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Printilia is an island in the Loonarin-verse. It is the setting of Paper Cast.

Places of Interest

New Sprint

The timeless New-Yorkesque canton at the very south.

  • Times New Roman Residence - The condo in which Cast’s parents live.
  • Tesscrall - Cast’s home neighborhood. It serves as the main hub game's central hub and gives Cast and Bolt a place to return to after every chapter.
    • Cast’s Auto Shop - The modest home and workplace of said hero.
    • TBD
    • TBD
    • TBD
  • Two-Spot Shop Plaza - The plaza downtown where it all began.
    • Bottle Alley


The grassy, Germany-flavored canton northeast of New Sprint.

  • Sparrington Meadows - A lush grassland sporting Dollar Trees.
  • Dolaburg - A quaint village with a strong economy.
  • Chateau de Argent - A castle that was once home to Maria but was taken over by the Armites before the events of Paper Cast.


The desert canton to the east.

  • Manilla Desert - A vast, arid desert with giant folders sticking out like rock formations.
    • Callagrain Railroad - The train track leading from Dolaburg to Sheljurid.
    • Manilla Oasis - A patch of greenery and rest among the desert.
      • TBD - A Wild West town hidden in the oasis.
        • Squiddy Saloon - An underwater saloon where the team recruits Naughtacle.
  • Sheljurid - A melting pot of a town famous for the Eternal Arcana.
    • Eternal Arcana - An ethereal library that has recorded all of Printilia’s history, including its recent history.
  • Mount Rolodex - A rocky offshoot of Mount Olyssue.
  • Circle-Back Cavern - The hidden underground back entrance to the Eternal Arcana.


The northeast forest canton that just screams oriental.

  • Wishi Washi Woods - A dark forest where yokai live and people have lost their ways and lives.
    • Tengu Village - A reclusive village populated by mysterious and foreboding Tengus.
  • TBD - A Japan-styled city of the arts.
    • Thousandth-Crane Theater - An enchanted theater where wishes are said to be put to stage.


Ore-al Marsh - A swamp known for unusually having large amounts of ores under the murky waters.


