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Geminuppet is a minor antagonist in the Loonari-Verse, and a member of the Chaos Children.


Geminuppet is a large, humanoid creature made of a black substance, presumably its own blood. It has short, gray hair and horns coming out of its head. Its black face is covered by a white mask with two large eyeholes, and a gaping mouth hole. The mask has two faceplates, which can be opened to reveal Geminuppet's face. Its glowing white eyes and mouth are sometimes visible behind its mask. It wears a light blue bowtie, a white shirt with four short sleeves to accommodate its four black arms. It has two blue and white gloves, and two pink and white gloves. On its upper pair of arms, it has one blue glove on its right arm, and a pink glove on its left arm. The inverse is true for its lower pair. Geminuppet wears a light blue dress with gray jeans, a dark red devil tail, a brown shoe on its right foot, and a red high-heeled shoes on its left foot. It has stains of its black substance all over its body, except for its gloves. Much of its body is stained by its substance.

Eddy and Emma take the appearance of small, light-skinned dolls, with disproportionately large heads, beady black eyes, and minimalistic hands and feet. Eddy has brown hair and wears a light blue shirt with a white collar. He also wears blue pants and brown shoes. Emma has brown hair and wears a pink and red dress with a white collar, and she also wears brown shoes. Eddy and Emma usually float from Geminuppet's body or stand on its upper gloves.

Following their 2024 redesign, Geminuppet’s face gains a melted appearance when its faceplates are open. Whenever its face is exposed, multiple glowing white eyes and a set of at least 9 sharp teeth are visible, and it has a central eye visible as a bright red light when it is agitated or attacking something—unlike the other eyes and teeth, this can be seen even when the creature’s faceplates are closed. Its horns are longer, with its left horn being partially broken off. Its gloves are missing, revealing large hands with sharp fingers, and its boot and high-heeled shoe are slightly tattered as well, along with its clothing. The tail is thinner and more whiplike, which enables it to stab victims from behind.


Eddy and Emma share a playful nature, as they love to play tag. They also love eating pizza and enjoy the taste of pepperoni in particular.

Geminuppet does not appear to have feelings of its own, and is highly animalistic. However, it is somewhat intelligence, stalking prey from a safe distance and even deciding to retreat if needed. It is fiercely protective of Eddy and Emma and carries them on itself at all times, only letting them go when they say so or when it believes it is safe to do so.

Novella Research Notes

Name: Geminuppet

Subject Code: 001

Original Age: 7

Original Nickname: Eddy and Emma

Height: 7'3" (Geminuppet), 1'02" (Eddy and Emma)

Weight: 135.7 lbs. (Geminuppet), 16.2 lbs. (Eddy and Emma)

Personality Traits: None (Geminuppet), Cheerful and Bubbly (Eddy and Emma)

Danger Level: 7 (Geminuppet), 1 (Eddy and Emma)

"The Chaos Children are a group of 12 strange creatures. They all often talk about experiences they had when they were alive, and how they were killed in an incident involving a mysterious man. They moved on to the afterlife, but their souls were recently "called down from heaven" by a currently unnamed ghost, who met a similar fate a few years earlier than the Chaos Children. From what we can tell, the ghost summoned them into a place called the 'Chaos Purgatory', where they were each given new bodies based on their interests. The Chaos Children have now somehow found their way back into the mortal realm, and are currently hiding from the authorities for obvious reasons.

The big one, strangely, does not seem to have a mind of its own, instead instinctively roaming the facility and attacking anyone who attempts to harm it or Eddy and Emma, the two smaller beings it carries around. Eddy and Emma call this large creature "Geminuppet," and, of course, we also did the same. Geminuppet contains a strange, black substance, which comprises its face. This substance leaks out when it opens its mask faceplates, and glowing white eyes and mouth are occasionally visible behind its mask. During testing, Geminuppet was shown to have incredibly good vision and hearing, even though its eyes are typically hidden by its substance. It also has decent speed and can climb on walls and ceilings, and even twist its head around to get a good look at its surroundings.

Eddy and Emma (who are siblings) have a tendency to engage in fun games with each other, such as playing tag or hide and seek, in the facility. Geminuppet follows Eddy and Emma wherever they go, and picks them back up when they're tired. Eddy and Emma are often found on Geminuppet's upper gloves when they're not playing with each other, and sometimes float around it. They have also been known to occasionally get into arguments with each other, especially about which one of them gets to control Geminuppet (only one sibling can control Geminuppet at a time), but they are always resolved quickly. Since Eddy and Emma both have minds of their own, unlike Geminuppet, we believe that they may be the true forms of Geminuppet. Eddy and Emma also enjoy eating pizza.

This subject was first found within the facility playing with Eddy and Emma. When we approached them, the little ones got scared and hid behind Geminuppet, who tried to protect them. After showing them that we meant no harm, they quickly calmed down and allowed us to research them. Research has gone well so far, with very few issues. We can conclude that testing is nearly complete on Geminuppet, and we will soon be ready to begin research on the others."

- Novella Research Foundation Log - Subject 001