Fleurex Boomer

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Fleurex Boomer is an unusual Kabloomhat among the higher ranks of the Handhat Gang. In Luno-Kun's Adventure, she, along with Gripocles, is one of the two mini-bosses exclusive to the first and second demos of World 1, and was scrapped from the full game since Loonarin-San decided against including their levels in the third official demo and beyond.


Fleurex Boomer is a regular Kabloomhat with distinct traits, such as her white eyelashes and a tanuki tail. Her hat also has a blue, zigzagging band on it.


Fleurex Boomer has a jovial, carefree personality, and takes enjoyment in causing trouble.


Luno-Kun's Adventure

Fleurex only appears in the second demo, featuring a more complete version of World 1, at the end of Gentle Garden. She asks Luno if he wants a bomb sandwich, then her fight begins.

During the fight, Fleurex Boomer will jump from one side of the arena to the other. Once she reaches one side, she will pull out a bomb and throw it to damage Luno. The bomb can be thrown back at her with the Moonrang before it reaches the ground to deal great damage to her.

Once Fleurex's health drops below 50%, she will spin around during her jumps and throw bombs mid-air. Then, she will throw three bombs in a row at different parts of the arena. Afterwards, she will continue her regular attack pattern until she is defeated.


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