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Mia is the titular antagonist of Five Whole Nights at Mia's, and is the leader of her eponymous gang.


Mia is a light-skinned humanoid character with short, blue hair and beady black eyes. She has a black top hat with a blue band and has blushed cheeks. She wears a light blue bowtie, a dark blue coat with a pink undershirt, white gloves, a gray dress, and pink shoes.


Mia is charming and charismatic. She has a passion for entertaining children and adults alike and often does so with her gang.


Five Whole Nights at Mia's

Normal Nights

Mia first becomes active on Night 3. She starts on CAM 1 and will leave it into CAM 2, smiling at the camera with her signature microphone in hand. She then heads to in CAM 9, appearing close to the camera and staring at the player angrily, then CAM 4, peeking sinisterly from behind a corner. She moves slower when the monitor is up, and will stop completely if watched. She will eventually reach the window, starting her attack phase with a distinct stinger noise.

In her attack phase, Mia will stay in the window, staring at the player with another sinister expression, and rushing to either door every few seconds. The player will have a brief window of time to close the door she's running to; if the door isn't closed in time, she will enter and jumpscare the player almost immediately, resulting in a Game Over. She will attack multiple times during her attack phases and occasionally try to trick the player by skidding to a stop just before she gets to one door, and either running back to the center or rushing to the opposite door. If all of her attacks are blocked, she will duck down and return to CAM 1, restarting her cycle.



  • Mia is one of three characters in the game that can be slowed down by watching them on the cameras, the others being Captain Elder and Rob.
    • However, unlike them, Mia can also be slowed down by having the monitor up in general, whereas you need to look at Captain Elder and Rob to slow their progress.


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