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Col-Noggins are enemies in Playfluff. They are found within cold environments, and like other members of the Decapalift family, they use their heads to attack.




Col-Noggins sit in place on predetermined spots and do not move from them. When idle, they often look around and calmly admire the scenery around them until confronted by Prince Plushee (they won't mind the presence of Playfolk as long as they don't attack first), at which point they will lift their snowball heads off their bodies turn towards Prince Plushee if he is nearby (or towards the nearest Playfolk that attacked them.), and throw said heads. The snowball head functions like a boulder but cannot crush Playfolk, instead picking them up and trapping them until it crashes into something, even other snowballs. Leaders can also be picked up. Skyraphines, however, cannot be picked up and are only knocked back. The snowball heads, much like boulders, will either go in a set path or straight forward, depending on what part of the map they're in, and how far away the player is. After Col-Noggins have thrown their head, they will take a few seconds to roll themselves another one before putting it on, leaving themselves open to being swarmed.

Col-Noggins are normally immune to damage due to the thick, snowy padding covering their bodies. This protective coating freezes any Playfolk that touches it, meaning most types cannot remove it on their own. However, it can be instantly melted off by a fire starter held by a Plastibot, or slowly broken over time by Flufflings, as they are immune to being frozen. When the coating is lost, the Col-Noggins' true form is revealed, prompting them to clumsily flee from Prince Plushee. In this state, Col-Noggins can only be damaged by Blokkits, as their icy bodies cannot be penetrated by normal attacks.


Col-Noggin is a combination of cold and noggin.


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