Wish Energy

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Wish Energy is a special type of energy in the Loonari-Verse accumulated inside humans through fervent hopes and dreams. It is a major driving force in the Loonari-Verse series.


Effect on Characters

When a certain threshold of Wish Energy is accumulated inside a character, that character will gain Wish Powers, often based on their interests, and their designs will change to match. Wish Energy can also be extracted from a character, and will not affect said character negatively whether or not they have Wish Powers.

Effect on Animals and Objects

Wish Energy has the ability to give anthropomorphic qualities to animals, plants, and objects it is exposed to, but said animals and objects are usually unable to build up Wish Energy on their own.

Threshold needed to acquire Wish Powers

It is unknown how much Wish Energy is required to gain Wish Powers, but it is known that some people are inherently better at accumulating it than others. The threshold appears to be quite high, since many people are usually unable to reach it on their own. For some reason, Wish Energy cannot accumulate inside of elderly people. Wish Energy is also at its strongest when the user is pure-hearted, so while wishes with ill intent can come true, it's rarely to the degree that any evildoers hope it is.

Passing on Wish Energy

In a given pair of parents, if at least one parent has Wish Energy, he/she can pass it on to any children they might have. It's not guaranteed that the child will already be born with Wish Energy inside of them, but if both parents have Wish Powers, the child is guaranteed to be born with small traces of Wish Powers as well. These Wish Powers will slowly develop as the child grows, and the child can even develop separate Wish Powers over time, causing the Wish Powers they were born with to enter a dormant state.