Task 1 (FWNaM)

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Task 1 is the first task in Five Whole Nights at Mia's.


"In this task, you will have to fix the building's pipes. To do so, you must turn the valves on the broken pipes to remove them, then take working pipes from the toolbox so you can tighten them back. Be careful, however, because you're not alone. You can press S to turn around, and Z to use your flashlight. If you hear footsteps, search for whoever's out there and shine your light on their face until they go away. Keep an eye out for something small and mischievous while you work, too…"

- Task 1, Tips


Task 1 take place presumably in a part of the building's basement with many exposed pipes. In the space in front of the player, there are three visible pipes with rusty parts and a single valve on each, with the valves beings the focus of Task 1. There is also a toolbox that can be opened once the rusty pipes are removed, revealing three cleaner and newer pipes inside. In the space behind the player, a few more exposed pipes can be seen, along with a computer with a sticky note on it, and a drawing of Mia on the wall behind a pipe.


The player must first loosen the rusty pipes by clicking on holding on the pipes' respective valves to turn them. After each rusty pipe has been removed, the player must then click on the toolbox to open it, and click on it several times to place the clean pipes where the rusty ones once were. After that, the player must click and hold on each valve to tighten the clean pipes. The player can also press S to turn around.

Hopson and Baker Barbara, however, are also active, and will appear on the left and right sides respectively of the space behind the player. When they do this, they will make quiet footstep noises, and the player must turn around and shine their flashlight at their faces to prevent them from attacking. They will become slightly more aggressive once the rusty pipes are removed. Rob will also start appearing afterwards, rising up from three of the four corners of the front view (with no audio cues). If the player does not click on him to slap him away, he will drain the entire flashlight's battery, leaving the player vulnerable to a jumpscare from Hopson or Barbara.

Strategies & Tips

None so far.


Note: Enemies not present are not active on this night.

Image Character Mechanic First becomes active:
FWNaM Hopson icon.png Hopson Appears on the left of the space behind you, can be warded off by shining the flashlight on him. At the start
FWNaM Barbara icon.png Baker Barbara Appears on the right of the space behind you, can be warded off by shining the flashlight on her. At the start
FWNaM Rob icon.png Rob Appears on three of the corners of the front view, click on him to stop him from temporarily disabling the flashlight. After the rusty pipes are removed


  • Tasks 1 and 2 are the only tasks available in the demo.