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Placida is a recurring character in the Loonari-Verse, and of the main two protagonists of Charisma Cap. She is currently dating Cappy.


Placida is a light-skinned, young girl with beady black eyes. She wears a long-sleeved, blue school uniform, with a red tie, a short skirt with light blue extremities, white socks, and red shoes.


Placida is a shy, paranoid girl who worries a lot. During her first time meeting Cappy, whom she has a crush on, she became flustered to the point where she could barely speak, instead stuttering constantly. However, over time, she started to overcome her shyness around him. As of Charisma Cap, she and Cappy are currently dating.

Powers & Abilities

  • Placida Aura: Placida has the ability to emanate an aura that pacifies those caught in it.


  • Shyness: Placida is incredibly shy and easily scared.
  • Weakness: Placida is not very physically strong, and as a result could easily lose in a fistfight.


Placida is derived from placid.