Handy Hatterson

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Handy Hatterson, more commonly referred to by his subjects as "Lord Handy" or "Master Handy," is the main antagonist of the Luno-Kun series. He rules the Attire Empire and is the leader of the Handhat Gang. He debuts in Luno-Kun's Adventure.


Male Form

Handy Hatterson's male form wears a dark gray tailcoat, a blue bowtie, and a gray, blue-banded top hat. His hair is short and purple. His tuxedo has two lapels on each side of his coat. He wears a light blue waistcoat with buttons in his tailcoat and white pants. He also wears a white shirt underneath his waistcoat. His coat's cuffs are gray. He wears black leather shoes, and he also wears white gloves. The insides of the coat's tails are blue. Handy's eyes have black sclerae and pupils, with white irises that glisten, and he also wears a blue cape. His overall appearance is reminiscent of a gentleman, and he has an extendable, second set of gloved arms on his back.

Female Form

For an unknown reason, Handy can also change into a female character. In this form, her appearance is mostly unchanged. However, she is different from her male form as well. She has a curvaceous build, her hair is a lighter purple, and her back hair is longer. Her chest is much larger and she wears a blue bodysuit, and her waistcoat is smaller. Her pants have been replaced by brown tights. She also gains eyelashes.

For both forms of Handy, if they are enraged, their eyes become bright yellow and start glowing. They can also change the color of their eyes at all.


Handy's personality is akin to that of a gentleman. He is very kind to others and seems to like being patient. Despite his gentle attitude, he still has his limit; Handy is always trying to keep calm, and when he gets angry, he can go crazy. He greatly despises Luno, as he constantly thwarts his plans. On the other hand, he has a villainous crush on Princess Sunny and possibly wants to marry her. While Handy is a placid person who isn't easily angered, Handy gets upset quickly when being exposed to nonsensical situations, or when someone does the opposite of what he told them or fails. If he reaches his absolute limit, his psychic powers go into overdrive and may even cause permanent damage.

While in female form, Handy becomes extra prone to anger and hates being looked at or touched in certain places. She becomes more assertive and takes longer to show her soft side.

Powers & Abilities

  • Transformation: Handy can switch between his male and female forms by emitting a puff of smoke from his body. This smoke quickly dissipates.
  • Speaking while ingesting: Handy is capable of speaking fluently while eating or drinking.
  • Psychic powers: Handy has immense psychic abilities that he gained from birth. These powers also make him capable of the following:
    • Levitation
    • Materialization
    • Teleportation (himself and others)
    • Telepathy
    • Telekinesis
    • Extrasensory perception
    • Prediction of the Future
  • Magician: Handy Hatterson is part magician, so he can perform almost any magic trick possible.


  • Handy is ambidextrous, meaning he can use both hands equally well.
    • He is also the first character in the Loonari-Verse to be ambidextrous.
  • Despite having both a male and a female form, Handy Hatterson is considered a male individual because he was born that way.