Paper Cast

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Paper Cast is a future RPG platformer by Prince Cast in the Loonarin-Verse. It has the player taking control of Cast on his quest to rescue his love interest Princess Edith from Axrus-San, who kidnapped her to provoke her kingdom into starting a global-nuclear war that will destroy mankind. To stop Axrus and rescue Princess Edith, Cast must recruit misfits from all over Cast’s home island Printilia to defeat the Time-Doers, personifications of the Seven Deadly Sins, who were tasked by Axrus to exploit the island to promote the war, as well as free seven elemental mages sealed from their Artifacts scattered across the island.


The story opens with a magical but obscure island called Printilia. Printilia is comprised of eight wildly contrasting cantons, each themed after a different use for paper. The southernmost canton is New Sprint, a timeless New-Yorkesque metropolis, rich in typography and info. Here, in a stately condo lived a lead singer, a classic architect, and their precious son. Little Retool was a picture-perfect child; tender and mild, straight A’s, no real trauma. He had just one problem; while all the other kids knew what they wanted to be when they grew up, he just drew a blank. Nothing really lit his spark, so he was up for anything, anything that would fit his mold. And so, he was named “Cast.” One night, his parents read him a story about Loonarin-San, one of Cast’s world’s “gods.” Being the pessimist he was, Loonarin always felt lonely despite being surrounded and married. So, he created a special gift for special beings, born in his friends' images; fair and strong, aware and passionate. He called this creation "sapience." And mankind was good, as were all sapient races. But one god had none of it, seeing sapience as merely a devastating magnifier of beastly instinct. This was Axrus-San, the God of War. He poisoned mankind's hearts with jealousy, selfishness and suspicion, and war ravaged the planet. The other gods tried to stop him, but only succeeded in enraging him, and he killed them one by one until only Loon and Solari-Chan were left. Standing up for her husband, Solari used her remaining power to stop Axrus, striking such a solar blow that the brutish Axrus was forced to retreat. Loon and the now-weakened Solari were left with only each other. Luckily, over time new gods emerged to hold dominion over aspects of civilization as it evolved from the Stone Age to modernity. But Loon knew that Axrus would one day return to finish his mission. An endless war that will destroy mankind, and Loon with it. So, Loon would eventually give a pure-hearted human the power to best a cosmic entity in combat.

Cast had gone through many jobs in early adulthood and studied everything he could. Currently, he’s stuck with auto mechanic. Feeling so lost, he doesn’t seem to notice the impact he has on his clients who appreciate his kindness. His only friend is Jack, a streetwise 17-year-old newsboy who is a frequent visitor of Cast’s Auto Shop. Growing up, Cast sometimes fancied himself as Loonarin’s chosen one. One day, the news arrives that Princess Edith of the Phoenix Kingdom ran from her hot-blooded family and an arranged marriage to get a moment’s peace. Jack informs Cast that the princess is in New Sprint and persuades him to court her. Cast accepts, and they meet. To both's surprise, they get along well and spend the whole day together having a good time. Then, all of a sudden, an army of little men with all but eyes obscured appears to kidnap the princess. She attempts to fight them off but finds herself outmatched, and is dragged away. A devastated Cast runs back home and, blaming himself for the princess’s capture, cries himself to sleep.

Prologue: Lightning Before The Rest

The prologue begins with Loonarin himself, followed by Axrus, manifesting in Cast’s nightmare to talk to him and each other. Axrus explains that he was the one who kidnapped the princess because her disappearance would drive her kingdom to start an unstoppable nuclear war that would finally destroy mankind. He is also using his stronghold to steal all the world's Wish Energy so he can regain his lost strength, combined with the powers of the gods he killed, to destroy all the sapient races of the universe himself. Loon protests that there is hope, for Cast was the man chosen by Loonarin to defeat Axrus. The cosmic warlord sneers that he has prepared for such revelation.

After waking up, Cast finds New Sprint flooded with the same little army men that kidnapped Edith, called Armites. They are Axrus’s minions and were ordered to patrol every city, town, and village around the world to keep them from acting upon Axrus' plans. Coupled with the loss of Edith, the Armites interfering constantly with Cast’s life (to the point that he can’t even talk to Jack) tug on his emotions so much that he bursts into a rage and punches an Armite. It was the first time he ever hit anyone. This results in the Armites drawing out their weapons to attack, and chasing him through New Sprint. Miraculously, a sharply-dressed blonde man in a top hat arrives to his rescue and fends off the Armites using electrokinesis, but not before Cast passes out. The blonde man carries him to Bottle Alley, a nearby tavern/bowling alley in a downtown plaza.

During a meal, the blonde man introduces himself as Bolt. Although he saved Cast’s life, Bolt proves to be sarcastic, cynical, pessimistic, and unkind. When he asks about Cast, the mechanic attempts to explain what Loon and Axrus told him, but no one believes him. Cast assesses how stressful the situation is - his first female friend was kidnapped, a nuclear war is coming, nobody’s wishes can come true anymore, and he’s supposed to fight a god - and begins to have a panic attack; however, Bolt teaches Cast how to fight as a cooldown method. Axrus’s second in command, Con-Flickta, appears to confirm that the Armites have stopped patrolling New Sprint (because Bolt scared them away), and locks the duo and everyone in the plaza inside by conjuring a time-stopping machine, rendering most objects and certain people unmovable, including the gates. Cast decides to rework the machine, but he has to find his wrench. With Bolt’s help, after a short venture that involves a battle with Edith’s forced fiancé, Zorori - infuriated that Edith would like a nobody more than the Prince of Pranks - Cast finds his Wrench in a history museum and uses it to manipulate the machine to start up time again. Before the journey begins, Cast requests that Bolt join him on his quest, which he begrudgingly accepts on the condition that Edith knights him.

The duo’s quest to save the world begins. After they fight their way through the scurvy downtown, Cast and Bolt announce their adventure to Cast’s parents make their way to the lodging house where Jack and his band of newsies live. After hearing the quest, inspired by making headlines instead of passing them out, coupled with some convincing by the editor-in-chief Katherine, Jack joins them. With his Tattle ability, he can lend anything he knows about their location and the people they face. Through brainstorming and research, they decide on their next stop to be the Sanctum of Light, the resting place of the seven elemental mages who founded Printilia. At the heart of the temple, the trio is confronted with manifestations of the original mages, who are mildly upset that a peasant mechanic is the one to regather their artifacts, which their souls have been stuffed into for thousands of years. They further explain that the dungeons that hold the artifacts are divided among the Time-Doers and that Cast must save and release them. In return, they will use their powers to create the Celestial Elevator, an ancient rocket ship (Cast and company believe it to be a literal space elevator) which will take Cast to the realm of the gods and allow him to reach Axrus. Plus, Cast will be able to activate his Loon-granted power called the Kugelblitz, which will turn him into a Cosmic Entity and allow him to defeat Axrus.

Prologue - Chapter 1 Interlude: Wish Upon a Wish Fairy

Meanwhile, in the realm of the Cosmic Entities, Princess Edith finds herself locked away in Axrus’s stronghold, with no way of communicating with Earth. Heartbroken and not knowing what to do, she wishes hard on the stars for a way to help Cast. To her help arrives Spark, a young Wish Fairy who just recently ascended to the Wishlock’s ranks. Though unable to help Edith directly, he agrees to deliver her one remaining Phoenix Feather, Edith’s magic family heirloom, to Cast and help in whatever way he can. Spark then descends to Earth, going unnoticed by Axrus.

As Cast and Bolt return from the Sanctum, Spark flies into them and delivers the Phoenix Feather, which allows Cast's crew to use Action Commands. Spark also promises to serve as a communicator between Cast and Edith. Upon hearing the news, Cast decides that the adventure will lead to Chateau de Argent, where Wosterade, the Time-Doer of Greed, is exploring the grassland/economy canton of Billin.

Chapter 1: The Manestrel in the Gallery

After leaving New Sprint and temporarily closing up shop, Cast and co. explore Sparrington Meadows. People who say “money doesn’t grow on trees” haven’t been here. The trees have dollar bills for leaves and coins for nuts. The path to the first dungeon is blocked by a field of ouching spikes, and thus inaccessible to the crew, so they take another path to Dolaburg. They see the townsfolk being harassed by both Armites and anthropomorphic ponies for their money, every last farthing. One of the victims is Bubsen, who wants an emerald that will give him tornado powers so he can defend himself. Figuring Bubsen could help them get past the spikes, Cast and Bolt defeat the thieves, but the town’s economy is still in shambles. For consolation, Cast buys Bubsen a fast food meal. Bolt looks at his cup straw and gets an idea. The team asks the jeweler about the gem, and she’s willing to trade it for a special sword so she can gift it to her knight boyfriend. Cast then pieces together Bolt’s plan - they could give the straw to someone who needs it, the recipient will give a token of gratitude, which they can help the next person with, all the way back to the jeweler. The team goes through with it, and they make a long chain of trades, restoring the town’s morale. They eventually gain the emerald. Upon gaining new powers, Bubsen is so grateful that he joins Cast's group.

With the help of Bubsen’s ability, they can clear the field, and Cast is able to reach the Chateau. During his assault on the fortress, he triggers a trap that drops him into a prison cell with Lady Maria, the true owner of the Chateau. She explains that her throne was usurped by Wosterade and her canton robbed in order to finance supplies for the war. Cast busts them all out. Maria returns the favor by joining them with her healing magic. The group travels to the top of the Chateau where they confront Wosterade. He is eventually defeated and knocked off the top into a vat of oil. With the first Time-Doer defeated, Natrelle is released from her Crown and adds her powers to Cast, teaching him the ability to use Focus, as well as her strongest move Blossom.

Chapters 1-2 Interlude: TBD Trapped in her room in Axrus’s Stronghold, Edith remembers that she had more Phoenix Feathers before they were taken from her. -(to be written by Edith)-

After returning to Dolaburg and giving them back their money, Maria reveals a Lounge Bag, which partners can take rests in and the overworld party can be kept to five. With the bag, Cast and Bolt can summon or dismiss their allies when they seem fit. Cast and his friends head towards the train station, where the Callagrain Railroad takes them to the desert/history canton, Foldrem.

Chapter 2: Locked Out On the Sands

Cast’s first train ride is sabotaged by Zorori, demanding a rematch. He’s picked up some new tricks, but still, he is defeated. Cast attempts to fix the locomotive, but as it’s a steam engine, the risks of exploding, especially for someone whose expertise is cars, are far too great. So the passengers have to push the train the rest of the way. Cast and co decide to explore Manilla Desert while they’re on foot. The desert is unstable and crispy, with blood-red whirlwinds only Bubsen can counter. Cast goes to an oasis, and they find and wake a small girl with a peculiar hat and an affinity for origami named Olivia. Though not knowing what she will provide, Cast just finds Olivia so adorable and welcomes her into both his arms and the team.

After crossing Manilla Desert, Cast and Bolt find a settlement called Sheljurid. After some shopping for information, they learn that Volaris’s Scroll is in the base of the Eternal Arcana, where all of Printilia’s history is and has been recorded in real-time. They meet with the Sheriff Cassidy, who asks them to relieve the carpenter Fitz of his duty. As compensation, Cast offers the goofball work elsewhere, and Fitz gladly joins them. In their company, Fitz’s mallet proves useful for activating switches and the like. As they return to the sheriff’s office, Cassidy grants them a key to the Eternal Arcana. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Nagaspark, the Time-Doer of Wrath, has already infiltrated the Arcana, burned all the codexes, and is preventing anyone from coming inside so no one will know what happened before the war, especially what really led to it. He’s set up in the basement, which has an open enough space to take him down. The secret entrance is up on Mount Rolodex but the path up is blocked by a boulder. Inst tells them that they’ll need help from a key master.

Going back to the Oasis, Fitz activates a switch which reveals a Wild West style town where aquatic creatures find sanctuary in the barren wastes. The party sinks down to the town and follow ragtime music into the Squiddy Saloon. The pianist, Naughtacle, turns out to be the “key master” and a proficient bomb maker. When Cast and co fight off penguin bandits, everyone in the saloon is impressed, Naughtacle especially. He agrees to join the party and help with the quest. The boulder is removed and the team scours the mountain. They eventually find the secret entrance, and down into the caves they go. Olivia unlocks the ability to become a giant paper boat to sail across water. Cast and Bolt keep going until they find Nagaspark in the basement of the Arcana. After battling Cast and losing, he passes out, allowing Cast to free the Elemental Mage Volaris.

Chapters 2-3 Interlude: TBD In Axrus’s Stronghold, Axrus-san visits the Princess in her room. He tells her that, with Nagaspark defeated, he now intends to stop Cast by using Fabbi Duck, the Time-Doer of Gluttony, who is allegedly invincible. -(to be written by Edith)-

After reopening the Arcana, Inst is so grateful that he quits bookkeeping and joins Cast and Bolt, wanting to see the world himself. Not wanting to get lost in Wishi Washi Woods, the team takes the air tram to the oriental forest/art canton, Gamiwoxa.

Chapter 3: The Last Theater Kid

Cast and co ride the air tram to Gamiwoxa into the night, and there happens to be a firework show in Kuren-ji, the home of the Thousandth-Crane Theater, their next destination. Unluckily, a firework strikes the air tram mechanism, and the crew falls into Wishi Washi Woods. They cannot leave, as even as they successfully navigate the woods, there are unjumpable gaps on the path to both Foldrem and the Thousandth-Crane Theater. Even Inst can’t make a path. With all exits blocked, Cast, Bolt and friends make their way to a Tengu Village deep within the woods. After gaining the Tengu’s trust with challenges, the raven-men introduce the team to Emito, the only human in the village. She informs them about Fabbi Duck, the threat he poses, and the secret that may be related to his weakness. She cannot stand idly by while the rest of her kind is on the warpath. She also joins Cast and Bolt to immortalize them in manga. With her ability, they can escape the Woods.

The crew continues through the Gachann Glade all the way to Kuren-ji. The people have been robbed of all their food so they’d have to get military jobs just to survive. Through investigation, they find that Fabbi Duck is hiding himself and the food inside a play about a trans man who has to chase his feminine reflection. They need to solve a big puzzle concerning all the available plays in order to get to that play. The wind blows too hard in one of them, and the only person fast enough to overcome it is the semi-famous child actor Calab, about Olivia’s age. The team looks through the town and finds him grounded because he refuses to star in anything other than kaiju movies. He clearly thinks he is more important than he really is until Bolt points out all the other, more grand things Calab could be doing with his fame. In knowing this, he discovers humility and will help the team help his audience, not letting his pride get in the way. Before they can, however, WonderWalt and their comrades steal the show and must be defeated before the party can continue with the plays.

With Calab’s superspeed, Cast, Bolt, and friends venture through the plays and discover Fabbi Duck’s weakness, which happens to be toast. In a cooking mini-game, they make toast disguised as bread before facing off against Fabbi Duck. After fighting him a couple of rounds, they find that it’s his armor, not himself, that is invincible. The crew pretends to yield and trick Fabbi into eating the “bread". With the toast inside his body, Fabbi Duck becomes too fat for his armor and it bursts into pieces, leaving him vulnerable. After his defeat, Fabbi Duck decides to give back all the food and release the theatre-loving priestess Mikayu, whom he had also trapped in the play to further demotivate the artists. Pleased with his success, Calab decides to star in the reflection play as his final role before officially joining the team. The play is a success (the director exaggerates), and at the release party, Mikayu grants the crew Kindra’s Urn, and they release the Mage of Fire.

Chapters 3-4 Interlude: TBD

(To be written by Edith)

Just before the crew goes to sleep, a young woman wakes and takes them near the border between Gamiwoxa and the following, metallic and musical canton, Blairland. Along the way, they are confronted by a still-persistent Zorori, and again he is defeated. The woman introduces herself as Gosrely, and timid as he is, she couldn’t ignore the need to warn them about the next Time-Doer, Glock-N-Spill, the brains of the gang, who is turning the whole theme park into a weapons factory for the war, plus taking every precaution to prevent anyone from stopping him. Luckily, Gosrely is an excellent digger. They’ll need her help getting in before Glock starts blocking the underground. Cast accepts her proposal, and they burrow underneath into a cavern under the border and into the park.

Chapter 4: Small World, Big Guns

On their way to the park, Cast and co find a wider and obscured part of the tunnel on their way to the park. Aboveground, the sound of gunfire can be heard, worrying the party. The party encounters Felicity, Blairland's nurse, who explains that she's been caring for everyone who was injured and that Blairland was shut down a few months ago due to reports of musical monsters scaring guests. Three days ago, a robot spider army attacked the park, with the musical monsters turning out to be on their side, but Cast’s adventure inspired the civilians to fight back. Felicity leads the party to a large metallic door to the infirmary but is unable to open the door, likely due to something sabotaging the only code. They look for another way into the infirmary. Suddenly, loud music begins blaring through the tunnels. The party decides to split up for now but is interrupted when a giant mechanical arm nearly kills Cast and Bolt, the only ones who actually see it. Bolt tries to warn the other party, but they think he's lying to them, and an argument ensues. Cast demands that they get their act together, puts them all back in the bag to resolve their argument, and proceeds on his own.

Along the way, Bolt emerges from the bag, seemingly defeated over something. Bolt reveals that he is an orphan whose parents (and village) were murdered by lightning bolts from a mysterious, white-haired figure, though Bolt survived being struck. Cast then tells Bolt that it with Edith, it was love at first sight, and although he was convinced he could live without friends, he still needed them. This uplifts Bolt and he understands what he and Edith mean to Cast, before hugging him for the first time. He tears away the sheets covering the outer walls in search of electronics and eventually finds a control panel. Although he doesn't know the password, he gains the ability to control the intensity of his electricity. He uses a subtle beam to type every combination possible at lightning speeds until he gets it right. A nearby wall jolts down and the corridor they're in illuminates.

Bolt is then caught off guard by a mysterious noise that appears to be coming from a specific hallway. Following the noise, Cast and Bolt solve a few electricity-based puzzles while trying to ignore the sounds of war above the facility. Somewhere along the way, they catch a glimpse of two women, one resembling a general and the other a priestess, arguing over whether or not to call off the battle in Blairland early. Cast and Bolt ignore them and continue on their path towards the noise. They also find Aushtin, who was captured and locked inside a cellar beforehand. He tags along after Bolt frees him. Immediately after this, they come across another puzzle that serves as an introduction to Aushtin's ability: to reveal hidden objects behind walls or obstacles. They eventually reach a locked door, and Bolt uses subtle electricity to hack into the lock, opening the door. Light from outside shines through, and Cast, Bolt, and step out.

Outside, a looming structure is cutely adorned with faded pastel geometric shapes tainted by thick dust. Another much taller tower can also be seen, with a clock face in its center. Bolt realizes that this cute structure is a twisted version of "It's a Small World." Suddenly, a voice from the speakers greets them, before stating that they've upgraded security significantly after defeating the first three Time-Doers. Cast and Bolt traverse the remains of the buildings, and eventually find the door where they assume their other friends are locked inside. They enter a room filled with conveyor belts and machines. Cast realizes that the whole park is being turned into a weapons factory, and along with Bolt fights off several robotic spiders. Sometime later, Gosrely tells them that she was one of the musical monsters, able to free herself from the robot leader's influence. She also mentions her former friend. Hedwig, who she states is somewhere in the park, and has been rewired specifically to guard it, with his memory panel having been hidden somewhere. Cast promises to let her wish for her friends when they restore the flow of Wish Energy. Gosrely then explains that there are switches hidden all over the ride, and she gives them a map. Each room is a different continent and is filled with traps and guards. There is only one in the clocktower on the other side of the park, which Cast deduces has Hedwig's memory panel, so they decide to split up and take halves of the party. Bolt and Gosrely head towards the Europe room, while Cast works his way to Blairland's Clocktower.

Bolt and Gosrely encounter some instrument-themed monsters and more robot spiders and fight them off, after which Gosrely finds a flower-shaped switch underneath a Swedish red house. Gosrely then remembers that there were switches in the ride that would unlock the Clocktower, which Bolt repeats to Cast through the walkee-talkees they were given earlier. While Bolt, Gosrely, and their half continue through the ride to activate the switches, Cast and his half end up in front of an old theater, named the "Fancy-Free Theater." He overhears some voices from the fountain plaza, talking about a plan of sorts, and sees Shotfirer standing next to the fountain. They seem to be talking about a "mansion girl," and plan to capture and interrogate her. A loud clang is heard from within the Clocktower, and the group runs toward it. Cast avoids Shotfirer, and when the coast is clear, he crashes into the mansion girl from earlier, whose name is Ruby. She seems to know about Edith and asks Cast to follow him. Meanwhile, Bolt and Gosrely solve some more puzzles, all the switches are eventually pressed and Cast, Bolt, Gosrely, and Ruby meet up at the Clocktower, which is now accessible.

Though the Clocktower’s mechanisms are deadly, Cast’s team scales it and receives Shotfirer’s lost memories, and they use Ruby’s parasol to get safely down. However, Shotfirer and the armies have them surrounded. A battle is about to ensue until Zorori barges in with killing intent on Cast, and he and Shotfirer have an argument, distracting them long enough for the memory circuit to be put on Shotfirer, and everything comes back to him. He realizes that Glock-N-Spill turned him into a murder machine and panics briefly over the suffering he inflicted. He then receives a call from Glock-N-Spill and tells the party to find him before walking away. The party races back to the sewers and comes across Glock-N-Spill in a large room with pipes running across the floor. Instead of fighting the party directly, Glock-N-Spill backs off and lets his minions battle for him, their tactics changing with each wave. On the walls, Glock-N-Spill himself dodges the party's attacks with ease, but when he gets onto the floor, the party lands hit after hit on him. When he is defeated, he explodes violently and his minions disperse. Glock-N-Spill had hidden both Felicity and the Shield of Animaetis inside his body; Felicity crawls out of his remains and rewards the Party with the Shield, releasing the fourth mage, Animaetis himself, in the process.

Chapters 4-5 Interlude: TBD -(To be written by Edith)-

With Blairland now free from the control of Glock-N-Spill, the musical monsters still persist (the player has to be able to grind here), but that’s one less problem for the folks. Spark informs the gang about the Mask’s location, but accidentally reveals that Edith is in love with Cast. Overjoyed, Cast fixes up the monorail and the crew ride it to the tropical canton, Noumeaph.

Chapter 5: Cruising for a Squirting

The monorail takes the party to Notall Margin, the signature beach of Noumeaph. Genius is everyday here, and everyday is a beach party. Cast and co meet Lorna, one of the residents of Noumeaph, who takes them on a tour. Some Sea-Torts appear and attack the party, but some are quickly dispatched while the others swim away. They then meet Lucy, a half-human, half-Kraken princess, who is playing volleyball. Her boyfriend Richard headed into the Quetzadrarch Jungle and hasn’t come back in two days, and he never said why. Enlisting to help arrives the resident alpha bitch telepath, Hailey. They’ll need her to find Richard. She’s locked Cast and the party on the beach as leverage to get them to find her rings which she lost on the beach. They reluctantly agree and retrieve the rings. Hailey also joins the crew because she finds Cast attractive.

On the way to the jungle, Lucy warns everyone that something has been pulling people towards the jungle and not allowing them to leave. They suddenly hear a call for help, which they assume belongs to Richard. They arrive at the scene and are disappointed to find that the voice doesn't belong to Richard, but rather an innocent archaeologist with a mustache, strangled by a thorny vine. Suddenly, an old figure falls out of nowhere before spewing toxic gas at the party, shrinking them down significantly. Now the size of bugs, getting back together will take a long time. Cast is caught in a losing fight with a spider(link here) but is saved by a shrunken man in bug armor and a sour green axe. He reveals himself to be Artorias Cade, lost CEO of CADE Inc., lead company in package delivery. Following his lead, Cade regroups with the others at Cade’s miniature base. In his office, Cade had everything, but in the forest floor, he was just another animal, but an insane one. In the same scene, Hailey admits that she is actually of average intelligence compared to other Noumeapheans, and these feelings of inadequacy drove her to bullying. Cade tells the party that if they want to get to normal size, they’ll have to find that old figure. The only flying creatures around are some bees, but this particular hive never listens to anyone. Cade has already tried to convince them to help to no avail and assumes the party will have a better chance. He gives them bug armors to protect themselves, and up the tree to the hive they go.

With Hailey’s power, they find that the bees had a battle with wasps earlier and as such have a critically short supply of nectar and 60 worker bees left. They need help collecting and planning. Cast’s crew helps them out with the nectar and construction (a puzzle in the latter), and the bees allow them to fly on them to the old figure’s hut in a different part of the jungle. The figure recognizes Cade and spews out gas again, thus returning him and the party to normal size. The old figure introduces herself as Lilian and asks the party why they'd want to go deeper into the jungle, which the figure doesn't allow anyone to enter out of precaution. Cast brings the old lady up to speed, and Lilian, enamored by his quest, tells him that she only knows that the artifact is in the deepest part of the jungle, near the foot of Mount Olyssue, but agrees to help and join the party. Then, the archaeologist from earlier is freed and introduces himself as Kolorado. The team heads on deeper into the jungle, finding a seemingly abandoned village, which is really the entrance to the fifth Time-Doer’s base. They solve the puzzle and storm in.

Inside, Cast and Kolorado explore the Halls of Lust, with the former doing most of the work and the latter suffering various injuries and messing up the base’s workings while trying to be useful. In one of the rooms, they find and free Kelvin, a little fire elemental being used as a heat source. Feeling indebted for being rescued, Kelvin joins Cast's group. They also find all the people who were captured, being sexually hypnotized into new soldiers. Deep inside the base, they meet Vivian, the Time-Doer of Lust. Cast defeats her, and she ends up wrapped in her own tongue and extremely dazed, but the artifact is nowhere to be found, and at that moment the base begins to self-destruct. As they flee, Kolorado notices a treasure chest which he presumes contains the artifact they have been looking for. Before the electrified water reaches them, the team grabs the chest and leads the prisoners in the escape from the base. Upon finding safety and opening the chest, they find that it indeed contains Noumeaph’s artifact, Isquire’s Mask.

Chapters 5-6 Interlude: TBD -(To be written by Edith)-

The former captees reunite on Notall Margin, and Kolorado is especially content with the success of his exploration, less so with the fact that Cast must keep the Mask. Lucy unlocks the cart route from the Margin to the cold canton, Torboard.

Chapter 6: What Mr. Cade Would Do

Cast, Bolt and company travel through the Draining Taiga, having another skirmish with Zorori. Along the way, they meet a frail elder named Chillie, who seeks to do something meaningful before he dies, and they agree to bring him in tow. Later, they arrive at the town of Carribikne, where the people are unnaturally finding it impossible to relax. Cade notes that this isn’t the Carribikne he knows, and Cast and co try to get to the bottom of this situation. They explore the town and try to talk to the residents, only to find that each one is panicking over the smallest things, without having the willpower to do something about it. Chillie is also overcome with worry, and the party assumes that the next Time-Doer may have something to do with it, as usual. Only one person in town is immune, and that is Violet, Cade’s ex, who broke up with him over his selfishness. With no audience to sustain herself and the team so close to the finish line, she agrees to join them in the quest.

The party solves some puzzles that require the use of Violet's grappling sash, along with some other party members. They then encounter a patch of some sleeping Armites, seemingly taking a rest after a long day of work. As the heroes approach, Cade accidentally disturbs one, sending the other Armites into a panic due to them sleeping on the job and forming the Energetic Army. Desperate to make up for everything they missed during their nap and avoid punishment from Axrus, they battle Cast and co, but the heroes manage to hold off the Armites long enough to bring their numbers down to critically low levels. The remaining Armites run away to save themselves, but not before warning Cast and his party that the next Time-Doer won't be happy.

The crew makes its way to CADE Inc. HQ,, and find that the employees have also been inflicted by the paranoia, forcing the crew to fight them off and Axrus’s force which has taken over, before reaching Cade’s office. He then reveals the key to the Glazed Museum. Once at the entrance of the museum, they use the key and go in. Their path is interrupted by Prince John, Edith’s brother, seemingly looking to fight, but really having a breakdown over his sister being gone for so long. He needs her, and he begs for Cast to let him help his party on their quest, to which Cast accepts. They continue making their way through the glacial cavern. They eventually find Koriana asleep in her throne. In her sleeptalk, she reveals that the calm emotions of townsfolk were being robbed and put into people of influence so they’d be too lazy to find less violent solutions to the missing-princess conflict. All of a sudden, the skeleton of a D. Rex emerges to fight off the company. The team defeats the skeleton, but it comes back to life as a full creature and the Time-Doer of Sloth, Slumbyrant. Cast’s party defeats him for real, waking Koriana up and freeing Torboard from the panic curse. Neigeld’s Band reveals itself, and the team frees the ice Mage.

Chapter 6-7 Interlude: TBD

-(To be written by Edith)-

In New Sprint, Spark informs Cast that the last Artifact is hidden in Olyssue. To get there, Cast must find the six heavenly gems hidden in the other cantons, which means some backtracking. Gathering the gems and placing them in their slots opens the gates of Mount Olyssue.

Chapter 7: Devil’s in the Hospital

As Cast and co enter Mount Olyssue, Bolt lampshades the interior looking like Hell itself. They sign autographs from perky demon-like residents and meet up with the two bodies of Con-Flickta in the middle of the chamber, while they are seemingly continuing their argument over the upcoming nuclear war and the suffering the Time-Doers have caused so far. They notice the party, with the general summoning Blocker Soldiers and preparing to attack, but are stopped by the priestess, who summons Bolster Soldiers. They bicker yet again over the fate of the party, confusing the soldiers before they settle on using the soldiers to force the heroes away from the mountain. With Blocker and Bolster Soldiers as reinforcements, the two women levitate out of reach, leaving the party to take on their minions. When only a few reinforcements remain, the general and priestess come back down and fight alongside their remaining soldiers by inflicting debuffs on the party. Despite this, Cast and co subdue the duo, prompting both to stomp off to Axrus.

The team climbs the volcano’s caldera, up the smoke funnels, and reaches Odyssion, the heavenly floating city of healthcare. Something seems slightly off about the city - with the sky being slightly redder than usual, and some Armites still hiding within. They decide to take a rest at the Restoration Hospital, but one of the sectors has been temporarily closed due to a swarm of demons infiltrating the hospital to relax, and the party has to chase them out. The demons, not wanting to cause the locals any trouble, leave on their own after a very short battle and scamper back to the volcano, after which the sector reopens. The team heads to one of the areas in the town's outskirts, as the others are blocked off, and encounter WonderWalt again, who apologizes for their actions back in the Thousandth-Crane Theater, stating that they had been blinded by pride before stealing the show, and offers to assist the party with the other Walts. After accepting, the party returns to Odyssion to find information about the (insert things here) blocking the other routes, as well as about the next Time-Doer and where he/she is.

With their goal in mind, the party utilizes various members' abilities to traverse the paths, which all seem to connect to a maze of sorts. As they continue, the sky becomes redder and the locals become concerned. The party approaches the part of town where Rumbert’s Gem would be, but they are blocked by an innocent-looking angel. They do some errands for him, unlocking more areas of the town. By the time they do the final errand, they find the Gem not there, having been taken by the angel in a bid to finally defeat Cast. The angel reveals himself to be Lucifer, the final Time-Doer, of Pride. The team defeats him, and he falls into Mount Olyssue right into a cage. The gang then releases the final mage.

With all the mages released, the team heads back to New Sprint, the mages create the Celestial Elevator, and the team blasts off into the celestial realm.

Chapter 8: A Celestial and Wishful Showdown!

Cast reaches Wish Haven, home of the Wish Fairies, but realizes that none of his partners came with him, and hits his low. The Wishlock comes to reveal to Cast that, while the Kugelblitz is real, his true powers are his all-loving personality and unwavering belief. After some encouraging from the Wish Fairies and the rest of the world, seeing him as a true hero, he finds the strength to continue forward. With the fairies’ help, he travels to Axrus’s stronghold.

In the stronghold, all of Cast’s partners had been turned into monsters based on their worst traits, and Cast has to defeat, rehumanize and regain them one by one inorder to fully explore the castle. He cannot find Bolt, however. After solving puzzles and fighting Zorori one last time in the process, Cast and his team are one hallway away from the princess when they are attacked by Axrus-San himself and a monsterized Bolt. While the company does beat them, the mass of electricity just dissipates and Axrus takes his defeat as a warm-up and decides to kill all of mankind himself, while fleeing to the roof. While saddened and unsatisfied, Cast had one person more important - Edith. He finally reaches her, and in a heartfelt moment the hush about their adventures, and in Edith’s euphoria, she gives Cast his first kiss. That kiss made it all make sense. Cast has discovered what he wanted to be: everything to someone. His spark has been lit, unlocking the Kugelblitz, transforming Cast into the Cosmic Entity of Kindness. With his new power, Cast leads Edith, Spark and the rest of his team to the roof.

To Cast’s dismay, Axrus and Con-flickta have indeed prepared for the final battle. The war lord merges with the Time-Doers, to become an even stronger and bigger monster among gods. Even in Kugelblitz form, Cast cannot harm Axrus, and is about to give up. Then, out of the dark blue, Bolt comes back. He had learned to turn into pure electricity and thus had survived. A remotivated Cast then urges the world to wish for him to win, gaining strength from the wishes. With Bolt’s lightning added to the other seven elements, and with the powers of love, kindness, friendship, and wishes, Cast can cut through Axrus’s new power, using his teammates to counter the war god’s moves he stole from the other gods he killed. After a length battle, Axrus is finally defeated, brought down to human level and his own forces turning on him. Cast returns to human form himself and gives the artifacts to Kolorado on earth, leaving the Mages questioning why he would do that, to which Cast answers that any life without his friends would be empty. Bolt then embraces his new best friend.

Epilogue: Life is A Fairytale

With Edith in his arms, Cast returns to earth, and the war is officially prevented, to everyone’s joy, especially John’s. The company returns her home, and after some convincing, Queen Irene allows Edith’s relationship with Cast. Plus, Cast’s Auto Shop gains a new headquarters in the Phoenix Kingdom so he can still have work. His wish to find his place has finally come true. He uses his newfound power to make more of a difference in the world. As a result of the journey, the wishes of Cast’s partners come true as well:

  • Jack makes the front page of every newspaper and gets a job as a political cartoonist.
  • Busben has grown to be a confident man who can protect Dolaburg.
  • Maria becomes close friends with Katherine, Cassidy, Mikayu, Felicity, Lucy, Koriana, and Saori, and the stress of nobility feels smaller.
  • Olivia is adopted by Cast and Edith and resides in their castle.
  • Fitz now works in the Phoenix Kingdom, and there are still accidents, but less caused by him.
  • Naughtacle retires from cowboying and reignites his true passion: cooking.
  • Inst goes on his own world tour and makes friends in every kingdom.
  • Emito immortalizes Cast’s journey in a manga and starts her own manga company.
  • Calab becomes a real superhero with his super speed, and falls in love with Olivia.
  • Gosrely’s friends, the Clockids, all arrive in her world, curing her loneliness.
  • Aushtin finds true love in the form of a French girl spy.
  • Ruby gets her mansion back and has lots of parties with her royal buds.
  • Hailey goes to college and takes her cirriculums seriously, no longer being judged for her intelligence.
  • Cade gets back together with Violet, who has rediscovered someone she can trust, and they use their wealth to improve the lives of those less fortunate.
  • Lilian adopts and shares her wisdom with Kelvin, whose powers and social life warm up as he finds kids his own age to impress and play with.
  • Chillie dies a fulfilled man, looking forward to see his younger friends in the next realm.
  • Prince John takes more control over his emotions and uses them to fuel hos powers to protect his big sister.
  • With funds from Cast, WonderWalt opens the fast-food chain restaurant he and his family have always wanted.
  • Axrus’s former forces become the Phoenix Kingdom’s force, and thanks to Hedwig/Shotfirer’s leadership, crime disappears overnight. As does most of the cheese...
  • Most of all, Bolt is happy to finally have someone who loves him unconditionally, and swears to never leave him out of his sight.

Several days later, Cast, his partners, and many others receive invitations from Princess Edith for a grand party. After a speech by Cast where he thanks everyone for their collective effort in restoring the peace to the world, the staff credits begin to roll as the scene switches to a parade with nearly the entire cast participating. At the end, Cast goes on his first date with Edith, Bolt third-wheeling, as “The End” appears.

Post-Game, the player can still go across Printilia and the Lunar Void for extra content, plus venture through the Phoenix Kingdom.


For the majority of the game, the player controls Cast and Bolt as they travels through various locations in Printilia. The game is divided into chapters, with each chapter being set in a different canton. Many of these areas contain NPCs and/or enemies. Some NPCs can provide Cast, Bolt and their party with services.

On their way, Cast and his friends must use their various abilities to progress on their adventure. Cast, having a spring in his step so to speak, can jump to reach higher ground or traverse gaps. Early on, Cast obtains his wrench that is used repair or manipulate mechanical objects. Throughout the game, the player will obtain special items that upgrade Cast's Jump and Wrench and give him new abilities. Bolt’s upgrades will be discovered naturally as the story progresses.

At the end of each chapter, an interlude occurs in which the player takes control of Princess Edith. Edith does not have access to Cast's abilities, party members, or inventory. She must obtain one of her Phoenix Feathers in each interlude, all of which are necessary for progressing in their own and future interludes.

Cast and Bolt

Stat Initial value Min. value Max. value Function
File:Cast and Bolt arm in arm.png
Cast and Bolt
File:PC Cast Level Battle Sprite.png File:PC Bolt Level Battle Sprite.png Level 1 1 50 Indicates Cast and Bolt's strength overall. With each new level, the player's HP, MP, and or BP will increase, with a boost of the player’s choice. The Max level is achievable, but requires things that Cast hasn’t thought of yet.
File:PC Health Point Battle Sprite.png Health Points (HP) 10 5 TBD Denotes Cast and Bolt's health. If they reach zero, the game is over.
File:PC Moon Point Battle Sprite.png Moon Points (MP) 5 5 TBD Allows Cast, Bolt and their party members to perform more potent moves.
File:PC Badge Point Battle Sprite.png Badge Points (BP) 3 3 TBD Determine which and how many Badges Cast and Bolt can equip.
File:PC Wish Energy Battle Sprite.gif Wish Energy (WP) 0 0 7 Used to fuel Special Moves. Unavailable until Natrelle has been rescued.
File:PC Star Point.png Star Points 0 0 TBD Denote Cast and Bolt's progress towards the next level. They are awarded after battles and collecting enough of them makes Cast and Bolt level up. Higher levels necessitate more
File:PC Coin.png Coins 0 0 999999 Dropped by enemies, found in many places. They are used to purchase items.
File:PC ???? TBD 0 0 160 Can be found in hidden places or received from NPCs. Cast and Bolt can exchange them for Badges with someone.
File:PC Play Time Sprite.png Play Time 0:00 0:00 999:59 Measures for how long the player has played the game. It has no effect on gameplay.


Item Location Effect
File:PC Work Boots Sprite.png
Cast’s Boots
Available from the start The Boots allow Cast to use the jump command in battle. His jump attack deals 1 point of damage without attack modifiers and hits twice if timed correctly.
File:PC Wrench Sprite.png
Two-Spot Stop Plaza The Wrench allows Cast to repair or manipulate Tier 1 mechanical objects and use the wrench as a weapon in battle. His base wrench attack deals 1 point of damage (2 if timed correctly).
File:PC Steel Toe Caps Sprite.png
Steel Toe Caps
Sheljurid The Steel Toe Caps allow Cast to walk safely on rough terrain as well as increasing the attack power of the jump command to 2 (4 if timed correctly).
File:PC Swiss-Army Appendages Sprite.png
Swiss-Army Appendages
TBD The Swiss Army Appendages allow Cast to repair or manipulate Tier 2 mechanical objects and upgrades the wrench’s attack power to 2 (4 if timed correctly).
File:PC Rocket Heels Sprite.png
Rocket Heels
TBD The Rocket Heels allow Cast to float without a partner’s help for a short time and increase the jump’s attack to 3 (7 if timed correctly).
File:PC Circuitry Sprite.png
Circuitry (upgrade)
TBD Circuitry allows Cast to repair or manipulate Tier 3 mechanical objects and upgrades the wrench’s attack power to 3 (7 if timed correctly).
File:PC Impact Soles Sprite.png
Impact Soles
TBD The Impact Soles allow Cast to use the Ground Pound which can shatter brittle floors and make a shockwave, plus increases the jump attack power to 5 (10 if timed correctly). Certain puzzles or mechanisms in the game world might require the use of the ground pound to solve or trigger.
File:PC Cyber Bypass Sprite.png
Cyber Bypass
TBD The Cyber Bypass allows Cast to repair or manipulate Tier 4 mechanical objects and upgrades the wrench’s attack power to 5 (10 if timed correctly).
File:PC Metal Taps Sprite.png
Metal Taps
TBD The Metal Taps are an optional upgrade that upgrade the boots’ attack power to 8 (16 if timed correctly), prevent slipping on slippery grounds, and allow Cast to tap dance.
File:PC Nano-Assembler Sprite.png
TBD The Nano-Assembler is an optional upgrade is an optional upgrade that upgrades the wrench’s attack power to 8 (16 if timed correctly) and allow the wrench to transform into random weapons in battle. The randomization does not affect the gameplay, it is purely cosmetic and thematic.


Here is a list of reoccurring devices that Cast and Bolt can encounter during their quest. Some of them are beneficial and help the player by making traveling easier, containing items, or making Cast and his friends stronger. Others serve as obstacles and require a specific ability, item, or party member to overcome.

Beneficial objects


Party Members

An important part of Paper Cast is the party member system. You can’t save the world alone. Throughout their journey, Cast and Bolt befriend various people from all walks of life in Printilia who join him on their quest, known as party members. Each party member has an overworld ability that can mapped to different buttons and serves to aid in progressing through the game and exploring Printilia in some way, such as Naughtacle’s bombs or Aushtin's ability to reveal hidden objects. Additionally, party members can aid Cast and Bolt in battle by using various moves, many of which are based on their overworld abilities.

Ranking-up party members

Each party member joins Cast at their most basic rank and can choose from two moves in battle. If the player manages to locate a TBD, they may upgrade one of their currently present party members to the next rank, which increases the damage output of all their attacks and lets them learn a new move.

Partner Info Overworld ability
  • Jack is a charismatic newsboy from Upper New Sprint and an old friend of Cast.
  • Motivated by making headlines rather than hawking them, he joins Cast immediately after he requests it.
  • Joins in: Tesscrall (Cast’s neighborhood)
  • Jack can be give all hot press regarding the area he and the team are standing in at the time. If you’re wondering, just ask him!
  • When this is used while Cast or Bolt face someone else, Jack shares his knowledge or impression of the character.
  • Plus, he can give you a hint or reminder of your current objective.
Jack's Battle Info
(0 MP)
  • Attacks 1 enemy with a theatrical kick.
  • Spiked or burning enemies will injure Jack.
  • Action command: Pressing A just before making contact with the enemy.
(0 MP)
  • Provides information about the targeted enemy type.
  • Displays HP of all subsequently encountered enemies of that species.
Flash Splash
(3 MP)
  • Takes out a newspaper and sprays the ink, damaging an enemy as well as leaving them with a blind debuff.
(6 MP)
  • Same as Acrobanner, but with a serious of theatrical movements leading up to the kick, dealing more damage.
  • Spiked, burning or electrified enemies will injure Jack.
  • Action command: Pressing A on every pose just before making contact with the enemy.
    • Missing a button press cancels the attack.
(8 MP)
  • Tips off the press about a celebrity in the area, leading to a stampede of cameramen and photographers to squash and trample all ground enemies.
  • Bubsen is a humble and hilarious peasant who wants to come out of his shell and do what he can for others.
  • He greatly admires Cast’s confidence and joins him to help him help people across Printilia.
  • Joins in: Dolaburg
  • Kooper withdraws energy from his wind gem and creates a whirlwind in front of him.
  • This ability can attract and grab items remotely or blow away certain obstacles.
Bubsen's Battle Info
Frail Wail
(0 MP)
  • Cowardly looks away while throwing a harming wind.
  • Can only target the first ground-bound enemy.
  • Action command: Pressing A just as he hits the enemy.
Power Wind
(2 MP)
  • Attacks all enemies on the ground.
  • Action command: Holding the Control Stick to the left until the blue moon mark appears, then releasing it.
Dizzy Wind
(4 MP)
  • Targets all enemies on the ground and has a chance to inflict dizziness.
  • Action command: Pressing A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
The Meatloaf
(5 MP)
  • Throws a homemade meatloaf over to one of his teammates for them to eat, restoring 10 HP.
  • Action command: Pressing A before the end to heal 20 HP.
Presentation (7MP)
  • Makes an image of himself taunting the enemies, with a great chance of them targeting him.
  • Maria is a girl of nobility with a strong moral compass, who was thrown into her own dungeon after Wosterade took over her home.
  • She joins Cast as thanks for helping her escape her predicament and because she wants to have his back.
  • Joins in: Chateau de Argent
  • Maria is the medic, and casts a healing aura on the team.
  • The aura arrows them to walk safely over or in toxic obstacles, like poison.
Maria's Battle Info
Noble Slap
(0 FP)
  • Repeatedly attacks one enemy regardless of position.
  • Spiked, burning or electrified enemies will injure Maria.
  • Action command: Tapping Control Stick left repeatedly to fill up gauge.
(3 MP)
  • Casts a small healing spell that restores up to 3 HP of selected team member (upgrades with rank)
  • Can only target the first ground-bound enemy.
  • Action command: Pressing A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Super Cure
(6 MP)
  • Casts a moderate healing spell that restores up to 10 HP or more of two selected team members
  • Action command: Pressing A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Mega Cure
(8 MP)
  • Casts a great healing spell that restores up to 30 HP and 5 MP of all team members
  • Action command: Pressing A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Fan Slap
(9 MP)
  • Repeatedly attacks one enemy regardless of position.
  • Action command: Tapping Control Stick left repeatedly to fill up gauge.
  • Olivia is a curious orphan girl who can turn herself into origami.
  • She suffers from amnesia and can’t remember her past adventure.
  • She joins Cast hoping to find a home.
  • Joins in: Manilla Oasis
  • Olivia has four different giant origami forms, each relating to the four elements.
  • In boat form, Cast and company can jump on her back and ride her through the water.
  • In shield form, Cast can use her to stand his ground and deflect projectiles.
  • In crane form, she can distract enemies with a fiery display (not actually burning up)
  • In snowflake form, she can be used as a set of shurikens to hit things in the air.
Olivia's Battle Info
Paper Cut
(0 MP)
  • Attacks one enemy with a thrown piece of paper regardless of position.
  • Spiked, burning or electrified enemies will destroy the paper.
  • Action command: Holding Control Stick to the left until targeting crosshairs line up with the enemy.
    • Failing the action command causes this attack to miss.
Paper Hat
(3 MP)
  • Olivia crafts a paper boat and places it on a teammate, giving them an extra point of defense until they are hit.
Paper Crane
(3 MP)
  • May remove one enemy from the battle.
  • Bosses and spiked or burning enemies are unaffected by this attack.
  • Action command: Pressing A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Paper Shield
(6 MP)
  • Olivia withdraws into shield mode and protects selected teammate for three turns, temporarily raising their defense by three points.
    • This leaves her unable to make a move for said turns.
Paper Storm
(8 MP)
  • Unleashes a flurry of paper that damages all enemies.
  • Action command: Tapping A and B repeatedly to fill up gauge.
  • Fitz is a goofy carpenter who formerly worked in Sheljurid.
  • He enlists himself into Cast’s team to find a better workspace.
  • Joins in: Sheljurid
  • Fitz has a cartoony mallet which can be used to knock items out of trees and structures and activate certain switches, amongst other things.
Fitz's Battle Info
(0 MP)
  • Smashes an enemy with the Mallet.
  • Action command: Holding the Control Stick to the left until the moon glows.
Pie Throw
(2 MP)
  • Fitz throws a pie into an enemy’s face (if they have one) and has a chance to poison them.
  • Action command: Holding Control Stick to the left until targeting crosshairs line up with the enemy.
Mail Order
(5 MP)
  • Fitz makes an order to CADE Inc and a box arrives which gives Fitz a random buff.
Oil Slick
(6 MP)
  • Sprays oil on the ground, making it slippery for enemies and giving them a chance to fail their attack.
    • Using a fire-related while the slick is in effect will ignite the oil, making a massive flame which will insta-kill most enemies.
  • Action command: Tapping A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Grand Piano
(10 MP)
  • Fitz cuts a rope which will drop a grand piano onto an enemy and their immediate surrounders, instantly killing them.
    • This will not work on bosses or mini-bosses.
  • Naughtacle is a no-nonsense cowboy who went into the music and bomb-making business after cooking didn’t work out.
  • He joins Cast after he proves his feats by driving out a gang of penguin bandits.
  • Joins in: Squiddy Saloon
  • Naughtacle throws a bomb to destroy cracked obstacles, similar to Admiral Bobbery or Bombette in the Paper Mario games.
Naughtacle's Battle Info
(0 MP)
  • Whips out a gun and shoots one enemy regardless of position.
  • The attack ignores the enemy's defense rating.
  • Action command: Quickly pressing A right when the boom is heard.
(2 MP)
  • Targets the first ground-bound enemy and throws a bomb at them.
  • Action command: Pressing A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Power Bomb
(3 MP)
  • Throws a more powerful bomb at the first ground-bound enemy.
  • Action command: Pressing X every time a blue moon mark lights up.
(5 MP)
  • Naughtacle charges forward, leaving a trail of lit dynamite sticks in his wake. As they reach their target, they trigger the explosive chain reaction, dealing massive damage to any enemy caught in the blast radius.
  • Action command: Pressing the appropriate letter button a blue moon mark lights up..
Russian Roulette
(10 MP)
  • An incredibly powerful attack which has a 1/6th chance of killing every enemy on screen instantly (or just dealing a large amount of damage to a boss), or instantly causing Naughtacle to pass out.
  • Inst is a kind ex-keeper of the Eternal Arcana.
  • He joins Cast because he wants to live the adventures he’s read.
  • Joins in: Eternal Arcana
  • Inst has an incredible vocal range, being able sing deep enough to move objects, with unpredictable results.
  • The player will have to use Inst’s ability several times to get the right positions for the situation.
Inst's Battle Info
(0 MP)
  • Damage an enemy by signing badly on purpose.
  • Action command: Spinning the stick wildly.
(2 MP)
  • Encourages a teammate to give them an extra turn.
Relic Song
(4 MP)
  • Has a 10% chance of putting the target to sleep.
  • Action command: Pressing A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
    • Filling up the gauge completely increases the chance to 40%.
(7 MP)
  • Inst mimics an electric guitar, dealing heavy damage to all enemies.
  • Action command: Pressing A Button every time a blue moon mark lights up.
Friendship Ballad
(9 MP)
  • Inst sings a powerful song about the memories the party has shared, giving every a 20% attack buff.
  • Emito is an energetic okatu raised by Tengu.
  • She helps Cast so she can make a manga immortalizing his adventure.
  • Joins in: Tengu Village
  • Emito can harness the earth to make sakura bridges across unjumpable gaps.
Emito's Battle Info
Sakura Breeze
(0 MP)
  • Throw some sharp sakura blossom petals at an enemy.
  • Action command: Holding Control stick to the left until targeting crosshairs line up with the enemy.
(2 MP)
  • Heal a small portion of a teammate’s HP with the smell of sakura blossoms.
  • Action command: Tapping Control Stick left repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Tengu’s Guidance
(4 MP)
  • Removes a distracting debuff.
    • Has a 20% chance not to work.
(6 MP)
  • A rapid barrage of cherry blossom projectiles, each infused with mystical energy, hitting all enemies.
  • Action command: Tapping Control Stick left repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Second Wind
(7 MP)
  • Revive a knocked-out teammate.
  • Calab is a child actor with a rebellious and sometimes rascally attitude.
  • He joins Cast after he teaches him humility, especially concerning the arts.
  • Joins in: Thousandth-Crane Theater
  • Calab can run at superspeed, overcoming strong forces that push against the party, like flowing rivers, or get to places quicker.
Calab's Battle Info
Finger Shot
(0 MP)
  • Shoots lasers from his fingers like guns.
  • Action command: Tapping A to fill up the gauge.
Homing Dash
(3 MP)
  • Calab curls up into a ball and strikes an enemy at hyperspeed.
  • Spiked, burning or electrified enemies will injure Calab.
  • Action command: Holding stick to the left until targeting crosshairs line up with the enemy.
Superstar Form
(6 MP)
  • Calab turns gold and white with a white cape, and he gets a +3 buff to attack.
K-Pop Bop
(8 MP)
  • Get the team into a dance party, restoring 10 MP for the whole party.
Nebula Laser
(10 MP)
  • Shoots a space laser from his chest that will instantly kill any number of enemies
  • Action command: Tapping A to fill up the gauge.
File:Gosrely PC.png
  • Gosrely is a timid and nervous young woman that is not entirely human (this isn’t racist, I swear.)
  • She joins Cast to help him bust into Blairland and because she’ll wish for all her friends to be with her when they restore the flow of Wish Energy.
  • Joins in: Gachann Glade
  • Gosrely can bury herself and her teammates to hide from energy.
    • She cannot dig through metal until she aquires the TBD.
  • This ability can also be used to access underground passageways and reveal hidden treasures.
Gosrely's Battle Info
(0 MP)
  • Wack the first enemy with a shovel.
  • Action command: Holding the Control Stick to the left until the moon glows.
(2 MP)
  • Digs a hole for a selected partner to hide in so they can’t get harmed
  • Using this move renders the selected partner unable to act during their turn.
Monster Relapse
(5 MP)
  • Gosrely reverts to her monster form, a cycloptic ghost with an afro, and may scare enemies from the battle.
  • Bosses and minibosses are unaffected by this attack.
  • Action command: Tapping Control Stick left repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Dirt Flurry
(6 MP)
  • Throws dirt at enemies, not only inflicting moderate damage but also causes a slowing effect.
  • Action command: Tapping A repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Savanna Serenade
(9 MP)
  • Draw upon Gosrely’s Kenyan heritage with a drumbeat that heals up to 7 HP for the whole party.
  • Action command: Pressing all the buttons as they appear.
  • Aushtin is a promiscuous spy for British Intelligence.
  • He joins Cast when he frees him as it’s also his mission to prevent nuclear war.
  • Joins in: Maintenance Tunnels
  • With his special spy glasses, Aushtin can reveal hidden objects behind walls or obstacles.
Aushtin's Battle Info
Flower Chop
(0 MP)
  • Do a karate chop on any enemy.
  • Action command: Tapping A just as Austin hits the enemy.
Judo Chop
(2 MP)
  • Instead of just Flower Chop, attack an adjacent enemy and lower the fake target’s defense by a point.
  • Action command: Tapping B then flicking the Control Stick either left or right.
(5 MP)
  • Using his spy glasses, Austin will reveal an enemy’s weaknesses.
  • This will even work on bosses.
Hypno Tease
(6 MP)
  • Confuse some of the enemies with a sexy stunt meant for women.
  • Action command: Tapping B then flicking the Control Stick down.
Flower Punch
(10 MP)
  • Stuns all enemies and drains their HP for three turns.
  • Action command: Tapping A and B together to fill the gauge.
File:Princess Ruby PC.png
  • Ruby is a somewhat-shy and helpful lady from a faraway mansion.
  • She joins Cast after bumping into and offering to guide him to the Clocktower.
  • Joins in: Blairland Freeway
  • Ruby can open her parasol midair and bring the party floating down safely, also having control over the fall.
Ruby's Battle Info
Royal Punch
(0 MP)
  • Attacks a target with a simple punch, bogged down by dainty elegant gloves.
  • Action command: Tapping A when delivering the punch to throw a second punch.
Red Force
(2 MP)
  • Attacks a target with a blast of red dye, hits foes regardless of position.
  • Action command: Holding Control Stick to the left until targeting crosshairs line up with the enemy.
(5 MP)
  • Protects an ally + Ruby from all attacks and statuses with her parasol for 1 turn
Warm Fuzzies
(8 MP)
  • Gives a teammate a sweet hug, removing any debuffs and granting them 10 extra health.
Double the SSweet
(10 MP)
  • Allows all party members a second chance to attack on 1 turn for the next 2 turns
  • Action command: Tapping B then flicking the Control Stick down.
File:Hailey PC.png
  • Hailey is a vain lifeguard keeping care of the Noumeapheans
  • She joins Cast by blackmailing him and because she finds him attractive.
  • Joins in: Notall Margin
  • Hailey is a telepath, and as such can reveal the thoughts of other people as to gain useful info and intimidate.
Hailey's Battle Info
Psi Blast
(0 MP)
  • Gathers up negative emotions into firepower to hurt any enemy.
  • Action Command: Holding down A until the blue moon glows.
(4 MP)
  • Obtain a random thought and learn something about the attack patterns of an enemy with a chance to give them a debuff.
  • Action Command: Pressing A when lights hone in on the enemy
(5 MP)
  • Hailey distorts an enemy's perception of reality, causing them to attack their own teammates.
Mindmeld Mastery
(6 MP)
  • Establishes a powerful mental link with a chosen teammate, giving both members +2 HP and MP for a short time.
Alpha Aura
(7 MP)
  • Emanates an aura of commanding presence that lowers the enemies’ defense up to 3 points while bolstering that of her allies.
  • Action Command: Pressing A to fill up the gauge.
File:Cade PC.png
  • Artorias Cade is the psychotic CEO of his package delivery company.
  • He joins Cast to find his way back to his office and later because there’s only one world to deliver around.
  • Joins in: Cade’s Base
  • Cade uses his sour axe to cut or chop down obstacles such as vines or trees.
Cade's Battle Info
Axe Chop
(0 MP)
  • Lunge at an enemy with the battle axe.
  • Action command: Holding stick to the left until targeting crosshairs line up with the head of the enemy.
Sour Stun
(3 MP)
  • Uses the sourness of the axe to stun enemies with sensitive palettes.
  • Action Command: Hold back the Control Stick until the bar fully lights up.
Spicy Safety
(5 MP)
  • Gives Cade or a member a fire effect, protecting them from contact attacks.
Executive Order
(8 MP)
  • Cade makes a call to his company and a box arrives in which is a random weapon from a bazooka to a chainsaw.
  • He can only use the new weapon for one turn before it breaks, and he switches back to his battle axe.
Quarter Explosion
(10 MP)
  • Cade channels the frustration and stress of the business world into a powerful, explosive AOE attack.
  • Action Command: Rotate the control stick until the bar fills up.
  • Lilian is a motherly shaman who lived alone in the Quetzadrarch Jungle.
  • Enamored by Cast's quest to rescue his love interest, she decides to accompany him.
  • Joins in: Lilian’s Hut
  • Lilian can shrink Cast and co., allowing them to enter tiny spaces.
Lilian's Battle Info
Staff Swing
(0 MP)
  • Action command: Pressing A just before making contact with the enemy.
Toxic Gas
(2 MP)
  • Poisons enemies for 1 turn.
  • Action Command: Pressing A just before Lilian blows out her gas will poison enemies for 2 turns.
Healing Wish
(5 MP)
  • Heals each member in the party
  • Action command: Timing A presses properly will increase the amount of HP healed.
Bolster Chant
(8 MP)
  • Increases the ATK and DEF stats of every hero in battle for one turn.
  • This attack cannot be used consecutively.
  • Action command: Mashing A will increase the length of the boost, up to three turns.
Fireball Flinger
(10 MP)
  • Action command: Pressing A just as each fireball is fully spawned will increase its size and power
  • Has a small chance to burn an enemy, which increases with luck and the amount of fireballs powered up.
  • Kelvin is an innocent young fire elemental who was kidnapped by Vivian and used as a heat source.
  • He joins Cast after he breaks the heater imprisoning him.
  • Joins in: Halls of Lust
  • Kelvin can cast fire, burning away flammable objects and lighting torches.
Kelvin's Battle Info
Flame Flicker
(0 MP)
  • Emits a small fireball to scorch targeted enemies.
  • Action command: Holding A until the crosshairs line up on the enemy.
Searing Cuddle
(3 MP)
  • Hugs a teammate, embueing them with a fire elemental status.
  • Enemies who touch the teammate will have a burn status.
Ember Dash
(6 MP)
  • Attack all enemies by leaving behind a trail of fire in Kelvin’s wake.
  • Action command: Mashing A to fill the gauge.
Blazing Peek-a-Boo
(7 MP)
  • Disappear in a burst of flames.
  • This will make Kelvin unable to act for 2 turns.
(10 MP)
  • Kelvin conjures a barrier of flames to shield his allies from harm.
  • Action command: Tapping Control Stick left repeatedly to fill up gauge.
  • Chillie is an elderly and infirm cold elemental in Torboard.
  • He joins Cast to do something of purpose in the tail end of his life.
  • Joins in: Draining Taiga
  • Chillie acts as a source of cold to freeze obstacles or water.
Chillie's Battle Info
Frosty Breath
(0 MP)
  • Harm an enemy with some coldbreath.
  • Action command: Moving a cursor with Control Stick and aligning it with the enemy.
(4 MP)
  • Attack all enemies with icicles regardless of position.
  • Fire enemies will be unaffected.
  • Action command: Holding A Button to fill up gauge without letting it overflow.
Icy Rejuvie
(6 MP)
  • Gradually restores health to Chillie and nearby allies over five turns.
  • Action command: Pressing A Button every time a blue moon mark lights up
Cold to the Core
(7 MP)
  • Chillie taps into the depths of his elemental power, releasing a powerful burst of icy energy on the enemies’s side, making the floor slippery and having the same effect as Oil Slick.
  • Action command: Tapping Control Stick to the left repeatedly to fill up gauge.
Arctic Reflections
(9 MP)
  • Creates mirror-like reflections acting as decoys and has a chance to confuse the enemies.
  • Action command: Pressing all buttons as shown.
File:Violet PC.png
  • Violet is a nice yet adamant dancer and Cade’s exgirlfriend.
  • She joins Cast to find new audiences elsewhere.
  • Joins in: Carribikne
  • Violet’s sash can be used as a grappling hook to latch onto and swing from certain points.
Violet's Battle Info
(0 MP)
  • Whip an enemy with Violet’s sash regardless of position.
  • Action command: Holding Control Stick to the left until targeting crosshairs line up with the enemy.
Zesty Zephyr
(3 MP)
  • Creates a powerful gust that sweeps through the battlefield
  • Action Command: Holding down A until the blue moon glows.
Serene Veil
(5 MP)
  • Grants a teammate temporary immunity to debilitating defuffs.
Sands of Time
(7 MP)
  • Turn back the clock to give all party members an extra turn.
Sash Storm
(9 MP)
  • Creates a whirlwind of blurred purple with Violet’s sash, hitting all enemies regardless of position.
  • Action Command: Spin the control stick wildly, then press B
File:Prince John.png
Prince John
  • Prince John is the emotional brother of Princess Edith.
  • He joins Cast’s party because he can’t stand to live without Edith.
  • Joins in: Glazed Museum
  • John can create huge bubbles which will lift the team to new heights they can’t reach without him.
Prince John's Battle Info
Knuckle Feast
(0 MP)
  • Bring punch after punch on an enemy.
  • Spiked, burning, and electric enemies will counteract the contact.
  • Action Command: Pressing A to fill up the gauge.
Eye Scream
(2 MP)
  • John blows bubbles directly in the eyes of the enemies, giving them poison and blindness.
  • Action Command: Hold back the Control Stick until the bar fully lights up.
Bubble Ball
(5 MP)
  • Encases the party in a bubble, temporarily boosting their evasiveness, making enemy attacks miss randomly.
  • Action command: Pressing A Button every time a blue star mark lights up.
Atomic Pop
(8 MP)
  • Breathes Atomic Breath in a bubble, which will float over to a single enemy and do heavy damage to all adjacents.
  • Action Command: Holding A Button until the blue moon mark appears, then releasing it.
Princely Pressure
(9 MP)
  • Channels all of John’s emotions into a magic beam that will most likely destroy all enemies.
  • Does not work on bosses
  • Action Command: Pressing all buttons as shown.
  • WonderWalt is a semi-robotic entertainer initially on Axrus’s side.
  • After some self-reflection and changing to good, he joins Cast.
  • 'Joins in:’ Odyssion
  • WonderWalt leaves a piece of mirror as a point of teleportation.
  • On command, the party can teleport back to that mirror instantly.
WonderWalt's Battle Info
Card Trick
(1 MP)
  • Attacks one enemy with several cards, which has a rare chance to confuse an enemy for one turn.
  • Action command: Spinning the stick rapidly while the cards are spinning.
Party Puppet Poppers
(3 MP)
  • Whistles for a flock of hand puppets to hit all enemies for minor damage. The next turn, the puppets will attack again just before the enemies attack. This move cannot be used consecutively.
  • Action command: Mashing A while WonderWalt is whistling increases the number of puppets summoned, and with it how much damage is dealt.
Masks of Power
(5 MP)
  • Either boosts the ATK of all teammates or lowers the ATK of all enemies.
  • Action command: Pressing A with good timing increases the power of the buffs and debuffs.
(7 MP)
  • Begins a quick cooking minigame, and fully heals a party member.
  • Action command: Pressing A with good timing.
(10 MP)
  • WonderWalt summons the rest of the Walts for an all-out attack and may dazzle all enemies hit, forcing them to skip their next turn. WonderWalt must rest for one turn after this.
  • Action command: Depending on how much the stick is spun, up to 7 Walts can be summoned. The number of Walts summoned by this attack will affect how much damage is dealt and the chance of enemies being dazzled.

Battle System

Paper Cast, like its inspiration, uses a turn-based side-view battle system. Enemies are visible on the overworld and initiate a battle if the player makes contact with them. The manner in which this happens also determines whether the battle starts in Cast's or the enemies' favor; successfully attacking an enemy on the overworld nets Cast and Bolt a preemptive hit on an enemy, referred to as a first strike, whereas getting hit by an enemy attack gives the enemy a free turn to damage Cast or Bolt before the fight starts proper.

On the battle screen itself, Cast, Bolt and three party member of their choice find themselves on the left side of the screen, with the enemy group occupying the right side. What kind of enemies our heroes face is determined by which type of enemy started the battle on the overworld, with several different formations being possible.

To win a battle, the player must eliminate all enemies on the opposite side, either by defeating them or by making them run away. An enemy counts as defeated if their Health Points (HP) are dropped to zero. Likewise, if all the player members' HPs drop to zero without a reviving item in their inventory, the battle is lost. The player can keep track of Cast's HP and various other stats with the battle statistic on the top side of the screen.

During battle, the player and the enemies take turns attacking. The damage an attack will do is determined by the attack's power minus the target's defense rating. During the player's turn, Cast and the currently active party member each get an action, the order being changeable by pressing .

Cast and Bolt's actions

Cast's main attack options always fall into the two categories of “Wrench" and "Jump". The condition of the targeted enemy may make one or both of these options either inaccessible or inadvisable. Wrench attacks have a limited range and can only attack the first ground-bound enemy of a group. Jump attacks on the other hand can reach past enemies standing in the way, or attack enemies flying out of reach, but jumping on a spiked or otherwise hazardous foe cancels the attack and makes Cast take 1 HP of damage.

As for Bolt, his options lie in "Lightning" and "Jump.” The jumps are the same for him. Lightning has a longer range than the wrench and can damage any enemy of the player’s choice. It also can bust through enemy defenses the wrench can’t. A player may be tempted to use the Lightning more, but there are instances when it won’t work, such as when an enemy is only susceptible to physical damage. A basic shot is Bolt’s main attack, whereas more impactful attacks are in his special move list.

Wrench, Jump, and Lightning attacks all can be customized by outfitting Cast and Bolt with certain Badges. Custom attacks usually consume Moon Points (MP) and cannot be used if the required amount is not available.

Once unlocked by finding the correlating Elemental Mages, Cast and Bolt are also able to use non-electric elemental moves. These can have a wide variety of effects depending on the move used, but all of them consume a certain amount of Wish Energy (WP). Cast's WP is represented by a series of colored bars at the top of the screen, and each bar equals one unit. A small amount of WP is regained with each turn, but more may be restored by using the Focus command.

Aside from lightning, wrench and jump attacks or special moves, Cast and Bolt can also use items from their inventory, do nothing, or attempt to run away. During an escape attempt, a bar appears that may be anywhere between empty and completely full, depending on the number and level of enemies. The player can slowly fill the bar by repeatedly tapping . While escaping is in progress, an indicator slides back and forth between the right and left side of the bar until it stops. If it stops on the filled portion of the bar, the escape attempt is successful and the party returns to the overworld (while losing a few coins in the process). Otherwise Cast and Bolt waste their action and the battle continues.

Party Members’ actions

The party member's options are more limited than Cast and Bolt's, but can be increased by equipping Badges. Under normal circumstances, a party member can either attack, use an item, or do nothing, the latter of which skips their action. Depending on their rank, a party member can have up to five moves in their repertoire. At least one of these attacks is always free to use, whereas other, more potent attacks cost Flower Points.

Unlike Paper Mario, the party members have their own HP and MP pools. Special care has to be taken with party members who use physical attacks, because they are susceptible to some of the same hazards as Cast and Bolt's jump command, which means the party member can get injured by using the wrong move on certain enemies.

Only three parties member can be used during battle, but any currently active one can be swapped out for a different party member during battle. This uses a turn unless the Quick Change Badge is equipped.

Enemy action

After all the good guys have taken their actions, all able enemies will then attack one after another. In most cases, enemies will target Cast and Bolt, but some attacks can hit the party member, either separately or additionally to Cast and Bolt. It is crucial to note that all of Cast's party members have their own health pools.

Once all enemies have attacked, the current turn ends and the next one starts from the beginning again, with the player choosing Cast, Bolt and their party member's actions.

Status effects

Some items and attacks afflict their targets with conditions that affect their battle performance. In most cases, these status effects are temporary and the number of turns they will last is denoted along with an icon that indicates what the status effect is. Status effects only apply in battle and wear off once the player returns to the overworld.

Regular effects

Unique Effects

Action Commands

After Cast receives one of the Phoenix Feathers at the entrance of the Sanctum of Light, the player is able to use action commands in battle. From then on, whenever Cast or his party member execute an attack, a prompt shows up and input from the player is required. If the action command is successful, attacks will do bonus damage or have other additional effects.

Likewise, if during an enemy's turn the player presses right before an attack connects, Cast will guard against it and the damage will be reduced by 1. Additionally, if an enemy attack would cause a status effect, successfully guarding against it cancels the effect.

End of battle

Once all enemies have been eliminated, Cast receives experience in the form of Star Points. The amount of Star Points received depends on the levels of the defeated enemies as well as that of Cast and Bolt themselves, and may be anywhere between none and TBD. Whenever Cast and Bolt’s Star Points count reaches the max, their levels increase by one and the player gets to choose whether to boost an increase to Heart Points, Flower Points, or Badge Points. Once the level is maxed out, it is impossible to give further points to any specific statistic.

After the battle ends, the game shifts back to the overworld. The enemy that triggered the battle disappears and leaves behind coins, hearts or flowers that restore HP and MP respectively, or items. Speaking off..


Items in Paper Cast come in two categories: Regular and Key.

Regular items are helpful goodies with a variety of effects, like restoring HP or MP, or dealing damage to enemies. This type of item is commonly sold in shops. They also occasionally get dropped by defeated enemies, can be found in ? Blocks, or acquired by having TBD cook.

Initially, Cast can carry up to ten of these items, and they can be used by pressing Y, with upgrades to the max along the way.

Key items are unique objects that are used to progress through the story, or for the completion of sidequests. They are listed separately from regular items and do not affect Cast and Bolt's carrying capacity. If a situation requires a key item and Cast and Bolt have said item in his possession, a prompt shows up and the item can be given away. Key items stay with the team until they are needed; They cannot be dropped, sold, or stored.

Elemental Mages and Special Moves

Special Move Mage Chapter Boss Effect
(1 WP)
File:Natrelle PC.png
Chapter 1:
The Manestrel in the Gallery
Wosterade Restores 20% of all HP and MP.
Dizzy Dust
(1 WP)
File:Volaris PC.png
Chapter 2:
Locked Out on the Sands
Nagaspark May put enemies in dizzy effect for a few turns.
(2 WP)
File:Kindra PC.png
Chapter 3:
The Last Theatre Kid
Fabbi Duck Deals thrice Cast’s maximum attack damage to all enemies, ignoring defense.
(2 WP)
File:Animaetis PC.png
Chapter 4:
Small World, Big Guns
Glock-N-Spill Doubles the team’s defense for a short time.
Soothing Sea
(3 WP)
File:Isquire PC.png
Chapter 5:
Cruising for a Squirting
Vivian Completely heals and removes all debuffs on the team.
(2 WP)
File:Neigeld PC.png
Chapter 6:
What Mr. Cade Would Do
Slumbyrant May freeze all enemies for a few turns.
Earthen Disperse
(3 WP)
File:Rumbert PC.png
Chapter 7:
Devil’s in the Hospital
Lucifer Sends a shockwave that may wipe all enemies from the screen.

Enemies and Bosses

Main Page: Paper Cast bestiary

Chapter Bosses

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The game's most recurring boss, Zorori has his own theme music and subplot, and as such is treated separately from standard miniboss encounters.

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Boss Helpers

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Regular Enemies

Enemy Heart Points Attack Defense Location
2 1 0 All


  • A majority of the story and characters were written and made respectively by Prince Cast, with Loonarin-San helping with minor details in some chapters.