Timeline of the Loonari-Verse

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Below is a timeline of the events that occurred within the canon Loonari-Verse.



Cosmic Massacre


Being the pessimist he was, Loonarin-San always felt lonely despite being surrounded and married. So, he created a special gift for special beings, born in his friends' images; fair and strong, aware and passionate. He called this creation "sapience." And mankind was good, as were all sapient races. But one god had none of it, seeing sapience as merely a devastating magnifier of beastly instinct. This was Axrus-San, the God of War. He poisoned mankind's hearts with jealousy, selfishness and suspicion, and war ravaged the planet.

Axrus’s Genocide

Axrus-San would kick off the massacre after his ideals of sapience extinction met resistance from his fellow entities. Enraged, he retaliated against eight of the Old-World gods—Pugno-Flungus, Traquiln, Ignitio, Glaciaqua, Gastrologust, Raikoul, Arboria and Cragmire—and while they were able to make a decent stand against him, he would siphon some of their strength as they fought, allowing him to kill the off and steal the rest of their power. Knowing he was unable to overpower Loonarin and Solari, he would then go on to attack the Cosvilian civilization, believing they were on Loonarin's side as well (he was right). Unlike the greater gods, they stood no chance, and resorted to hiding all of their children in a large, secret space so he would not kill them as well.

Black Feast

The Black Feast was the second part of the massacre, taking place during Axrus’s genocide. Lady Pinprick was one of the many Mini-Nebulas and planyploids carefully stored in the secret space, scared and hungry after being starved and abused by her parents for nearly a year as punishment for devouring the main course of a festival. She actively distanced herself from the other children, believing that they were spiteful over her incident and wanted her dead. Thus, it would come as a shock to her when one outgoing planyploid fed her the remains of a recently-deceased Mini-Nebula. She found the meal delicious and would occasionally work together alongside the eldest planyploids in their quest for food to provide for as many children as possible, but would spend the next few weeks of her life picking away the corpses of unlucky children that either ran out of mass or were caught in Axrus’s crossfire. She would then learn how to blow up a Mini-Nebula and graduate to kidnapping live children while they slept and devouring them, sometimes alive. And just like that, the feast was underway…

Pinprick, much like Axrus, absorbed minute amounts of power and knowledge from her kills, but continued her carnage in secret by separating groups of children from the main group to pick off, all the while lulling her colleagues into a false sense of security, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Eventually, when there were only a few adult cosmic entities left alive alongside Loonarin and his wife, Pinprick began to actively pursue her comrades and became less of a “person” and more of a monster, especially in appearance. She hunted the terrified children mercilessly for several days, eating all in sight and simply breaking through any hiding spots. Once every other child had been eaten, Lady Pinprick molded herself into a large, cocoon-like growth in the spacious cranny, from which she’d emerge as an inky, oily, serpentine creature to find more to consume.


After Axrus and Pinprick finished their carnages, Loonarin and Solari were left to tackle the former, as Pinprick had already slipped away from her cocoon. They fought fiercely against the brutish god of war, only for him to strike a critical blow on Loonarin's forehead. Solari, standing up for her husband, used her remaining solar power to shoot a solar beam at Axrus, strong enough to greatly weaken him and force him to retreat. Solari, however, had been reduced to a husk of her former self in critical need of recharging, and the sun wouldn’t shine for weeks afterward. Loonarin, despite knowing his precious universe and the sapient races in it were safe, had a feeling that Axrus would return one day to finish what he had started, and accomplish that goal with an endless war to destroy mankind for good. Thus, Loonarin-San would craft a gift that enabled mortals to best a cosmic entity in combat, and would eventually gave it to a pure-hearted human.

After Solari-Chan recovered, Loonarin-San would create new gods—known as the New World Cosmic entities—over the millennia to hold dominion over specific aspects of civilization as it evolved, such as culture, traditions, and holidays. Loonarin would also create a special Cosvilian breeding program involving the last few survivors of Axrus’s genocide so that the Cosvilians could repopulate. These survivors would be provided food as fuel for Starmbyro production, which increased much more dramatically than the moon god anticipated, thanks to the survivors' will to do anything for him. The program lasted just long enough to bring the population to reasonable numbers, and Loonarin built a burial site for the remains of the Old World entities that Axrus took. Thus, the pantheon would be at peace for a long time.



A few of the characters from Loonastia have been mysteriously warped forward in time to New Vella, and are now trying to adapt to city life.



It is not yet known who founded New Vella, or when.

Charisma Cap

Loona-High is the city's local high school, which Placida goes to. One day, she meets Cappy there, and is initially flustered, but she gradually grows closer to him and even starts dating him.

Enigma Arc (Future)