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Sadina is a minor character in the Loonari-Verse.


Sadina is a pale-skinned teenage girl with long, messy black hair and beady black eyes. She wears a tattered female school uniform consisting a pale yellow shirt, a blue skirt, and a blue uniform scarf with a red bow. She has light gray stockings and black shoes, and has a red bow on the back of her head. She often has a knife or some orher weapon on hand, and is covered in blood stains from her victims, which she sometimes licks to satisfy her cravings.


Sadina is chaotic and unpredictable, being docile at one moment, and attacking ruthlessly the next. She is generally considered to be insane, as she often mutters to herself or carves letters with her knife, although she is able to think clearly most of the time. However, she has a soft spot for Neghoultive, her love interest.



Sadina's name comes from sadistic or sadism.


  • Sadina is the first (and currently only) character in the Loonari-Verse so far to confirm a fact about another character, that being Inkabelle.
  • Sadina was coincidentally designed on the same day that the demo for Five Whole Nights at Mia's came out, despite having no relation to that game.


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