Doughy Pinroller

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The Doughy Pinroller is a mini-boss that appears in Playfluff. She is a large Doughkin inhabiting a rolling pin.




The Doughy Pinroller is the boss of the Baker's Pit, at the edge of a circular arena made of kneaded dough. The arena has an elevated spot in the center where the player can't reach. She is initially seen sleeping and must be woken up before fighting. When attacked, she shakes off any attacking Playfolk, and tucks in the rolling pin's protrusions and her head while enlarging her rolling pin to cover the "width" of the arena's space, before rolling around clockwise or counterclockwise (depending on where her aggressors are) to crush her aggressors. She does not turn while rolling but forces the player to run away from her due to the arena's elevated center. After moving for some time, she will stop until attacked again. Her head is her only weak point, as her rolling pin is immune to damage.

Upon losing half of her health, the Pinroller will become slightly angrier and begin continuously popping out Dougbies from her sides when idle for the rest of the fight. Other than this, her attack pattern remains largely the same, but she rolls slightly faster and longer than before to cover more ground. She may also rarely trick the player by briefly rolling backwards before correcting her trajectory, giving the Prince Plushee and his squad a chance to gain more distance.

When the Doughy Pinroller is defeated, she will writhe in pain as her rolling pin hardens, before dying.

Doughy returns as one of the many mid-bosses in Promotion Plaza, where she had been rebuilt and "promoted" by the Toymaker following her initial defeat, and must be rematched to progress.




Doughy Pinroller is derived from dough, rolling pin, and roller.


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