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Gripocles is a Grabhat that ranks high in the Handhat Gang. In Luno-Kun's Adventure, he, along with Fleurex Boomer, is one of the two mini-bosses exclusive to the first and second demos of World 1, and they were scrapped from the full game since Loonarin-San decided against including their levels in the third official demo and beyond.


Gripocles is an elderly Grabhat, and is distinguished by his darker coloration, white mustahce, and monocle.


Gripocles appears to be quite loyal to Handy Hatterson.


Luno-Kun's Adventure

Gripocles only appears in the first and second demos, both featuring only World 1, at the end of Woody Jungle. He suddenly appears in front of Luno and the Paper Puppet (an early version of the Moon Fairy), states that he is a member of the Handhat Gang, and challenging Luno to a battle.


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