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Dronsport are one-eyed drones that appear as enemies in Playfluff and serve as Toytown Co.'s primary security detail. While they are uncommon early-game, they appear more prominently in Clockwork Canyon and Toytown Co. and even more so in Sneaking through Security, where they are the main enemy. They come in three varieties: Casual Mode, Security Mode, and Heavy-Duty Mode; all of which are classified separately by the Toytown Catalog.




Casual Mode

Casual Mode Dronsports fly in a set patrol path, frequently stopping to scan their surroundings for intruders. Upon spotting Playfolk, it will alert any enemies nearby before swooping down to pick up the Playfolk, carrying a maximum of two at a time. After carrying Playfolk for a few seconds, it will drop them to the ground, leaving them stunned briefly. If they see Prince Plushee, it will still alert nearby enemies, but cannot pick Prince Plushee up.

Security Mode

Security Dronsports have more prominent searchlights and behave differently from Casual ones—they still patrol a set path but do not pick up Playfolk—instead, they will keep their alarms on until they are attacked. If these Dronsports are allowed to keep their alarms on for too long, or if too many are alerted, they will summon the Depress'd Horde, which, if it reaches Prince Plushee, will instantly KO him and reduce his squad to a third of its current capacity, leaving a minimum of one Playfolk left. Security Dronsports only appear in Sneaking through Security, and can only alert the Depress'd Horde.

Heavy-Duty Mode

Heavy-Duty Dronsports are a larger and stronger variant of Dronsports. They have more health and can see farther away. Although they move slightly slower than their Casual counterparts, Heavy-Duty Dronsports can support heavier objects, including Prince Plushee—in fact, they will prioritize him over the Playfolk. They cannot alert other enemies, but if they successfully grab him, they will fly over to more dangerous enemies and drop him near them.

Toytown Catalog Notes

Casual Mode

Prince Plushee's Notes


Security Mode

Prince Plushee's Notes


Heavy-Duty Mode

Prince Plushee's Notes



Dronsport comes from drone and transport.


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