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Bullaboil is a member of the Chaos Children.


Bullaboil is a mermaid-like characer. She has two different forms depending on the situation. When in the water, she is in her Swimming Form, and on land, she can enter her Walking Form.

Generally, Bullaboil has a humanoid upper body. She has long, wavy hair, menacing eyes, and some coral on her head. Her mouth is full of sharp teeth and can be unhinged similar to a snake's. She has a tattered collar on her neck, and a short sleeved shirt with ruffled extremities.

Her lower half varies depending on her current form. In her Swimming Form, she has a fishlike tail for a lower half, similar to a mermaid. Her tail is covered in bruises and has barnacles near the end. In her Walking Form, her lower half is that of a human's. She wears a bikini, and sandals. She also keeps her tail, but it's noticeably smaller than her Swimming Form's.


Bullaboil has a large appetite, not unlike Rubelly's, but she is more content with relaxing in the water. She's apparently not used to walking, as she often has an embarassed expression when in her Walking Form, and frequently stumbles on land. Due to this and the fact that it takes a lot of energy for her to transform into her Walking Form in the first place, she prefers to use more creative ways of moving on land, such as leaping from the water.