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Inkabelle is a member of the Chaos Children, and a minor character in the Loonari-Verse.

There exists a fusion of Inkabelle and Fitz-Ditz named Fitzabelle.


Inkabelle is a grayscale, humanoid toon. She has black, pie-like eyes, puffy black hair with a detached cowlick that has a round tip, and wears a gray hat with a white band. She wears a white bowtie, a dark gray dress, and gray shoes with white soles. She has white gloves, and a black-and-white pattern on the bottom of her dress and sleeves. She uses rubberhose-style animation, and her main weapon is a cartoon mallet. It's possible that she doesn't have vocal chords, since she never speaks.


Inkabelle has a mysterious personality due to her inability to speak. However, she is shown to be friendly and outgoing, and loves giving people a good laugh, much like Clownario, her boyfriend. She also likes to watch rubberhose cartoons and draw inkblot-style doodles herself, two hobbies she retained from her time as a human child.

Powers & Abilities

  • Melting: Inkabelle can melt herself into an ink-like substance, and reform her body at will.



  • In an RP, Sadina stated that Inkabelle doesn't have vocal chords.
    • Since Inkabelle did have vocal chords when she was alive, and therefore was able to speak, this implies that she had apparently somehow lost them upon being revived. Once this happened, Inkabelle ranted silently at Sadina, implying that Inkabelle wanted the cause behind her inability to speak to remain a secret.
    • However, this isn't canon, so it's unknown whether Inkabelle truly has vocal chords or not, or if she wants the answer to remain a mystery. Despite this, she still allows herself to speak in her cartoons.


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