Paper Zalerus: Symphony of Destiny

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Paper Zalerus: Symphony of Destiny is the prequel to Paper Cast. In this entry, players will learn where the blue hero got his heroism from.


This time, we go back 25 years, and the protagonist this time is Zalerus, Cast’s once reluctant, selfish, and unmotivated uncle. Zalerus is the forgotten child of the well-off Sanchez family, cut off from the fortune, overshadowed by his successful, happy, and just-wed sister, Casolie. He has never done anything by himself, and although he can’t bear to show it, it’s eaten away at his soul as he lives an existence void of any purpose, meaning, or even contentment.

One day, in Eldoria, the Comet Kingdom, the royal astronomers discover that a meteoroid is headed straight for Papearth, causing kingdom-wide panic. King Soidal and Queen Maren are among the most distressed, as they cannot keep their people calm and their precious daughter is nowhere to be found in the chaos. The Chancellor, Malachi Thorn, sends Barley, a humble farmer fairy who is an old friend of the queen, to seek a hero of pure heart to undertake a perilous quest to save the kingdom and the world from annihilation. Unfortunately, all the people who are pure and whole, Casolie may included, were too afraid of the task because they all had things to lose. Unable to go back empty-handed, Barley chooses Zal. Despite his initial skepticism, Zalerus reluctantly agrees to embark on the quest, realizing that he may be the planet’s only hope.

Prologue: A Doubtful Overture

Zalerus takes a royal boat to Celestria Harbor, the bustling coastal town where both the royal family resides and the quest will begin. Along the way, he reflects on his empty past, ultimately uncertain of his ability to rise to the challenge ahead, while a confident Barley comforts him. Upon arrival, the celestial architecture of the port dazzled Zal. Barley, once a well-treated fae, is met with disdain and beratement from the townsfolk, who can't believe that a lazy, aimless slacker like Zalerus could be their savior, and both men escape a furious mob. The royal couple, however, treats Zalerus with respect and gratitude, recognizing his bravery in accepting the quest.

Before all else, they make rather clumsy preparations. They fit him in wooden knight armor, give him an automatic Swiss Army knife that never produces what is needed, then bring him to a quick intro to combat with Sergeant Ceph, an anthro squid militant who’s more interested in beating people up than actually training them. The King and Queen excuse themselves (they hoped they’d never be at war) and explain the dire situation - plus the suspicious appearance of music-related monsters across the kingdom - and the nature of the quest: to bring back together the members of Meteor Meltdown, an ancient, arcane band and their elemental Celestial Instruments, so they will create a celestial barrier that will protect the world from the meteoroid threat. It’s the only solution they can think of. Malachi calculates that the meteoroid will strike Celestria Harbor in exactly 120 hours. Zalerus finds it suspicious that he could know the exact countdown, but the quest must come first.

The King and Queen have no idea what happened to the ancient band, but they believe one of the Celestial Instruments to be in Badmesa, a small western-style town located east of Celestria Harbor, past the Humsom Prairie. Zal takes Barley with him for info as he goes on the quest. Malachi, meanwhile, slips away to his “study.”

Chapter 1: Making High and Low Tracks

Zalerus ventures out from Celestria Harbor through the East Gate, stepping onto the vast expanse of the Humsom Prairie. The landscape stretches before him, dotted with rolling hills, clusters of wildflowers, and patches of tall grass swaying in the breeze. While traversing the prairie, Zalerus stumbles upon a swirling vortex of digital energy known as Twexkt. This enigmatic entity introduces itself as a guardian spirit of the east side of the Comet Kingdom, tasked with protecting its secrets and guiding worthy travelers. Twexkt recognizes something special in Zalerus; a hidden spark of determination and courage that sets him apart. Upon hearing of the quest, Twexkt joins him on his journey, eager to witness the unfolding of destiny firsthand. Twexkt’s ability is shooting forth with their single hand to grab items or activate switches in their path.

Eventually, the prairie gives way to the Dustbunny Desert. Along the way, Zalerus’s party encounters a blistering sandstorm, only to find, it’s just a giant, hyper-realistic Fan. When they turn it off and the sand has settled, they find that they have reached their destination, Badmesa. The townsfolk explain that bandits ransacked their town and used the fan to keep investigators off their tails. A muppet-like creature comes into the fray, introducing himself as Slim “Lil' Partner” McGraw, the self-proclaimed sheriff with dreams of becoming the fastest lasso-wielding critter in the Wild East. Slim reveals that he's heard rumors of other giant, hyper-realistic objects popping up in various locations across the kingdom, each with its own mysterious origin and significance. Some speculate that these objects are linked to ancient legends or cosmic disturbances, while others believe they may hold the key to unlocking hidden powers or secrets. Slim has some more alarming news. Tongue Slappin’ Hank, a harmonica-based bandit has been spotted in the vicinity, and rumors suggest that he is the culprit behind the theft of the first Celestial Instrument. This revelation sends a shiver down Zalerus's spine, realizing that his quest to save the world will be more perilous than he initially thought.

Slim offers to help, making him Zalerus’s third partner. With Slim's ability to use his unnaturally elongating arms to swing across gaps, Zalerus and his party venture into the Null Labyrinth, which could be the remnants of what looks like an ancient temple or a lost city buried beneath the sands of the desert. In the ruins, they encounter ancient traps, puzzles, and obstacles that test their agility and intellect. They eventually stumble upon the Feather object, and the first member of Meteor Meltdown, Elias Windrider. Elias recognizes the gravity of the situation and imparts his knowledge about his stolen instrument, the Zephyr Fiddle.

As Zalerus and his party emerge from the ruins, they return to Badmesa to find the town in chaos. Residents are panicking, and the unmistakable sound of the Joyride Express's whistle pierces the air. Rushing to the train station, Zalerus and his party discover that Tongue Slappin' Hank has taken control of the Joyride Express, using it as both a means of escape and a symbol of his defiance. He attempts to destroy the fiddle, only to find it is unbreakable. The train begins to chug away, but Zal just manages to catch it. To up the ante, Hank uses his Harmonica power to twist and flip the tracks, making the train’s route a makeshift roller coaster. The party must navigate through the various compartments and carriages of the train, each presenting its own set of challenges and obstacles. This culminates in a showdown with Tongue Slappin' Hank, who serves as the first boss of the game. Hank eventually becomes invincible, and once Zalerus and co have exhausted every other option, they use the Feather and discover that Hank is ticklish, rendering him vulnerable. Zal and Co. defeat Hank, the train returns to normal, and they find the Zephyr Fiddle.

Chapters 1-2 Interlude

Upon being humiliated, Hank admits to the other bosses having weaknesses activated by Things. As Zalerus and his party arrive back in Celestria Harbor, they are greeted with lukewarm applause, as the people still don’t believe him to be their hero. With the Zephyr Fiddle in hand, Elias stands before the townsfolk and begins to play a wistful melody that resonates with the elemental forces of the wind. As they play, a shimmering barrier of energy begins to form across the sky, encasing the Harbor in the first layer of the barrier. They still need the whole band, but for now, Zalerus can take solace in knowing that he's made a difference and brought hope to the world.

The meteoroid is magic in nature, so Zalerus deduces that it must have been summoned. When Chancellor Malachi suggests that Zalerus hand over the Zephyr Fiddle to him for safekeeping, Zalerus hesitates. He can't shake the feeling that the Chancellor may have ulterior motives for wanting the instrument, and decides to keep it close at hand instead. Elias rationalizes that his fiddle may prove useful in Zal’s quest to gather the other Celestial Instruments, so he concurs. To Zal’s amazement, he can play the fiddle with ease, the wind at his bow. A sailor rushes to the town square to tell everyone that Beaulisle Cove is polluted, and an underwater mine has caved in with trapped miners. Zalerus plays the Zephyr Fiddle so his party can breathe underwater, and head into the water.

Chapter 2: Depths of Despair

The murky waters conceal hidden dangers and Things waiting to be discovered, and the party must remain vigilant as they navigate the treacherous currents. At the entrance of the cave mine, Zal and Co find the rocks blocking the entrance solid. There’s only one person who can use the giant Shovel nearby: Sergeant Ceph. Upon arriving at the squid’s military camp, 20th Gold League, Zalerus and his companions must first prove themselves worthy of Ceph's assistance. Before all else, Ceph needs the consent of Captain Reynard, Leader of the Royal Guard, who happens to be a merman. To fully convince Sergeant Ceph of their sincerity and capability, Zalerus and his party may need to undergo a series of rigorous training exercises under Ceph's guidance. If the player chooses, they may consult with local merfolk about the captain, especially his questionable techniques and motivations. Through their actions and words, Zalerus and his party earn Captain Reynard's trust and respect, convincing him of the importance of their mission and the necessity of enlisting Sergeant Ceph's aid. Zalerus is also gifted Scalemail armor and an actual, functional knife.

Ceph’s invertebrate strength can use the Shovel as leverage to dislodge the rocks blocking the mine’s entrance. Zalerus finds that it’s a mine for Isquirite, a rare gemstone with hydrokinetic properties. After traversing the mine and uncovering more secrets along the way, Zal and co. find one of the miners trapped in the depths, his leg pinned beneath a fallen beam. The team escorts the miner, Muriel, to safety at the camp, where he is greeted by the relieved faces of their fellow miners and workers. He tells the gang that he knew both the location of the second Celestial Instrument and its player, so the musical baddies caved in the mine and polluted the cove to keep him from telling, and he went back for the key to a secret exit when he was squashed under that pillar. He gives the co. the key, and back into the mine they go. They use the key on the secret exit, which takes them to the Seaweed Plain, a submerged meadow surrounding the Lagoon Castle on a small island.

After gathering tablets that reveal a staircase to the island above water, Zalerus heads into the castle, navigating the halls, defeating medieval music mons, and solving puzzles. They find the source of the pollution; a rusty trash-n-gunk maker, which they shut off. Immediately after, they are greeted by the regal melody of the harpsichord, played by Captain Arrrpeggio, his skeletal form adorned with tattered pirate garb and ornate trinkets plundered from across the seas. Bound within his ribcage is Princess Melodya, the King and Queen's beloved daughter, her spirit trapped and imprisoned by the dark magic of the pirate captain. In a cage nearby, Meteor Meltdown’s trumpeter Flotissimo is held captive, his fingers itching to unleash the power of his mystical Instrument and aid in the battle against evil. To be able to defeat the pirate, Zalerus and his companions must use the power of the Tissue Box. This seemingly mundane object holds a special significance to Arrrpeggio, as it represents a poignant reminder of his lost humanity and the sorrow that led him to villainy. With Captain Arrrpeggio weakened by his emotional turmoil, Zalerus and his companions seize the opportunity and deliver the final blow. Zalerus then recovers the second Instrument, the Riptide Trumpet.

Chapters 2-3 Interlude

With the second instrument recovered, princess and trumpeter freed and the lagoon cleansed of its pollution, Zalerus and his companions sail back to the harbor, their quest to save the world one step closer to completion. Together with Elias, Flo unleashes a harmonious melody that resonates with the power of the ocean, creating the second layer of the barrier enveloping the Comet Kingdom. But Zal’s journey is far from over, and greater challenges still lie ahead as they continue their quest to gather the remaining instruments and protect their world from the looming threat of the meteoroid.

From the moment she saw him, Princess Melodya adored Zalerus. She gives them a sidequest to retrieve her family heirloom, a precious necklace passed down through generations. Before she was captured, she lost it in the Whispering Woods, a mystical forest inhabited by the elusive Whispering Winds, and longs to see it returned to its rightful place. However, the winds are unwilling to part with the necklace unless they receive something of equal value in return. To test Zalerus’s wit, Melodya gives him a single, simple Apple. The team quickly realizes they must go from Apple to Necklace through a long list of trades. Not all of it is achievable at the start, so the quest will need to be remembered throughout Zalerus' journey.

As Zalerus and his companions ponder their next move, news spreads throughout Celestria Harbor of an upcoming race, back by popular demand, known as The Scrapheap Cup, to be held in honor of salvaging and recycling. The rally promises excitement, thrills, and the chance for participants to test their skills and compete for prestigious prizes, including the third Celestial Instrument, the Harmonium Keytar. Excited by the prospect, the team heads straight for Scrapheap Heights. The path to Scrapheap Heights is blocked by a large, rusted gate that has fused shut due to time and neglect. Traditional methods of opening the gate have proven futile, as it now resists conventional means of force or manipulation. The Riptide Trumpet, with its water-magic properties, is the key to overcoming this obstacle. By playing a specific melody on the trumpet, Zalerus can summon a cascade of enchanted water that not only lubricates and loosens the rust but also possesses the unique ability to negate the corrosive effects, allowing the gate to be opened.

Chapter 3: The Scrapheap Cup

As Zalerus and his companions arrive in Scrapheap Heights, they are greeted by the sight of towering piles of scrap metal, rusted machinery, and discarded remnants of technology. And lots and lots and LOTS of cobwebs. The air is thick with the smell of oil and metal, and the sounds of clanking machinery echo through the air. Excited by the prospect of competing and the opportunity to win, they decide to enter the race. To gain access to the town of Rusthaven, populated by "mechanically challenged" robots, Zalerus and his companions encounter a malfunctioning bouncer at the entrance. Zal and co. must navigate through a series of challenges and puzzles to bypass the malfunctioning gate and gain entry into the town. As Zalerus and his companions interact with the diverse residents, they discover that the town's "mechanically challenged" robots have formed a close-knit and supportive community, finding strength in their shared experiences and embracing the beauty that arises from their imperfections. A.I-nia, the tomboyish racer robot on one wheel, catches Zalerus's eye as she zooms past with impressive speed and agility.

As Zalerus approaches A.I-nia to strike up a conversation, he learns more about her background and her passion for racing. Despite her single-wheel design being a result of a manufacturing defect (she was meant to have two), A.I-nia has embraced her uniqueness and turned it into an advantage on tracks. A.I-nia confides in Zalerus about her lifelong dream of winning just one race in the Scrapheap Cup, but a persistent glitch in her system, manifesting as sporadic data surges, has always prevented her from participating. Determined to overcome this obstacle and make her dream a reality, A.I-nia reveals that she needs the assistance of a famous engineer who has the expertise to fix her glitch and ensure that she can compete in the race.

Realizing that their current goals align, A.I-nia eagerly agrees to join Zalerus's party, seeing it as an opportunity to not only fulfill her own dream but also to contribute her skills and racing expertise to their quest for the Celestial Instruments. A.I-nia’s ability outside of battle is allowing Zalerus and co. to ride on her back, moving at much greater speeds and being able to go off of ramps. As Zalerus, A.I-nia, and the rest of the party navigate their way through Scrapheap Heights, they arrive at the domain of the renowned engineer. To their surprise, the engineer is none other than Riff Dynamo, the former keytarist of Meteor Meltdown. Upon meeting Riff Dynamo, A.I-nia is both thrilled and slightly starstruck. She reveals that Riff Dynamo was not only a key member of Meteor Meltdown but also a renowned engineer who specialized in creating innovative musical gadgets before retiring from the band. While Riff Dynamo expresses sympathy for A.I-nia's plight, he admits that fixing the glitch entirely may be beyond his capabilities.

However, Riff offers an alternative solution: upgrading A.I-nia's systems to give her control over the glitch and harness it to her advantage. Though initially hesitant about the idea of embracing her glitch rather than eliminating it, A.I-nia recognizes that this may be her only chance to fulfill her dream. With determination and resolve, she agrees to undergo the upgrade, trusting in Dynamo's skills and expertise. As Riff works tirelessly in his workshop to perform the upgrade, Zalerus and his companions explore the depths of the dungeon, facing challenges, puzzles, and mechanical musicians that stand in their way to get some parts from Things that Riff needs, such as a Toy Mecha and a Spark Plug. Along the way, they uncover clues and artifacts that shed some light on Meteor Meltdown’s past.

Finally, after a series of trials and tribulations, Riff Dynamo completes the upgrade, and A.I-nia emerges from the workshop with newfound confidence and determination. This newfound power allows her to glitch instantaneously, granting the team a sudden burst of speed, allowing them to phase right through thin-enough objects or change locations quickly and efficiently. With her glitch now under control and her racing abilities enhanced, A.I-nia is ready to take on the challenges of the Scrapheap Cup and prove herself as a formidable race. As A.I-nia and Zalerus's party prepare for the Scrapheap Cup, they make use of Riff Dynamo's training track to hone their racing skills.

As Zalerus and his party, alongside a diverse array of robots, prepare for the Scrapheap Cup, the atmosphere is charged with excitement and anticipation. However, a sudden twist adds an unexpected element to the competition. A mysterious late-entry racer, a jorogumo-like woman themed on the violin, emerges onto the scene. This enigmatic racer, known as Lady Arachnirtuosa, captures the attention of the crowd with her striking appearance and the haunting melody that emanates from her violinesque body. She has a bone to pick with Zalerus for humiliating her husband Hank in Chapter 1 and getting Arrrpeggio to change sides in Chapter 2. The race begins, engines roar to life, and the competitors surge forward, hurtling through the scrapyards with lightning speed. With each twist and turn of the track, the race becomes a thrilling battle of wits, skill, and determination as Zalerus and his companions strive to outpace their rivals and claim victory in the Scrapheap Cup. Fuelled by her desire for revenge, Arachnophony attempts to sabotage the other racers and manipulate the racecourse to gain an advantage and ensure Zalerus's defeat.

In the final leg of the race, Zal and co. catch up to Arachnirtuosa, and the race escalates into a high-speed boss fight through the treacherous racecourse. The track twists and turns, presenting obstacles and hazards at every corner as the competitors jockey for position. Ara will use a webbing move that will trap the team, so Zal must hit the webs so they will hit Ara instead, and remove her makeup. Then, they must use the Mirror Thing to reflect Ara’s face upon herself, to which she will scream and shatter the mirror, pieces sticking on her and leaving her vulnerable. Upon defeat, Ara trips and pratfalls, stopping just short of the finish line, while A.I-nia crosses it, winning the race. With that, Zal not only obtains the trophy, he also gains the Harmonium Keytar.

Chapters 3-4 Interlude Returning to Celestria Harbor amidst a more genuine applause, Zalerus and his companions bask in the recognition of their achievements in the Scrapheap Cup. With the third layer of the celestial barrier now in place, thanks to Riff Dynamo's musical contribution, the kingdom is one step closer to protecting itself from the impending threat of the meteoroid. The break in the journey takes an unexpected turn as Zalerus and his companions find the Harbor plagued by a series of bizarre and inexplicable events centered around food. Food items begin to behave strangely, defying the laws of nature and causing confusion and alarm among the townsfolk. Apples turn into oranges, bread loaves grow wings and fly, and fresh fish come back to life and flop around on the decks. The sudden influx of food-related chaos throws Celestria Harbor into disarray, disrupting daily life and causing widespread panic among the residents. Markets are thrown into chaos as food items run amok, and restaurants struggle to keep up with the bizarre culinary phenomena. Determined to uncover the cause of the strange occurrences, Zalerus and his companions spring into action, embarking on an investigation to unravel the mystery behind the food-related chaos. They interview witnesses, gather evidence, and search for clues to piece together the puzzle. The source can only have come from Culinary Quarter, the food region.

When Zalerus and his companions reach the barrier separating Celestria Harbor from Culinary Quarter, they find it to be a shimmering barrier made of enchanted metal. The Harmonium Keytar, with its ability to resonate with mystical energies, is essential in unlocking the barrier. Zalerus plays a harmonious melody on the keytar, causing the metal components of the barrier to resonate and vibrate, eventually weakening and dispersing the magical barrier, allowing them to pass through.

Chapter 4: Chaos of the Culinary Kind

Culinary Quarter is true to its word, a land made of all kinds of food, ranging from chocolate cake mountains to sprawling fields of vegetables. The eight areas in question are Sweet Peaks, Frozen Valley, Fruitful Field, Baked Boulevard, Dairy District, Soda Springs, Spicy Basin and the main town, Meat Market. Upon their arrival in Sweet Peaks, Zalerus and his companions are immediately swept up in the chaos unfolding in the region. They witness firsthand the Peaks in the middle of a “sugar crash” as the sweetness and vibrancy of the candy structures and creatures have diminished, and they experience the effects of the culinary disturbances on the inhabitants. Determined to uncover the source of the sweetness loss in Sweet Peaks, Zalerus and his companions embark on a micro-investigation, exploring candy forests, chocolate rivers, and gumdrop valleys in search of clues. Along the way, they encounter distressed candy creatures and puzzled confectioners who are unable to explain the sudden changes.

Through what they can gather, Zalerus and his companions learn of an ancient artifact known as the Gastronomicon. This artifact is said to have the power to manipulate flavors and influence the culinary landscape. It will only be powered once all 8 types of flavor are harnessed by its user. Despite their best efforts, however, Zal and co struggle to identify the culprit behind the sweetness loss in Sweet Peaks. Clues point to the involvement of a powerful entity or organization seeking to harness the power of the Gastronomicon for their own nefarious purposes. Facing the obstacle of a ledge they can't climb, Zalerus and his companions find themselves momentarily stuck.

Paznic, the obese fox with a belly resembling a strawberry shortcake, proves to be the unexpected solution to their obstacle. However, with every approach, Paznic merely grunts lazily in response, his attention focused solely on his snacks. Zalerus and his companions brainstorm ways to draw Paznic's attention, and recall a handy Thing they acquired during their exploration: an Airhorn. With its ear-piercing sound, they give it a tentative blast.T he fox's eyes widen in surprise, and he finally rouses from his lazy stupor, his gaze fixated on Zal and his companions. They explain their predicament with the unclimbable ledge and implore Paznic to lend them his assistance in overcoming the obstacle, plus the exercise would allow him to eat as much as he wants. Though initially reluctant to leave his comfortable spot, Paznic's curiosity is piqued by the prospect of adventure, and he agrees to accompany Zalerus and his companions on their journey. Paznic’s ability is that Zalerus can bounce on his belly to reach higher places. Don’t worry, Slim picks him up.

As Zalerus and his companions delve deeper into the sugary landscapes of Sweet Peaks, they uncover the true culprit behind the sweetness loss in the region. The mastermind is Glucarius, a mischievous and conniving sugar sprite with a penchant for chaos. Zal and co defeat him quickly, thereby gaining access to the other parts of Culinary Quarter. Zalerus also finds a new iron set of armor and a moderately sized hammer. In Baked Boulevard, they find the clarinetist and cook of Meteor Meltdown: Clarice Clarion. She tells the gang that the seven other areas of have their own problems, linked to the occurrences in the Harbor and orchestrated by the eight Cooks which included Glucarius.

After overcoming the environmental puzzles and defeating each of the eight Cooks, Culinary Quarter is gradually restored to balance, and peace is once again restored to the realm. The restored environments lead them to the heart of the Quarter, where they discover a mystical kitchen chamber deep beneath the surface. The chamber is guarded by powerful enchantments and formidable defenses, but Zal and Co. make it through. Here lies the coveted Gastronomicon—the source of all culinary magic and the key to restoring food balance to the realm. Zalerus and his companions must face off against Bellow Bardan, an Accordion-themed Chef disgruntled from the royal kitchens. Bellow Bardan's special move, "Flavor Fusion involves summoning elemental balls representing each of the eight flavor types found in the Culinary Quarter, threatening to collide and unleash a devastating blast of combined flavor energy. To counter this formidable attack, Zalerus and his companions must utilize the Blender. When activated, the Blender whirs to life, chopping up all the flavor balls into one homogeneous mixture. As the flavors cancel each other out, they lose their potency and become a bland and weak muck, rendering Bardan's attack ineffective and allowing Zalerus and his companions to emerge unscathed.

Bellows Bardan, now weakened and humbled, concedes defeat and leaves the Gastronomicon alone, resorting culinary peace to the kingdom. He embraces a new role as a culinary guide, assisting future culinary artists in understanding the mystical properties of the Gastronomicon. It is then that he gives the fourth instrument: the Lumina Clarinet.

Chapters 4-5 Interlude

As Zalerus, his companions, and Clarice return triumphant to Celestria Harbor, a sense of relief washes over the town as they witness the creation of the fourth layer of the celestial barrier. Clarice explains that Meteor Meltdown was once a renowned celestial band formed millennia ago. Comprising talented musicians from various realms, the band was dedicated to harnessing the power of music to bring balance to the cosmos. However, an unforeseen cataclysmic event disrupted the harmony of the celestial band. A malevolent force sought to corrupt them, turning their power against the very realms they were meant to protect. In the ensuing battle, the band split up, their instruments lost or corrupted. Zalerus’s quest to reunite the celestial band takes on new significance as he strives to uncover the truth.

The Whispering Woods become accessible, providing an opportunity to finish Princess Melodya's trade quest. With the last trade complete, the Whispering Winds provide Zalerus and team with Melodya’s precious necklace. They can then return to the Castle and give it back to the princess. With gratitude and joy, Melodya accepts the necklace, her eyes sparkling with emotion as she holds the precious treasure in her hands. With permission from her parents, Melodya becomes Zalerus’s friend and a member of his party. Princess Melodya can sing a mystical melody that has various effects on the environment and enemies. This ability could have multiple uses, such as making enemies less likely to aggro, activating special mechanisms, or allowing Zalerusa to walk safely on spike, lava, and poison. Meanwhile, rumors of a mysterious figure lost in the jungle spread across the Harbor. Zal learns that they can get to Verdant Veil Jungle, their next location, through a pipe in the Woods. Upon returning to the Whispering Woods, the party uses the mystical melodies of the Lumina Clarinet to guide them through The Whispering Woods, with its ethereal ambiance and captivating beauty, serving as a captivating transition between the bustling harbor and the untamed wilderness that awaits them. The discovery of a pipe hidden within the Whispering Woods marks the gateway to the Jungle. The pipe, adorned with intricate carvings and surrounded by vibrant flora, beckons the party to venture into the unknown.

Chapter 5: Rumble in the Jungle

Now, with the lush canopy overhead and the vibrant foliage surrounding them, Zalerus’s party embarks on a thrilling exploration of the Jungle, driven by the desire to unravel the mysteries within and locate the lost member of Meteor Meltdown. The Jungle, with its hidden secrets, ancient ruins, and unpredictable challenges, becomes the backdrop for the search for the fifth Celestial Instrument. Following clues and traces left behind by the lost figure, the party navigates through the Jungle's diverse environments, facing both natural and musical obstacles. Eventually, they stumble upon the lost member, exhausted and insane, their once-composed demeanor replaced by a haunted and hollow expression. After fighting him and bringing him to his senses, He introduces himself as Arion Silvanus, Meteor Meltdown’s former harpist.

Arion leads Zalerus and his companions to the bustling tropical town of Sylvan Grove, where his hotel is located. As they make their way through the winding streets, Arion recounts his plight concerning an insufferable creature who drove him to seek refuge in the depths of the Jungle: a monster known only as Calvin. Legends speak of his razor-sharp claws, incredible swimming, and insatiable appetite for chaos. Calvin has made his abode in the most luxurious room in the Canopy Retreat, where he sleeps in a pool heated by hydrothermal vents. To wake Calvin up, Zalerus must turn off the heat. His party goes down to the boiler room, which presents a formidable challenge, filled with traps, puzzles, and obstacles that test the limits of their ingenuity and courage. When the party has thrown the Wrench thing into the works, the hotel rapidly begins to cool down, plunging the once cozy and comfortable establishment into darkness and discomfort. Guests awake to find themselves shivering in their beds and their faucets not running, their complaints echoing through the halls as they demand answers from the hotel staff. Then again, without Calvin’s constant leviathan snoring, the Canopy Retreat experiences a rare moment of silence, allowing guests and staff alike to take solace in the temporary reprieve from the oppressive noise.

Upon being roused from his slumber, Calvin can be talked to. Despite his outwardly hostile demeanor, Zalerus and his companions sense a vulnerability beneath Calvin's tough exterior. They recognize the pain and isolation that lie at the heart of his behavior, understanding that his gothic and monstrous persona serves as a shield to protect himself from the judgment and rejection of others. Calvin's demeanor and struggles indeed serve as a stark reminder to Zalerus of his own past self before embarking on his quest. Zalerus’s current members will ask Calvin why he was living in the Retreat, and he will explain that his original lair was taken over by digital enemies, and he had to find a new home. Calvin explains that his lair is past the Bullion Bog, a swamp with golden waters. He’s the only one who can swim in it, and he’ll join the party if they do him a favor. He wants his crystal, the Aurora Grapes, back from Alraunes who stole it from him. The team then braves the Bog and finds the Alraune village. They find the Grapes on a shimmering pedestal in a shrine heavily guarded by thick, carnivorous plants. The team will have to find an underground passage elsewhere in the bog. Once they do, they emerge in the middle of the pedestal. This calls forth the presence of the Venus Alraunes, who are the aggressive and stingy ones. Thus begins a mini-boss fight, of which Zal and co remain victorious. They return the Aurora Grapes to Calvin, and he joins the party. Calvin, being many animals at once, can effortlessly carry Zalerus and the crew on his back, facilitating travel across water.

Once a secluded sanctuary fit for a dragon, Calvin’s Lair now stands transformed into a verdant computer area, its once-pristine surroundings overtaken by a cacophony of buzzing machinery and flickering screens. In the heart of Calvin's former lair, surrounded by the pulsating glow of digitized energy, the intrepid party led by Zalerus comes face to face with the enigmatic, electronic entity at the core of the digitization process. DJ SyncByte's frantic energy fills the digital chamber as he tries to juggle all of his subs’ operations. his turntable-like setup spinning and twitching with unparalleled speed and precision. As the confrontation with DJ SyncByte ensues, Zalerus and his companions find themselves thrust into a battle of mega proportions, their every move met with calculated precision and lightning-fast counterattacks from the turntable-headed algorithm. Zal will have to employ the Incense Burner, with its calming smell. Syncbyte's tense invulnerability is gradually reduced, allowing Zalerus and his companions to defeat the algorithm without fear of reprisal. The fifth Celestial Instrument thus reveals itself: the Sylvan Harp.

'Chapters 5-6 Interlude’

With the fifth layer of the barrier in place, the Comet Kingdom is one step closer to being fully protected from the impending threat of the meteoroid. Zalerus and his companions have made significant progress on their quest, but challenges still lie ahead. As they prepare for the next phase of their journey, they reflect on their accomplishments and steel themselves for the trials to come. Upon Clarice’s reveal, Arion adds that it was the Dark Maestro, an ancient evil conductor, that was responsible for the break up in Meteor Meltdown. Their conflict with him proved to be the breaking point, as the band members realized the extent of his manipulation and the danger he posed to their world. The battle resulted in a dramatic confrontation that led to the dissolution of the band, with each member going their separate ways to deal with the aftermath.

As Zalerus and his companions wander the bustling Harbor, they stumble upon a vibrant carnival performer named Rico Suave. With his colorful costume adorned with feathers and sequins, Rico exudes an infectious energy that draws the attention of everyone around him. His smooth dance moves and captivating music instantly charm the group as he twirls and sways to the lively rhythm. Intrigued by Rico's enthusiasm, Zalerus and his friends approach him, eager to learn more about the carnival. Rico eagerly shares tales of thrilling rides, dazzling performances, and delectable treats that await them at the carnival grounds. Excitement fills the air as Rico Suave mentions a mysterious and magical piano that has become a prized possession of the Carnaval de Tiempo. Zalerus immediately knows that it is the sixth Celestial Instrument.

The boat that took Rico to the Harbor has broken down, but Zal and co have a preemptive solution. Taking out the Sylvan Harp, its soothing tunes resonate with the surrounding flora, invoking a vibrant burst of plant magic. Vines emerge and intertwine, forming a tapestry of greenery that effortlessly mends the boat's damages. Leaves flutter in the wind, carrying a sense of renewal and life. With the boat now rejuvenated, Zalerus and his companions embark on a journey down the cove, following the lights that guide them towards the vibrant and multicultural world of the Carnaval de Tiempo.

Chapter 6: Carnaval de Tiempo

The Carnaval de Tiempo emerges as a spectacular celebration, a fusion of diverse cultures and traditions that have flourished over millennia. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant festivities of the Venetian Carnaval, the lively spirit of Mardi Gras, and the rich symbolism of Dia de los Muertos, this traveling festival embodies the essence of unity and cultural exchange. As Zalerus and his companions arrive at the Carnaval de Tiempo, they are greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, and aromas that fill the air. As they explore the party, amidst the joyous celebration of the Carnaval de Tiempo, a mysterious undercurrent of tension begins to surface. Unbeknownst to the revelers, a malevolent force has infiltrated the festivities, seeking to exploit the convergence of cultures for its nefarious purposes. This shadowy presence operates from the shadows, manipulating the essence of time itself to sow discord and chaos among the diverse communities gathered at the carnival.

As Zalerus and his companions delve deeper into the heart of the Carnaval de Tiempo, they start to witness anomalies and disturbances that hint at the malevolent force's influence. Time itself seems to warp and twist, causing temporal rifts that disrupt the harmony of the celebration. Strange occurrences, such as misplaced memories and sudden shifts in cultural displays, raise suspicions that something more sinister is at play. Zalerus and his companions embark on another mystery, encountering challenges, puzzles, and magical obstacles specific to each cultural area within the Carnaval de Tiempo. Deslegro, the ancient snakebird with a profound understanding of time, resides deep within the labyrinthine streets of the Carnaval de Tiempo. Over countless centuries, Deslegro has honed their perception of temporal flow, allowing them to navigate the subtle nuances of time manipulation with unparalleled precision.

Eventually Zal and co. encounter Deslegro's domain—a hidden sanctuary nestled within the fabric of time itself. Here, amidst the swirling currents of temporal energy, Deslegro awaits, their serpentine form coiled in quiet contemplation. To recruit Deslegro to their cause, Zalerus and his companions must first gain their trust by proving their worthiness through a series of intricate challenges. Deslegro is able to slow down or speed up obstacles and adversaries, but they have to use it properly, hence the trials. Only by demonstrating their understanding of the intricacies of time and their ability to harness its power can Zalerus and his companions earn Deslegro's respect and convince them to join their cause.

The member of Meteor Meltdown within the Carnaval de Tiempo is Stella Cadenza, the pianist. Cadenza, with her mystical temperament and musical prowess, has taken refuge within the heart of the carnival, using its vibrant and chaotic atmosphere to conceal her presence. She's become an integral part of the carnival's grand parade, both mesmerizing and manipulating the crowd with her piano melodies. However, beneath her distant exterior lies a deep-seated longing for resolution and closure, as the lingering echoes of her past with Meteor Meltdown continue to haunt her. As Zalerus and his companions delve deeper into the mysteries of the Carnaval de Tiempo, they may uncover clues that shed light on Stella’s tumultuous history with the band and the role they may play in the unfolding events. Whether Stella will ultimately ally themselves with the party or remain ensnared by the shadows of their past remains to be seen, but she might make up her mind once they fix the parade.

The team gains hearsay about a mysterious figure closely associated with the culprit concerning the time rifts . While the villainess’s name remains a mystery for now, this shadowy accomplice may serve as a key link in unraveling the broader plot. The team tracks down the associate, Vexus, to the Termina Ballroom. As they storm in, Zalerus and his companions notice the absence of men among the revelers. Instead, they encounter a diverse array of women, each adorned in lavish ballgowns and ornate masks, their identities shrouded in secrecy, dancing hand in hand in concentric circles, their synchronized steps imbued with an otherworldly grace. As they observe the mesmerizing spectacle, the team realizes the gravity of the situation—the dancers are trapped in a time loop, unable to break free from the enchantment that holds them captive. The team must go above the dance in the rafters to get to Vexus hidden behind the ballroom. After a riveting miniboss battle, Vexus, weakened but still defiant, reluctantly divulges that the culprit’s name is Xiomara, and she can be found at the heart of the carnival, in a hidden chamber beneath the grand stage where the festivities culminate. Xiomara has been using an Hourglass to manipulate time, and it would have spelled Game Over for Zalerus, were it not for the foul-smelling Garbage Bin. When deployed strategically, the nauseating stench emanating from the Bin disrupts Xiomara's focus, and makes her vomit hard, feeling weak afterwards, providing an opportunity for Zalerus and his companions to turn the tide of the battle. With Xiomara’s defeat, the sixth Celestial Instrument, the Nebula Piano, is revealed.

Chapters 6-7 Interlude

Returning to Celestria Harbor with Stella Cadenza and the newly acquired Zodiac Piano marks a momentous occasion for Zalerus and his companions. With a truly harmonious song, the barrier solidifies into its sixth layer, a shimmering barrier of celestial energy that stands as a testament to the team's strength and resolve. But amidst the serene beauty, there was a subtle anomaly—a cluster of unusual shapes on the distant horizon, barely visible against the backdrop of the heavens, all heading in the same direction. Curious, Zalerus tilted his head back, his gaze drawn to the enigmatic shapes dancing in the sky. He felt a tingling sensation of anticipation prickling at the edges of his consciousness, a silent call to action that stirred something deep within him.

Sensing his companions' curiosity mirroring his own, Zalerus turned to them, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. Wherever those shapes are going, there’s bound to be an Instrument. With a shared sense of purpose, the group set off towards the horizon, their hearts filled with anticipation and the promise of a new chapter awaiting them in the volcanic region looming on the horizon.

Chapter 7: Hottest Show on Papearth

Eldorias’s volcanic region, known as Emberreach Crater, is a land of contrasts, where towering peaks of obsidian and granite pierce the sky, their jagged edges casting long shadows over the rugged landscape below. Rivers of molten lava snake through the rocky terrain, and geysers erupt from hidden vents. Amidst this fiery landscape lies the Toy Box Circus, a whimsical yet enigmatic attraction that seems strangely out of place amidst the volcanic tumult. Within the confines of the circus tents, visitors are treated to a surreal spectacle of living toys and enchanted acts, each performance more mesmerizing than the last. Just like the Carnaval, something sinister lurks behind the facade of innocent entertainment. As Zalerus and his companions venture into the heart of the Toy Box Circus, they soon discover the truth behind its enchanting allure. Ringmaster Maestrum, a being of anger and malevolent intent, seeks to harness the power of the seventh Celestial Instrument, the Tectonic Drum Kit, for his own sinister purposes, while concealing them behind a facade of madness and eccentricity, Indeed, it seems the Tectonic Drum Kit is stuck in the circus band, and it’s not gonna get out anytime soon. Zalerus and co know what they need to do: destroy the circus.

To do that, they must exploit a weakness in the cast. But everyone knows about Zalerus at this point, so there are no humans allowed backstage. Zal will need to become a monster investigator. Zalerus and his companions learn about a rubber-hose world from an eccentric old storyteller who frequents the bustling marketplaces of Celestria Harbor. The storyteller, known for his fantastical tales and colorful anecdotes, regales the group with stories of strange and whimsical lands, including the rubber-hose world where a family of inhabitants possesses the ability to shape-shift and transform at will. Zalerus and his companions go back to the Whispering Woods, guided by the knowledge obtained from the wise old sage. Within the depths of the enchanted forest, they search for a hidden area rumored to contain a mysterious television set that serves as a gateway to the rubber-hose world.

As he activates the device, a swirling vortex of black and white envelops him and his partners, transporting them to the surreal Inkwell Junction, the vibrant heart of the rubber-hose world. Tintelline, with her hat pulled low over her eyes, emerges from the bustling streets of Inkwell Junction, her petite frame swaying with an effortless grace as she navigates the lively crowds. She is nothing like a mime as she is loud and cheerful, and she wants to be a painter, but her family wants her in the family business. Thankfully, the former drummer of Meteor Meltdown, known as Q. Rex, was thrown by Maestrum into Inkwell Junction, where he spends his days immersed in the vibrant rhythm of the bustling toontown. With his distinctive style and infectious energy, he's a well-known figure among the local ragtime scene, revered for his unparalleled talent and charismatic presence. Upon hearing of Tintelline's desire to break free from her family's traditions and pursue her passion for painting, Q. Rex sees a kindred spirit in the young mime. Recognizing her talent and determination, he takes it upon himself to help Zal convince the girl’s family to allow her to join Zalerus and his companions on their quest. Drawing on his own experiences as a musician and performer, he convinces them to see the potential within Tintelline and encourages them to embrace her dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem. Tintelline’s ability is to paint over Zalerus and herself, transforming them into any enemy they’ve faced before.

Upon returning to the real world, they head back to the crater, knock unconscious an actual reporter and disguise as her, enabling them to infiltrate the circus grounds without arousing suspicion. However, as they delve deeper into the mysteries of the circus, they attract the attention of the real reporters, who become suspicious of their true identities. The gang has to fight them. The tiny flaw that Zalerus and his team uncover is a subtle inconsistency in the behavior of one of the toy circus performers, named Loco-Loco. They occasionally break character, exhibiting a momentary lapse in its programmed behavior. Using this knowledge, Zalerus and his team covertly tamper with various elements of the stage, such as the lighting or props, using the right Things to create conditions conducive to the clown's malfunction. When the grand finale of the circus comes into play, Loco-Loco acts up and ruins the act, injuring the cast and bringing the big top crashing down. Now that his metaphorical act is ruined, Maestrum is enraged, revealing his true form, and this chapter’s boss battle begins. Only by using the Fan from Chapter 1 can he be weakened. Then the team acquires the Tectonic Drum Kit.

Chapters 7-8 Interlude

With the seventh layer of the celestial barrier in place, Q. Rex feels at liberty to reveal what exactly happened to the band. Q. Rex reveals that it was Oriana Blaze, the leader, who fell in love with the Dark Maestro and caused tensions to escalate within the band. Her decision to include him was driven by attraction and trust, but it ultimately led to division and strife among the members as they grappled with conflicting loyalties and priorities. It's a poignant moment as the members of Meteor Meltdown reflect on their shared past and the bonds that once united them. Despite the challenges they faced and the rifts that tore them apart, they are grateful to Zalerus and his companions for giving them the opportunity to reunite and perhaps reconcile their differences.

Their adventure is not over, so the team will have to look around Celestria Harbor for the next step. Professor Thorne, an elderly archaeologist, calls them to his study in town. Thorne is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his insatiable curiosity about the mysteries of the past. Despite his academic demeanor, he is also known to be eccentric and somewhat absent-minded, often getting lost in his thoughts or engrossed in his work. The professor tips Zalerus on the possibility of the eighth or second-to-last Celestial instrument, the Transcendent Didgeridoo, being in an underground temple. To Zalerus’s surprise, Casolie arrives at the Harbor, wishing to see his little brother before the last day. When she sees that this adventure has truly changed Zalerus for the better, she gives him a locket containing a cherished childhood photo of the two of them together, believing it will be important.

Chapter 8: Echoes of the Abyss

Entering the underground Frostbite Mine beneath the harbor, Zalerus and his companions find themselves in a realm haunted by restless spirits. These ghosts are the remnants of miners who perished in tragic accidents or were lost in the depths of the earth, for the sake of the rise of Eldoria. The mine is a labyrinth of tunnels, shafts, and chambers, shrouded in an eerie atmosphere of sorrow and regret, and each level is colder, deeper, and more treacherous than the last. As they navigate the eerie depths of the mine, they unravel the mysteries surrounding the history of the harbor and its ties to Eldoria. Along the way, they face various challenges posed by the vengeful spirits and must confront the dark secrets buried within the mine's depths. Through teamwork and determination, they push forward in their quest to uncover the Transcendent Didgeridoo and bring light to the shadows that lurk beneath the surface. Before reaching the end, they are briefly halted by an icy guardian they must defeat.

Now, after Zal and co defeat the guardian, they find an icy cavern village named Frostshade Hollow, populated by a different kind of spirit, the kind. Unnerving they look, but they’re just chilling. They possess a variety of everyday objects, animating them with their ghostly presence, from floating lanterns that cast an eerie glow to living, intricately carved ice sculptures. As Zal and his companions search the caverns of Frostshade Hollow for another entrance to the temple, they come across a mysterious ice-covered structure hidden behind a veil of shimmering frost. Despite their efforts to uncover its secrets, the entrance remains elusive, seemingly sealed shut by powerful magic. To unlock the temple's secrets, the Frostbound citizens explain, they must seek out the Guardians of Frost, ancient spirits who hold the keys to unlocking the temple's magic. These guardians are said to dwell within the deepest chambers of the caverns, guarding the secrets of the temple with unwavering resolve. Again, the ways to the chambers are nowhere to be found. Deslegro figures that some magic is hiding them, and so they need someone that will reveal them.

Mamnum, the spirited zygote with wings and a stinger, eagerly approaches Zal and his companions, buzzing with energy and excitement. In exchange for his help in navigating the hidden paths of Frostshade Hollow, Mamnum requests a small favor from Zal and his companions. He explains that he has been searching for a rare and elusive nectar, known as Frostbloom Nectar, which is said to possess magical properties and grant extraordinary powers to those who consume it. The elusive flowers that produce it are well-hidden within the caverns, guarded by treacherous obstacles and icy hazards. With their skills and resourcefulness, Zal and his companions agree to assist Mamnum in his quest to find the Frostbloom Nectar. After a harrowing fetch, Zal and his companions discover the elusive Frostbloom Nectar hidden amidst a cluster of shimmering ice flowers. With Mamnum's guidance, they carefully collect the precious nectar, its ethereal glow illuminating the relative darkness of the caverns. Then, Mamnum eagerly offers to guide them to the hidden paths of Frostshade Hollow, his wings buzzing with excitement as they embark on the next leg of their journey together. Mamnum’s ability is to dispel magic hiding secrets like openings or treasures, as well as illuminating darkness.

With Mamnum's guidance, Zalerus and his companions venture deeper into Frostshade Hollow, following the faint traces of magical energy that lead them to the Guardians of Frost. As Zalerus approaches the Guardians of Frost, Mamnum's presence serves to calm the guardians' spirits, easing their vigilance and allowing the adventurers to approach unhindered. With Mamnum's guidance, Zalerus is able to communicate with the guardians, conveying their purpose and intent with a sense of reverence and respect. They find Ecliptera Seraph, the peniltiumate Meteor Meltdown member, disguised as one of the temple's guardians, biding their time until they can make their move. Despite her serene demeanor, Ecliptera harbors deep regrets and unresolved emotions, which have kept her bound to the temple's sacred grounds. Throughout their interaction with Ecliptera, Zalerus and his companions uncover clues about the aftermath of Meteor Meltdown’s breakup and how it’s affected all of them.. Ecliptera's revelations shed new light on the band's past and provide valuable insights into their current quest to restore harmony to the celestial realms. As a reward for finding them, they’ll give the directions to the missing Guardians.

Impressed by Zalerus's sincerity and determination, the Guardians of Frost grant him passage to the temple, unlocking the hidden entrance with a gesture of their icy hands. With the way forward now clear, Zalerus and his companions step into the temple, their hearts filled with anticipation and excitement as they prepare to face the challenges that lie ahead. As Zalerus and his companions venture deeper into the temple, they find themselves surrounded by an ethereal landscape crafted entirely from ice, illuminated by a mysterious white glow that casts long shadows across the cavernous chambers. The walls are adorned with intricate carvings, depicting celestial scenes of the sky split in two, a dozen crystals, and a peculiar temple suspended in the heavens. The carvings seem to tell a story of cosmic significance, hinting at the existence of otherworldly realms and ancient powers beyond mortal comprehension. In the central chamber of the temple, Zalerus and his companions find themselves standing on a pristine floor of shimmering ice, surrounded by towering columns that reach up to the vaulted ceiling above. The air is filled with an otherworldly chill, sending shivers down their spines as they take in the breathtaking sight before them. But as Zal reaches for the Didgeridoo, a new strange female creature, resembling a glass harmonica with her floating glass parts, perusing the carvings with a strange expression on her face, emerges before them. She notices the group and introduces herself as Pockstal Dropaval. She explains that she and all the bosses have been ordered by a higher authority long ago to guard the instruments and keep them from their rightful owners. By now it’s obvious to Zal who the culprit is. As the chapter boss, she can mesmerize anyone with her beauty except those holding items from their loved ones. It doesn’t matter what kind. Zalerus’s was familial. When her hypnotism fails, she turns completely invisible. Zal will need the Desk Lamp Thing. Its focused beam of light will refract off of Pockstal's many curves, allowing the team to see through her deceptive tactics and discern the reality of the battlefield. After Pockstal's defeat, the eerie atmosphere of the temple begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm and serenity. With Pockstal no longer exerting her mesmerizing influence, the ice sculptures and illusions surrounding the temple fade away, revealing the true beauty of the temple's interior. Zal finally has the Transcendent Didgeridoo.

Chapters 8-9 Interlude

Returning to the surface with Ecliptera, the team emerges from the icy depths of the temple, bringing with them the Transcendent Didgeridoo. As they make their way back to Celestria Harbor, they are greeted by the warming rays of sunlight and the familiar sounds of the bustling port town. With the Transcendent Didgeridoo in hand, they gather at the designated location to perform the ritual for the eighth layer of the barrier. But the meteor is now visible with the naked eye, meaning time is running out. With the looming threat of the meteor drawing closer, Zalerus and his companions embark on a frantic search for the final member of Meteor Meltdown and the last Celestial Instrument. Time is of the essence as they scour the land, seeking any clue that might lead them to their elusive targets.

The Didgeridoo possesses mystical properties that gives Zalerus the ability to perceive or interpret the spiritual realm, allowing him to pick up on transmissions or signals that would normally be beyond his reach. When he plays the Didgeridoo in the right way or in a specific location, it acts as a conduit, amplifying and clarifying the otherwise faint or encrypted messages. When using it, Zalerus finds that the secret facility holding Oriana is hidden within a remote and inaccessible part of the Comet Kingdom, with the secret entrance being in a nondescript warehouse. After going inside and solving a puzzle, they find a portal leading to the facility.

Chapter 9: Reigniting the Burnout

Once inside the secret facility, named the Aurora Labs because it’s in the sky, Zalerus and his companions encounter various security measures, including locked doors, surveillance cameras, and guards. They must navigate through the complex while avoiding detection to reach their destination. Along the way, they may need to disable security systems, hack into computer terminals, or engage in stealthy maneuvers to evade patrols. As they progress deeper into the facility, they uncover clues and information about Oriana Blaze's whereabouts and the location of the final Celestial Instrument. Its original purpose was to conduct experiments on celestial energy and harness its power for technological advancement. Its primary function now is to keep Oriana in a state of unconsciousness and regret, as it was hijacked by the last of the bosses, Auralis Pulse, the self-proclaimed master of melodies, a flamboyant and eccentric figure who rules over Aurora Labs with an iron fist disguised in sequined gloves. His radio show serves as a means of broadcasting his influence and propaganda, further cementing his authority among the facility's inhabitants. Additionally, he’s draining every tidbit of energy that emerges in Oriana to fuel himself. They find that some of the rooms have had their floors demolished, so Zal will need one last partner.

Zalerus discovers the spider mech in a forgotten workshop within the facility. Tucked away amidst piles of scrap and broken machinery, the spider mech catches his eye with its intricate design to look like a cuckoo clock, and their potential usefulness. Upon closer inspection, Zalerus realizes that the spider mech is still functional despite its neglected state. Intrigued, he activates the mech and forms a bond with it, convincing it to join him on his quest by offering it the opportunity for adventure and purpose once again. The official name of the spider mech is Cuckone, but players can name him whatever they want. His ability is walking on walls and ceilings and allowing Zalerus meanwhile to hang on to his pendulum, acting as an additional swing point.

With Cuckone’s help, Zalerus finds Oriana in a containment tank with tubes all over her. Breaking her out is a simple task - all they have to do is overload the system by reawakening her - but it will not be easy. They need a way to get into her mind. To delve into Oriana's mind, they must use a Thing found within the facility called the Dreamcatcher, which allows them to enter the subconscious realm of others. However, obtaining the Dreamcatcher requires a specific key. The researcher who has the key, named Dr. Hypnare, is an eccentric figure known for his obsession with dreams and consciousness. He can be found in the deepest part of the lab, surrounded by strange contraptions and dream-related artifacts. He holds the key to accessing the Dreamcatcher, but obtaining it won't be easy, as he's deeply engrossed in his research and may not be willing to part with it willingly. Zalerus and his team will have to solve a puzzle related to dreams to earn the key. With the key, they can open the room with the Dreamcatcher, obtain it, go to Oriana’s tank, and use the Dreamcatcher to go into her mind.

Oriana Blaze's mind is a surreal experience. The team finds themselves in a small spaceship in a tiny solar system. The star at the center of the system is pitch-black, symbolizing Oriana's burnt-out soul and the darkness that has consumed her. To restore the star and bring light back to Oriana's mind, the team must navigate through various planets, each representing different parts of Oriana’s past. Along the way, they will encounter obstacles that reflect Oriana's regrets, fears, and inner turmoil, all manifested in surreal and fantastical forms.

  • The first planet is Echadass, a dusty and foreboding planet, perpetually shrouded in sand and haunted by chilling echoes. The landscape is barren and lifeless, with jagged cliffs and twisted rock formations looming ominously in every direction. It represents the abuse that Oriana went through in childhood.
  • The second planet is Melodorge, a world of stark contrasts, where the fiery passion of music clashes with the icy grip of strict external pressure. These opposing elements symbolize Oriana's adolescent internal struggle as she navigated her passion for music and the rigid expectations imposed upon her.
  • The third planet is Serpentone, a murky and tangled swamp world, where dense vegetation and twisting vines form a labyrinthine maze of greenery. The air is heavy with moisture, and eerie mists cling to the tangled branches of ancient trees. Strange, bioluminescent flora casts an otherworldly glow over the landscape, illuminating the tangled paths that wind through the swamp. It represents Oriana’s experiences with Meteor Meltdown, the tangledness of the flora alluding to how she held the band together.
  • The fourth planet is Celestarmony, a world of breathtaking beauty and serenity, where the landscape is a testament to the love and passion shared between Oriana and Stella, and how the former feels unworthy of it considering her infatuation with the Dark Maestro. Rolling hills and verdant valleys stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted with groves of flowering trees and shimmering lakes. There are remnants of their many dates as well as their wedding.
  • The fifth and final planet in Oriana's mind is Maestroworld, shrouded in darkness, mirroring the sinister influence of the Dark Maestro on her life. Here, the landscape is dominated by jagged cliffs and ominous shadows, with twisted melodies echoing through the air like whispers of temptation.

In each planet of Oriana's mind, the team collects fragments of memories or emotions that represent key moments or aspects of her life. These fragments are symbolic representations of her inner turmoil, and by collecting them, the team helps Oriana confront, process, and come to terms with her past experiences. There are also small balls of light, representing Oriana herself, serving as focal points and obstacles for the team as they navigate each planet within her mind. These memories go right into the sun, turning it step by step from black to yellow, illuminating the darkness within Oriana's mind and helping her to find clarity and understanding. As more fragments are gathered and brought to the sun, Oriana's consciousness awakens and the sun grows brighter, symbolizing her growing awareness and acceptance of her past.

On Maestroworld, before they find the last of the memory pieces, the battle against Oriana’s mental image of the Dark Maestro and Meteor Meltdown is a harrowing test of courage and resilience, as each member of Meteor Meltdown represents a different aspect of Oriana's inner turmoil, reflecting her struggles with betrayal, regret, and redemption. Throughout the battle, Oriana's mental image of the Maestro taunts and taunts, using his dark powers to manipulate the battlefield and thwart Zalerus's efforts at every turn. Eventually, Zalerus chastises the imaginary band for their fight, to which mental Stella retorts that they never loved Oriana. Spotting the thread in her own mental construct, Oriana breaks free of her ball from. Together, Zalerus and Solari press forward, confronting the twisted reflections of Oriana's former bandmates and the Dark Maestro himself. With each strike, they chip away at the barriers of despair that surround Oriana's troubled soul, drawing closer to the light of redemption that lies beyond. Upon the mental team’s defeat, and with the final memory ball collected, the mental sun within Oriana's mind begins to radiate with newfound brilliance. The memories contained within each ball converge, forming a radiant sphere of light that illuminates the darkness of her inner world.

Zal and co return to the real world, and Oriana’s reawakening explodes the tank. With Oriana freed from their prison, Zalerus declares that he has figured out who the summoner of the Meteor is, but Oriana protests that there’s no time, and they make haste for Auralis. The fight with the mental Maestro was the real climax of this chapter. That doesn’t mean Auralis is a pushover, even with his camp. The Thing needed to counter his most powerful is a set of noise-canceling Headphones. These accessories block out Auralis’s ear destroying screech and prevent it from affecting the party, allowing them to focus on their strategy and overcome his magical attacks more effectively. He then theatrically offers up the Solar Saxophone.

Chapters 9-10 Interlude

Zalerus, with the help of his friends, has finally gathered all nine Celestrial Instruments. With the arrival of the meteor looming ever closer, Zalerus and his companions must act quickly to harness the power of the Celestial Instruments and confront the impending threat. The fate of their world hangs in the balance as they race against time to unlock the full potential of the instruments and face the ultimate challenge posed by the meteor. As the countdown begins, Zalerus and his companions sprint through the lab and the bustling streets of Celestria Harbor, their hearts pounding with urgency. The crowd parts before them as they weave through the throngs of people, their determination driving them forward. With each passing second, the tension mounts as they race against the clock to reach the other members of the band. Their breath comes in ragged gasps as they push themselves to their limits, the distant sound of the approaching meteor serving as a grim reminder of the impending danger.

Finally, they burst into the square, their eyes scanning the crowd for their friends. Spotting them amidst the sea of faces, they rush forward, calling out to Oriana to join them in completing the song. With a surge of adrenaline, Oriana steps forward, her saxophone ringing out clear and strong as she adds her part to the melody. The music swells around them, filling the square with its powerful energy as they unite in harmony against the encroaching darkness. As the final layer sets in place, there is a brief moment of silence before the sky erupts in a dazzling display of light. The meteor is stopped just inches above the castle, its destructive force neutralized by the combined power of the Celestial Instruments and the unwavering determination of Zalerus and his companions.

With the threat averted, the people of Eldoria erupt into cheers and applause, their faces alight with joy and relief. Meteor Meltdown is reunited at last, and Zalerus and his friends stand amidst the celebration, their hearts full with the knowledge that they have saved their world from destruction. As the tension mounts, Zalerus reveals the shocking truth: the one who sent the meteor hurtling towards their world is none other than Malachi Thorn! Malachi casually admits. He reveals himself to be the Dark Maestro, responsible for the breakup of Meteor Meltdown. He also reveals his own Giant Hyperrealistic thing: A Conductor’s Baton twice his height, revealing that he was also the one who brought the things into Eldoria as a taste of the baton’s power. Malachi's decision to wait five days instead of immediately using his power to control the world was so he could savor the anticipation and fear of impending doom among the people of Eldoria, enjoying the psychological impact of their impending demise. His motive is that of renewal. Our shrew-like ancestors could only rise once the last meteor killed the dinosaurs. Thus it carried to Malachi that another impact would make mankind even stronger. With the meteor now neutralized, Malachi will have to resort to unleashing the power of the Baton to reshape the world according to his twisted vision of renewal. As he begins to enact his plan, chaos ensues, with the very fabric of reality warping and distorting under the influence of his dark magic.

Chapter 10: Malachi’s Final Crescendo

Under Malachi's command, the sky darkens, shrouded in ominous clouds that crackle with lightning. Strange, unnatural phenomena begin to manifest across the land, as if the laws of physics themselves are being rewritten. Rivers flow backward, trees twist and distort into grotesque shapes, and the ground rumbles with the ominous rumblings of seismic activity. The once vibrant and diverse ecosystems of Eldoria are now warped and corrupted, twisted reflections of their former selves. Entire landscapes are reshaped into nightmarish landscapes, where nothing grows or thrives. The once bustling cities and towns lie in ruins, their buildings crumbling and their streets deserted. In this new world, hiding within the meteorite itself, Malachi reigns supreme, his power absolute and unchallenged. With a malevolent grin, he surveys his handiwork, reveling in the chaos and destruction he has wrought. And as the planet trembles beneath his feet, he knows that his darkest desires are finally being realized.

Indeed, with such a diverse and determined group of allies standing by his side, Zalerus refuses to surrender. Despite the overwhelming odds and the seemingly insurmountable power of Malachi, he knows that as long as they stand together, they can overcome any challenge. With the combined strength of his companions, each bringing their unique abilities and skills to the table, Zalerus begins to formulate a plan. They may not be able to match Malachi's power directly, but they can still fight back, using cunning, resourcefulness, and teamwork to turn the tide of battle in their favor. As Malachi continues to reshape the world to his liking, Zalerus and his allies embark on a daring quest to thwart his plans and restore Eldoria. With time running out and the fate of the world hanging in the balance, they must summon all of their courage and determination to face the ultimate challenge and emerge victorious.

Zalerus and his companions, armed with the nine Celestial Instruments, navigate the treacherous versions of the areas they’ve been through before, searching for nodes from which dark energy flows to sustain the corruption. By disrupting these channels or redirecting the flow of energy, Zalerus and his team weaken Malachi's hold on the corrupted areas, as well as the barrier around the floating meteoroid, now Malachi’s palace. Using their combined skills and resources, the team systematically dismantles the dark energy nodes one by one, disrupting the flow of dark energy and causing the corrupted areas to gradually lose their malevolent influence. With each node destroyed, the environment begins to return to its natural state, and the meteorite's defenses begin to falter, freeing the trapped inhabitants and restoring hope to the land. Zalerus and his companions must remain focused and resolute, pressing onward despite the growing dangers and obstacles in their path. Their determination and teamwork will be crucial as they continue their journey through the corrupted palace, inching closer to their final confrontation with Malachi.

​​With the barrier weakened and the meteorite defenses compromised, Zalerus and his companions storm the meteorite, their hearts filled with determination and courage. As they make their way through the imposing corridors and grand halls of the once-majestic palace, they can sense that they are drawing closer to their final confrontation with Malachi. The air is thick with tension as they advance, their senses heightened and their adrenaline pumping. They know that every step brings them closer to the ultimate showdown, where they must face the Dark Maestro and put an end to his sinister plans once and for all. Along the way, they encounter remnants of Malachi's musical forces, fierce adversaries determined to protect their master at all costs. But Zalerus and his companions fight with unwavering resolve, their unity and camaraderie bolstering their spirits and fueling their determination to succeed.

Finally, they reach the heart of the meteorite, where Malachi awaits, his dark presence looming like a shadow over the throne room, Zalerus and his companions steel themselves for the battle ahead, knowing that the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. The time has come to face their greatest challenge yet, and they are ready to give it everything they've got. With courage in their hearts and hope in their souls, they prepare to fight for the future of Eldoria and all who call it home.

In this climactic battle against Malachi, Zalerus and his companions draw upon the power of the Celestial Instruments like never before. As they face off against the Dark Maestro in the throne room of the corrupted palace, the true strength of the instruments is unleashed. Each member of the party channels the unique abilities of each instrument, combining their powers in a symphony of harmony and determination. The Solar Saxophone blazes with fiery melodies, the Lumina Clarinet radiates with a blinding harmony and the Tectonic Drum Kit rumbles with earth-shaking rhythms. It’s the Symphony of Destiny. As the battle rages on, the music swells and crescendos, driving back the darkness and weakening Malachi's hold over the world. With each note played and chord struck, the party inches closer to victory, their spirits buoyed by the power of their music and their unwavering resolve. Though Malachi fights ferociously, his dark magic is no match for the combined might of music, friendship, and redemption. With a final crescendo of sound and light, Zalerus and his companions deliver the decisive blow, shattering the darkness and defeating the Dark Maestro once and for all.

Epilogue: A True Hero

With a defeated sigh, Malachi collapses to the ground, his once-mighty form reduced to nothing more than a mere shadow of its former self. As he lies there, defeated and powerless, he can only watch helplessly as Zalerus and his companions celebrate their victory and begin to rebuild the kingdom he had sought to destroy. In the end, Malachi is left alone, his dreams of conquest and domination shattered by the unbreakable bonds of friendship and the power of music. And as he fades into obscurity, he can only wonder how he could have been so blind to the true strength of those who stood against him. The meteorite shrinks to a rock, Eldoria goes back to normal, and the entire kingdom celebrates, Casolie included.

Indeed, it seems Barley chose right. Zalerus not only fulfilled his potential but exceeded all expectations, rallying his companions and leading them to victory against overwhelming odds. Along the way, Zalerus discovered the true healing powers of friendship, love, and music. His name will forever be remembered by all of Eldoria. To end his journey, Zalerus decides to become the royal musician. Over the next 25 years, he dedicates himself to his craft, using his skills to inspire and uplift the people of Eldoria. As the royal musician, he composes beautiful melodies that resonate with the hearts of all who hear them. As for his partners:

  • Barley becomes a renowned botanist, continuing to study and cultivate various plants in Eldoria. He establishes a botanical garden where he shares his knowledge with the public.
  • Twexkt uses their digital energy to pave the way for new gadgets and machinery that enhance the lives of the citizens.
  • Slim opens his own gymnasium where he trains aspiring athletes and promotes physical fitness and well-being in the community. He became a mentor figure for many young Eldorians.
  • Sgt. Ceph retires from the military and becomes a respected elder in Eldoria, offering wisdom and guidance to the younger generation. He occasionally shares his wartime experiences to educate others about the importance of peace.
  • A.I-nia continues to race in the Scrapheap Cup. She evolves alongside technology, always staying one step ahead of the competition, driving inventors and creatives to keep on innovating.
  • Paznic becomes a beloved gourmet, traveling from town to town and sharing his thoughts of meals. His critiques inspire others to embrace their own journeys and be the best versions of themselves they can be.
  • Princess Melodya assumes her role as queen of Eldoria after her parents’ retirement. She rules with compassion and wisdom, guiding her people through times of prosperity and adversity, supporting Zalerus in his role as royal musician and cherishing their bond for eternity.
  • Calvin explores his newfound freedom and embraces his identity as an individual rather than a feared creature. He becomes an advocate for misunderstood beings around the world, promoting acceptance and understanding.
  • Deslegro roams Papearth, offering their unique perspective on time and history to those who seek their counsel. They become a revered elder known for their profound insights.
  • Tintelline pursues her passion for painting and becomes a renowned artist, capturing the beauty of Eldoria in her vibrant works. She inspires others with her creativity and imagination.
  • Mamnun explores the world beyond Eldoria, using his wings to travel far and wide. He encounters new adventures and makes friends in distant lands, always cherishing his memories of Zalerus and his companions.
  • Cuckone remains by Zalerus's side, serving as a loyal companion and friend. He continues to assist Zalerus in his endeavors, using his mechanical prowess to aid in various tasks

The members of Meteor Meltdown eventually reconcile with Oriana, and they even perform together at various events over the years. However, they never officially reunite as a band. Each member goes on to pursue their own solo careers in the music industry. Some become successful musicians, while others choose different paths. Despite their separate journeys, the bond they shared during their time together remains strong, and they continue to support each other in their individual endeavors. Together, they leave a lasting legacy of bravery, friendship, and harmony, ensuring a bright future for the kingdom of Eldoria and its people. Together, they embrace the adventures and challenges that lie ahead, knowing that with each step, they are writing their own unique melodies in the grand symphony of life. And then the very last scene is Zalerus having recounted the whole story to Prince Cast, his nephew.