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Bosses are very strong and typically large enemies that are usually fought at the end of a level or world. When a boss appears, players may not progress until said boss is defeated.

Fighting bosses

Bosses have various attacks that they can use to damage the player, and many can be damaged at almost all times. Some bosses may possess attacks hat make them invincible for a short period of time, usually when their attack is finished. When a certain amount of a boss's health is depleted, they will often change attack patterns or become more erratic.

Weak Spots and Vulnerable Periods

Weak spots are specific areas on some enemies or bosses that must be hit to hurt or stun said enemies/bosses. Weak spots can be either the only vulnerable area on an enemy or boss, or a source of extra damage. "Vulnerable Periods," as Loonarin-San calls them, are a short time period when players have the opportunity to inflict damage on a boss.

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List of bosses

Luno-Kun’s Adventure

Image Name Boss Of:
Hatter Wolf Fancy Forest
Miss Haidoo The Desert Mines
Bouncy Coil.png
Bouncy Coil Tontoy Playroom
Captain Heftyarms Isometric Isles
Yamagaki Haunted Tundra
Magic Ian & Tricksie Paradon Park
Rose Prettybreeze Sky-High Tower
Handy Hatterson.png
Handy Hatterson Handhat Mansion
