Loon Tunes

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Loon Tunes is a My Singing Monsters-inspired future game made by Loonarin-Sanchez Productions.

The planet Vocora was once without music, only noise. A robot named Dishum was created to be a waiter and a dishwasher, and he was pretty good at both. Maybe he broke a dish or tasted some stuff without the chefs knowing, he doesn't know why they did it, but they grounded him. It was likely the dish, because the sound that it made drove inspiration through his mainframe. He redesigned himself to be a small drummer and ran away from the restaurant. He also made some friends in the form of musical rejects. They began calling themselves the Moonsicals. Ever since then, it's become their mission to bring music to their planet, and to the Loonari-Verse.

The first location on their tour was the Groovy Grassland. There, they begin making music, which attracts several other characters wanting to check out what's going on. These other characters, having musical talents of their own and being asked to help out, join the initial Moonsicals and spread their song even further. They then move to Droning Desert, which some of them are nervous about, but Dishum isn't bothered.

As they continue making music in the desert and recruit some of its inhabitants, a Listener Moonsical named Siblow shows up and wishes to hear their song. He then initiates a minigame. Regardless of whether or not you win or lose, he says that the Moonsicals have promising talent and joins them.

The Moonsicals's journey also brings them to Calming Cove (with Bongopus being reminded of his original home), and find a large mermaid, singing an almost hypnotic song. Dishum approaches, complimenting her musical talent before asking her if she wishes to join the rest of his squad. Bullaboil looks at him and turns away with hesitance, believing that nothing could possibly surpass her musical talent, not even them. Dishum takes this as a challenge, prompting another Listener minigame. The Moonsicals triumph again, causing Bullaboil to reluctantly join.


Loon Tunes functions much like My Singing Monsters, but instead of obtaining characters by breeding, the player can recruit them via gacha by sending out recruitment letters, or by purchasing them. All characters generally have equal chances of being pulled this way, but Moonsicals that have already been obtained are less likely to appear via gacha. (more to be added)


Special Moonsicals called Listeners will show up every so often in specific locations. Once they appear, they can be clicked on to initiate a rhythm minigame, in which several Moonsicals need to play to the beat of a song. The goal is to time your playing wisely, and to miss as few notes as possible. If you win, the Listener is automatically recruited. If not, they won't appear again for a while.


In each of these islands is a different array of creatures, and thus a differently themed song.