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Trampa is a minor character in the Loonari-Verse. She was originally one of the inhabitants of Loonastia, before being warped forward in time to New Vella along with a few others.


Trampa is a large Jumpshi that resembles a human adult. Compared to ordinary Jumpshi, she is much larger. She has a purple cap with a gold rim, a blue soul flame on top, a talisman, and short, wispy, purple hair. She has yellow eyes, with her right eye usually covered by her hair. She often has an ominous expression, and her eyes glare when angry or excited.

Trampa wears a long-sleeved, purple shirt with blue soul flames on her shoulders and a pendant on her neck. She wears a long cloth over her shirt with soul flame decorations and long, purple pants. Her extremities have gold, zigzag patterns on them. Lastly, she has purple shoes.


Although she initially appears threatening, Trampa is actually a kind, compassionate, and somewhat childish Jumpshi. However, she has a tendency to go on rampages when angered or excited.

Powers & Abilities

  • Jumping Ability: Trampa, being a Jumpshi, mostly moves via hopping, and can jump great distances.



  • Trampa may be partially inspired by Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers.


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