never will be denied

And I won't be happy 'til I get it!

At the altar, sweet Mary will be mine,

I'll sweep her off her feet, with promises so sweet,

In my grasp, her riches will shine! (villainous laugh)

Hecate, Gonzorgo, and Barnaby: We’re an awful, gruesome foursome, and we’re rotten to the core

Of the jobs we pull, you’ll see some that'll make you hate us more

Whether larceny or murder, makes no difference what the crime

We’ll forge a check or cut your neck if we can make a dime

And we won’t be happy ’til we get it!

Oh, what a shame, they’ll hate our name abound

But what are we to do? Unhappily, it’s true

We’ll take anything that’s not nailed down!

And we won’t be happy ’til we geeet it!