Handhat Kingdom

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The Handhat Kingdom is a kingdom ruled by Handy Hatterson. It is also the main kingdom of the Attire Empire.

Places of Interest

Handhat Mansion

The castle of the Handhat Kingdom. It is located in the far north section of the Handhat Kingdom, and is the home of Handy Hatterson and his heirs.

Central Handhat Town

The central point of the Handhat Kingdom. It is a large village inhabited by Hatmen.

Fancy Forest

A dense forest in the Handhat Kingdom, and the first world of Luno-Kun's Adventure. It is inhabited by creatures like small woodland animals, and is a frequent hangout spot for Hatter Wolf.

The Desert Mines

A vast desert with an abandoned mine, and the second of world of Luno-Kun's Adventure.

Tontoy Playroom

A land of giant living toys and the third world of Luno-Kun's Adventure.

Isometric Isles

An archipelago of islands in geometric shapes and the fourth world of Luno-Kun's Adventure.

Haunted Tundra

A chilly wasteland inhabited by frightening sprites and the fifth world of Luno-Kun's Adventure.

Paradon Park

A fairground whose attractions are less than fair and the sixth world of Luno-Kun's Adventure.

Sky-High Tower

A tower reaching far into the clouds and the seventh world of Luno-Kun's Adventure.