Charisma Cap

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Charisma Cap is a story arc in the Loonari-Verse made by Loonarin-Sanchez Productions. It stars Placida and Cappy.


A girl with unnaturally soothing charisma and a boy with an assortment of colorful caps meet together at school. Things start wonky at first, but soon the two fall in love and learn to work together despite their differences.


In Loona-High, Placida and Cappy bump into each other for the first time. Placida, being a shy and nervous girl, sees something cute in Cappy. Something perhaps too cute, as she is too flustered to speak properly, only stutter.

Over time, Placida and Cappy get to know each other, and Placida tells Cappy that he is cute. A week after this, they go for a walk downtown to Cappy's home. After arriving there, Cappy introduces Placida to his parents and asks them if they can play Let's Go, Archie! together, to which his parents say yes. The day afterwards, Placida introduces Cappy to her parents, and while Forcasta is thrilled to see Cappy, Ulysses feels mistrustful towards him.

Placida and Cappy do various things together, such as going to the beach, and meeting Rando Minn, who asks for a nickel to "help the economy" (it is unknown what Placida and Cappy do about this).

At school, Brickson, a bully, picks on Placida for fun, only to be given an uppercut by Cappy using his Fighting Cap. Placida remarks that Cappy, despite his heroic act, could get suspended for hurting another student, but Cappy shrugs it off. Then, the speakers tell Placida and Cappy to go up to Principal Shade's office. There, Principal Shade forces Brickson to apologize.

Afterwards, Placida and Cappy notice Rando Minn dumping Rando Serum into a water source. He tells them she's helping the economy, but they are suspicious of his motives. Rando nervously denies this and shoos them away as she dumps several fish into the water. Placida and Cappy are then attacked by several Walking Fish (who had apparently been mutated by the Rando Serum), forcing Cappy to defeat them.

Some time later, Rando sets up a company in New Vella, and makes a live announcement on the news with Forcasta. Placida and Cappy immediately go there, and confront Rando Minn on the final floor. He announces that since the city doesn't appreciate their level of weirdness, she created the Rando Serum to recreate the entire world in his image. He then dumps a bunch of his own Rando Serum onto themselves, causing her to transform into a horrifying creature.

Cappy puts on his Fighting Cap and manages to hold off Rando for a little bit, but is quickly overwhelmed as Rando prepares to finish off Placida. Luckily, Placida manages to tap further into her powers and "soldifies" her aura into a makeshift telekinetic force that she uses to slam Rando into the walls, and then into their large vat of Rando Serum, breaking the glass and leaving behind a huge mess. Cappy is amazed by this, although the same cannot be said for Rando, who then prepares presumably to beat the two up, before being put to sleep by Placida's aura before Rando can do so.

Several hours later, Rando is being arrested by the city's police force, and Placida congratules Cappy briefly before kissing him. The two then leap backward out of embarrassment, ending the story.



Supporting Characters


Minor characters


  • Charisma Cap is, according to Loonarin-San, his first "real" attempt at character development.
  • Before Charisma Cap, Loonarin-San posted four drawings to DeviantArt in 2023 featuring Placida and Cappy together.
    • These drawings became canon to Charisma Cap shortly after it was announced, with the first one becoming the beginning of the arc.


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